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Chapter 1353 Disagreement

Since the rise of Jin Feng, the development speed has been too fast. In less than two years, it has occupied the entire Sichuan and Shu.

No, to be precise, it took Jinfeng more than a year to develop Xihewan and Jinchuan in the early stage, and it only took a few months to occupy other Sichuan and Shu areas besides Jinchuan.

If Hai Dongqing hadn't suddenly appeared, Jin Feng might have even captured Qin.

The biggest disadvantage of growing too fast is indigestion.

Qin is the best example.

When things go well, everything is easy to say. The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is in a strong position in Qin's terrain, and the King of Qin's army has lost all its armor. In just a few months, it has occupied several counties in the western part of Qin, and almost half of Qin's territory.

But without enough time to settle, everything is a castle in the air. If anything happens, it will collapse instantly.

After Hai Dongqing appeared, the King of Qin immediately counterattacked, and Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and Zhongming Group had to withdraw to Sichuan.

Fortunately, they took advantage of the King of Qin to mobilize troops to deal with Brass Valley, and brought the people of Qin back to Sichuan and Shu.

Population is the basis of everything. Without the people, it would be useless for the King of Qin to want such a piece of land.

In fact, King Qin also understood this truth, but he knew even better that once Jin Feng was allowed to return to Sichuan and Shu, it would be useless even if he kept the people.

On the contrary, if he can kill Jin Feng in Brass Valley, the people of Qin who have fled to Sichuan and Shu will also come back obediently.

It's a pity that he failed.

So what happens to the people of Qin has nothing to do with him.

Although they did not capture Qin, Jin Feng's development was still too fast.

If it weren't for Qing Xinyao's assistance, it would be difficult for even Guangyuan to fully absorb the few people under Jin Feng.

Although the Ninth Princess claimed to be on the throne, she had very few people available under her command. Jin Feng was a hands-off shopkeeper, so the Ninth Princess needed to make decisions on many matters.

But the decision made by the Ninth Princess may not be what Jin Feng wants.

This is also bound to happen.

Because Jin Feng and Ninth Princess received completely different educations, their outlook on life may also be different.

The biggest difference between the two is reflected in their treatment of the people.

The modern education Jin Feng received was inevitably a bit idealistic, while the Ninth Princess received an imperial education from an early age. Although after getting to know Jin Feng, the Ninth Princess was influenced by Jin Feng and realized the importance of the people, and never did anything careless about human life.

, but having been influenced by the emperor’s education for many years, deep down in the heart of the Ninth Princess, she still lacks awe for life.

Normally, the Ninth Princess would take care of Jin Feng's feelings, but there were some things where she wouldn't.

For example, this beheading operation will definitely cause the entire Dakang to fall into chaos. At that time, warlords will inevitably be divided, bandits will be rampant, and the people will be in dire straits.

The Ninth Princess knew the result in advance and had time to communicate with Jin Feng. However, she did not tell Jin Feng. Instead, she privately gave an order to the escort team, asking them to carry out the beheading mission.

Because the Ninth Princess knew very well that once she discussed it with Jin Feng, Jin Feng would most likely not agree with her approach.

With Jin Feng's character, 80% of the time he would agree with Tie Shixin's opinion, support the puppet, and focus on intimidation.

Although this can make the transition of power as smooth as possible and cause the least harm to the people, in the view of the Ninth Princess, there are too many uncertainties.

If something like Haidongqing happens again, Sichuan and Shu will face the same predicament again.

This time, I was lucky and found a way to exchange the hot air balloon for the falcon, and the Tielin Army arrived in time.

But what about next time?

The Ninth Princess doesn't want to take risks, and she doesn't dare to take risks.

From the perspective of the Ninth Princess, her current decision may lead to the death of many people, but as long as Jin Feng lives, sooner or later the world will be pacified, and then as long as it takes decades to recuperate, or even just ten years, the people can recover.

And if Jin Feng disappears, the backbone of Sichuan and Shu will collapse, and Dakang will fall into protracted chaos. No one dares to say when it will stabilize.

It is also possible that before Dakang was stable, the entire Central Plains was annexed by the nomads from the north.

Therefore, the Ninth Princess secretly made the decision to execute the vassal king and the heirs of powerful people behind Jin Feng's back.

The Ninth Princess knew that Jin Feng would most likely be very angry when he came back, and she might also be criticized in the historical records of later generations.

But the ninth princess doesn't care.

She would rather bear Jin Feng's wrath and bear the infamy in the history books than see Dakang lose his last hope and be trampled by the nomads in the north.

Therefore, the Ninth Princess wants to buy time for the growth of Jin Feng and the development of Sichuan and Shu. ⑧①ZW.????m

Xiaoyu became worried because she noticed what the Ninth Princess was thinking and understood Jin Feng's character.

From Xiaoyu's point of view, Jin Feng and Ninth Princess' ideas were both right.

I hope the two of them don't get into trouble.

Xiaoyu prayed in her heart.

Once Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess get into trouble, the people of Sichuan and Sichuan will suffer in the end.

But both Jin Feng and Ninth Princess are Xiaoyu's bosses, so it's useless for her to worry.

I could only sigh secretly and go home to eat.

Tie Shixin started crying when he entered the imperial study. Finally, the ninth princess got tired of crying and kicked him out directly.

But the Ninth Princess also knew that this matter had to be resolved, so after lunch, the Ninth Princess did not take a lunch break, but took people to Tie Shixin's house.

Although Tie Shixin's official position is not large, his authority is very powerful. He can be said to be the first minister under the Ninth Princess, equivalent to the chief minister of the court.

If Chen Ji was in power, the residence of an official of this level would have been a large manor.

But the place where Tie Shixin lived in Xihewan was just an ordinary thatched cottage in a farmyard, rented from villagers.

Jin Feng originally thought that Tie Shixin would not be used to living in such a place, but Tie Shixin did not dislike it. He just made some repairs to ensure that there was no water or air leakage, and then moved in with his wife.

When the Ninth Princess entered, Fang Lingjun was sitting in the main room eating. Tie Shixin's wife was serving him soup with a bowl, while Tie Shixin squatted angrily at the door, glared at Fang Lingjun, and said:

A mouthful of rice.

It seems that the rice grains in the bowl are Fang Lingjun.

Seeing the Ninth Princess coming in, the three of them quickly put down their rice bowls and knelt down to the Ninth Princess.

"Get up! Get up!"

The combined age of the three of them was almost two hundred years old, and Jin Feng respected Fang Lingjun very much. The ninth princess did not dare to support them, so she quickly signaled the maid behind her to step forward and help the old woman and Fang Lingjun up.

But Tie Shixin was unwilling to get up. He pointed at Fang Lingjun and cried: "Your Majesty, you have also seen that this old man Fang Lingjun is a scoundrel. He will not leave my house. You have to make the decision for me!"


The dignified chief minister was now forced to complain like a child, leaving the Ninth Princess dumbfounded.

Fang Lingjun is probably the only one in the world who can force Tie Shixin to do this.

This chapter has been completed!
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