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Chapter 1351 Going to Sichuan and Shu

When the airship and hot air balloon first entered the city, many people came out to watch it.

Before Hai Dongqing appeared, airships had also visited Xiangwang City, and the people were not very afraid.

But when the airship dropped grenades, many people were frightened.

Then they discovered that the airship was attacking the Royal Forest Army and did not harm anyone else at all. The people gathered in twos and threes to watch the fun.

"The Royal Forest Army will be in trouble now!"

"No, those big birds have been flying above the Imperial Guards for so long, and have thrown down so many divine thunders and altars of fire oil. If not all the Imperial Guards are dead, most of them will die!"

"These overlord soldiers come to my store every day to eat and take away money, and they never give me money. They should have died long ago!"

"And Prince Xiang, he deserves to die too!"

"You keep your mouth shut. Criticizing the king is a capital crime!"

"What are you afraid of? We have been neighbors for many years. Who will tell anyone? Besides, I'm afraid there will be no King Xiang in the future!"

"How to say?"

"Not only the Royal Guards, but also the Imperial Palace was attacked by the Zhenyuan Escort Agency!"

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. The old Zhang family next door to me has a daughter who works as a maid in the palace. She ran back just now and said that people from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau broke into the palace and blew up the palace walls!"

"This girl is so confused. Even if the palace wall collapses, she can't run home. Wouldn't this bring disaster to the family?"

"How to say?"

"A new king replaced the old king. The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau drove away King Xiang. A new king will definitely be established, but no matter the new king or the old king, someone has to serve him. After the people from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau took over the palace, the new king counted the number of people and found out when the time came.

If she runs away, someone will definitely be sent to her house to look for her!"

"No, the daughter of the Zhang family said that the people from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau let her run away. At that time, the people from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau even shouted and recited some slave release order, saying that they would destroy the slave registration documents when they returned, so that the eunuchs and maids should not worry.

, just do whatever you need to do when you come back, not only the Zhang family’s daughters, but also almost all the eunuchs and maids in the palace have escaped!”

"What is the manumission order?"

When Jin Feng implemented the slave liberation order, it was only carried out in the capital area. Before it could be extended to Xiangdi, the fourth prince usurped the throne.

While the people were discussing the slave manumission order, they discovered that the hot air balloons and airships dispersed, dropping leaflets downwards.

The leaflets were flying everywhere like snowflakes. Not to mention that the Imperial Guards were bombed and the soldiers fled. Even in the past, they could not stop the people from picking them up.

Although most of the people are illiterate, who doesn't know one or two literate people?

A middle-aged man took the flyer and ran to his neighbor's house.

The neighbor's eldest son is a scholar. He passed the exam last year and became a scholar. He is a celebrity in the surrounding area.

"Four Purities and Four Purities, you are a scholar, take a look at what is written here?"

The middle-aged people shouted and rushed into the neighbor's yard.

When I entered the courtyard, I found that there were already many people standing in the courtyard, and everyone had leaflets in their hands.

"Uncle Maocai is here too?"

There was a young man standing in the middle of the yard. Although his clothes were patched, his waist was straight and he said with a smile:

"It says that Mr. Jin Feng led the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to defeat the party members in the north, and asked the powerful landlords under King Xiang not to oppress us people, otherwise when Mr. Jin comes with the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, they will settle the accounts with them!

Mr. Jin also said that when the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau calls, he will let the people make the decision and return the land that the landlords have occupied to the people!..."

Every time he said something, the people below became more excited.

By the time Sihai finished speaking, many people's eyes were red with excitement.

Their life has been really hard these years, and now someone is finally willing to make the decision for them.

Of course, this is not Sichuan and Sichuan after all, and there are still many people who don't know about Jin Feng and Zhenyuan Escort Agency, and don't believe the contents of the flyers.

"Sihai, you are a scholar and well-informed. Who is Mr. Jin you just talked about? Didn't you speak too loudly?"

asked a hunched commoner.

"Third Master, you don't even know about Mr. Jin Feng and the Zhenyuan Escort Agency? Do you know about last year's New Deal?"

Last spring, Jin Feng persuaded Chen Ji to implement the New Deal in the capital. Although the vassals resisted in every possible way, the imperial edict was issued. Even if they were not happy, they could only post the contents of the New Deal on the bulletin board at the city gate.

It's a pity that the New Deal was only implemented for less than half a year. The fourth prince usurped the throne. Then the vassals in various places established themselves one after another, and the New Deal was abolished.

Although the New Deal was only implemented for less than half a year, and during the implementation period, it was tightened by local dignitaries, but for the people, the New Deal still gave them a few months of breathing space.

Most importantly, the New Deal also gave them hope.

"I know about the New Deal, but what does it have to do with Mr. Jin?" the old man asked.

"Third Master, the New Deal was issued by Mr. Jin after he persuaded His Majesty the Emperor when he was an official in the capital..."

The young man once again shared Jin Feng's past with the people around him.

In his words, his admiration for Jin Feng could hardly be concealed.

Before King Xiang became emperor, he did not prohibit storytellers from praising Jin Feng's deeds, nor did he prohibit the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce from doing business in Xiangdi.

Ordinary people didn't know much about Jin Feng, but Si Qing was a scholar and had heard of Jin Feng for a long time. He also went around collecting Jin Feng's poems with a group of scholars.

They couldn't afford soap, so they pooled their money and hired a man to go to a brothel to find excerpts from soap boxes.

When seeing hot air balloons and airships today, many people panicked, but there were also many people who were as excited as Si Qing.

When all the neighbors in the yard left, Siqing turned to look at his parents: "Dad, Mom, I want to go to Sichuan and Sichuan!"

"The world is so chaotic now, why go to Sichuan and Sichuan?" my mother asked worriedly.

"Mr. Jin said on the flyer that a school was held in Sichuan. After going to the school to study, we can form a workers' and peasants' federation when we come back. When Mr. Jin comes over, I can give priority to land selection and can also be an official!"

"Then what if Mr. Jin can't fight, you will become a rebel!"

"No," Siqing pointed at the hot air balloon in the sky and said, "Mom, look, this is the weapon made by Mr. Jin! Who can stop this kind of weapon? Sichuan and Shu are not far away, Mr. Jin

I’ll definitely call you!”

"Then wait until he calls!" The mother was still unwilling.

"Mom, Mr. Jin is in a prime position to employ people now. You can only make contributions now if you go here. When Mr. Jin calls, you won't have a chance!" Sihai said. Bayi Chinese website

"My dear, just listen to your child this time."

The father, who had always been honest and dull, spoke up: "The child has grown up and understands more than us. Let him go!"

The people of Xiangdi are almost unable to survive under the pressure of the powerful landlords. If they let their children go out and explore, they might still have a way to survive!

The same thing happened all over Xiangwang City.

In the following time, countless people from Xiangdi left their hometowns and traveled across the mountains and ridges to Sichuan.

This chapter has been completed!
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