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Chapter 1382

In the feudal era, due to limited technological level and limited knowledge, various legends and ghost stories were very popular.

Not only the common people believed it, but also many princes and ministers believed it, otherwise the First Emperor and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would not have been obsessed with seeking immortality.

Jin Feng's rise was too fast, and the weapons he produced far exceeded the standards of this era. Therefore, the Ninth Princess had always believed in Jin Feng's statement that he had received guidance from an expert.

"Husband, since the master said there have been natural disasters in recent years or decades, has he said how to deal with them?" Ninth Princess asked worriedly.

"Said," Jin Feng replied: "First, vigorously develop water conservancy. In this way, the repaired canals and reservoirs can be drained as quickly as possible when it rains, and the water stored in the canals can be used for emergencies during droughts!

Second, vigorously develop agriculture and increase food production!

Third, arrange for people to go to America as soon as possible to look for potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and other high-yielding and drought-tolerant food crops!"

The Ninth Princess nodded, understanding Jin Feng's plan.

"What you said is very reasonable, but we really have no money!"

Tie Shixin's face looked even uglier than before.

"Your Majesty and I will find a way to deal with the matter of money and food. If there is really no other way, just collect corvee!"

The previous work-for-relief system imposed heavy taxes on the people, and almost every household had no surplus food to survive. Jin Feng couldn't bear to see the people freeze to death and starve to death in the cold disaster, so he gave the people a bite in the name of work-for-relief.

Eat food.

After the Ninth Princess ascended the throne, she promoted light corvee and low taxes in Sichuan and Shu. Now most people have some food in their homes and will not starve to death if they participate in corvee.

Although Jin Feng cherishes the people, he is not a holy mother. When it is time to mobilize the people, he will not be vague.

What's more, building water conservancy is a project that benefits the people, and the ultimate beneficiaries are the people who build the canals.

"It really doesn't work, so this is the only way!"

The Ninth Princess nodded slightly: "I will inform Chen Wenyuan back and ask him to prepare a manuscript and start explaining the importance and significance of building water conservancy projects to the people, so that when the decree is implemented, the people will not be so resistant."

"That's okay," Jin Feng nodded: "By the way, has Jiangnan made arrangements?"

The system of light corvee and low taxes has only been implemented for a year. Even if the people of Sichuan and Sichuan had some grain at home, it would not be much. If they could grab grain from Jiangnan grain merchants, Jin Feng would not want to force corvee labor.

"The military action requires the cooperation of the bodyguards. I want to wait until Zhang Liangqinghuai and the others come back to discuss it before making a decision." The Ninth Princess said: "I sent an airship to the dock to deliver the message this morning. They should be back soon!"

"Okay," Jin Feng asked, "By the way, where is Xiaobei now?"

He has not seen Tang Xiaobei since last autumn.

Every time Tang Xiaobei came back, he was not there. When he came back, Tang Xiaobei was not there.

"Xiaobei is recently trying to establish a chamber of commerce in Jiangnan, probably around Yuzhou." The ninth princess asked, "What's the matter? My husband has something to do with Xiaobei?"

"Robbing the grain merchants in Jiangnan is considered a one-time deal. If you want to continue to develop, you still need to develop trade." Jin Feng said with a smile: "There is no longer a feudal king in Jiangnan. There should be no one to suppress the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce. I think so.

I asked Xiaobei to go to Jiangnan to rebuild the Chamber of Commerce, but I didn’t expect that she had already started taking action.”

If cutting expenditures fails, the only option is to increase revenue.

The south of the Yangtze River has always been prosperous, and water transportation can also be carried out with Sichuan and Shu, making it the most ideal trade partner.

Even though glass and soap are no longer as profitable as before, Xihewan's ironware, refined salt, and printed cloth are still very popular.

Originally, Jin Feng wanted to remind Tang Xiaobei, but he didn't expect that she had already started to do this.

"I don't understand business matters. I'll ask someone to send a message to Xiaobei later and ask her to come back. You can discuss it carefully," the Ninth Princess said.

In the feudal era, the status of merchants was low. Princess Ninth learned a lot of knowledge since childhood, but business was not one of them.

"Okay!" Jin Feng nodded.

After not seeing Tang Xiaobei for so long, Jin Feng also missed her a little.

"Sir, Your Majesty, since we are talking about trade, should we try to communicate with Party Xiang Dongman to see if we can resume trade?" Tie Shixin said.

Although Dangxiang had besieged and suppressed the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce's station before, it has to be said that during the period when trade was launched last year, it was really profitable.

Dangxiang's supplies are so scarce that half a pound of refined salt or a foot of coarse cloth can be exchanged for a large piece of dried meat from Dangxiang.

During the period of trade with Dangxiang, the price of mutton in Sichuan and Shu dropped by half, and ordinary people were no longer willing to eat meat occasionally.

Since the trade with Dangxiang was interrupted, the price of meat in Sichuan and Shu has risen again.

In addition to meat, there is also silver.

In the past, Dakang had to pay tribute to the party every year, including huge amounts of gold and silver.

In just a few months of trade last year, Sichuan and Shu earned a huge amount of gold, silver and copper coins from Dangxiang, which greatly eased financial pressure.

Now that he and Dang Xiang had won another victory in the Southern Expedition, Tie Shixin, who was in charge of finance, came up with this idea again.

"Now that the war with Dangxiang has just ended, Qin is also unstable, and it is not suitable to re-establish trade with Dangxiang for the time being."

Jin Feng said: "But we can try to contact Dongman."

Although Dongman is farther from Sichuan and Shu than Dangxiang, you can go to Dongman by water, and transporting goods is easier than Dangxiang.

"Okay, I'll send someone back to find a way to contact Dongman." Tie Shixin nodded.

Next, Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess Tie Shixin chatted about some issues about finance and people's livelihood. It wasn't until Guan Xiaorou sent someone to call Jin Feng to eat that the meeting ended.

Jin Feng took the Ninth Princess back, Guan Xiaorou and Runniang had already prepared the meal, Tang Dongdong, Zuo Feifei and others also rushed back.

"Looks like we need to get a bigger table."

As the number of people in the family increases, this restaurant can no longer accommodate many people.

"It is indeed time to change the table," Guan Xiaorou said with a smile: "Xiao'e, Achun and the others are not here today, otherwise I might not be able to sit down today."

"By the way, where is Xiao'e and Achun?" Jin Feng then realized that his sister-in-law and his apprentice were not at home.

"Didi is back and came to call Doudou home for dinner. Doudou called Xiao'e and Achun together, and they went together."

"Didi is going to Tubo tomorrow. It's hard to reunite with Doudou today. Why are they going to join in the fun?"

"Why did Didi go to Tubo?" Guan Xiaorou asked curiously.

"On behalf of Wuyang, go to Tubo to negotiate with me."

Jin Feng briefly explained Li Didi's plan to send an envoy to Tibet.

"Then I'll call Xiao'e and Achun back." Guan Xiaorou said and was about to go out.

"Forget it, I guess they've all started eating. Let's go shout after they finish eating."

Jin Feng grabbed Guan Xiaorou.

The family had a lively reunion dinner. Just after finishing the meal, Tie Shui came over to report that Zhang Liang and Qinghuai were back.

This chapter has been completed!
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