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Chapter 1400 Trophy

The hill where the airship was located was two or three miles away from where Xie Lingfeng and the two of them were. Looking from their point of view, the thing thrown down by the airship was only a small black dot the size of a sesame seed. It was impossible to see what was thrown.

He Dingliang pointed to the small black dot and asked curiously: "Brother Xie, what is that?"

"I don't have clairvoyance, how do I know?"

Xie Lingfeng answered impatiently.

The next second, they got the answer.

The little black dots dispersed not long after leaving the airship, turning into countless smaller black dots and falling onto the hill.

Then, the top of the hill was like a pan filled with water, and there were dense explosions.

The entire top of the hill instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Airships and grenades are the most classic combat combinations of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency. Xie Lingfeng and He Dingliang, as core members of the aristocratic family, have heard of them before.

But it was the first time I saw it with my own eyes.

This scene was so shocking that both of them were stunned with fear!

After more than ten seconds, He Dingliang came back to his senses: "Brother Xie, isn't this method too powerful?"

"No wonder everyone says that the Zhenyuan Escort Agency is invincible. With this kind of weapon, even a thousand troops are useless!"

Xie Lingfeng couldn't help but feel despair in his heart.

Then he remembered what his father had told him, telling him not to despair at any time and to actively look for ways to break the situation.

Just when Xie Lingfeng was comforting himself, the airship flew up a little further, and then dropped another small black dot.

Xie Lingfeng and He Dingliang both thought that the small black dot was the same as before, but they found that the small black dot did not disperse, but fell directly into the woods on the hillside.

The next second, the two of them felt the hill beneath their feet suddenly tremble.

Then a dazzling fire rose into the sky, followed by a wave of air.

Even though the two of them were two or three miles apart, their clothes were still stuck to their bodies by the air waves.

When the smoke and dust cleared, they discovered that half of the hill had been blown down!

After seeing the first explosion, Xie Lingfeng could still persuade himself to think of a way to break the situation, but this time, the despair in his heart could not be dispelled.

Xie Lingfeng had previously heard that Jin Feng only led tens of thousands of people, but he defeated hundreds of thousands of Dang Xiang's Nanzheng Army and the King of Qin's Army in Xizhou. He still found it incomprehensible.

In his opinion, the Southern Expeditionary Army and the King of Qin's Army had hundreds of thousands of people. Even if Li Lingrui and Chen Anjie had wooden heads, they could kill Jin Feng if they piled them on top. How could they be defeated by Jin Feng?

Now he understands!

The escort didn't even go to the top of the mountain. He just sat on the airship and threw two small black dots down. The top of the mountain turned into a sea of ​​fire, and half of the mountain was blown up!

In the Dakang mythology, the gods’ methods are not so powerful!

The so-called myths are nothing more than scholars’ imaginations of gods, and the powers of gods are also imagined by scholars.

Airships and explosive packs are beyond the imagination of scholars!

How to fight against such an enemy?

Although Xie Lingfeng was shocked, he was able to maintain his mentality. He Dingliang beside him was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground. He completely lost the demeanor that a young man from aristocratic family should have...

In fact, it wasn't just him, several bodyguards in the square formation behind Zhang Liang were also shocked.

"Company...Company Commander...are our explosive packs so powerful?"

An escort asked in a low voice.

Xie Lingfeng and He Dingliang didn't know what the black dots were, but the escorts could guess that they were explosive packets.

But they have all come into contact with explosive bags. The previous explosive bags were not so powerful at all.

Could it be that the gunpowder workshop has produced a new type of explosive?

"Let's talk when we get back, now is not the time to explain to you!" the company commander replied.

The other escorts around him couldn't help but raise their eyebrows.

A normal explosive pack would definitely not have such power, but they all remembered a move Jin Feng used on the Xizhou battlefield.

That time, in order to boost Li Didi's momentum and intimidate Li Lingrui, Jin Feng had people bury a large amount of explosives in the mountain in advance, and then bombarded the hill with artillery.

In fact, the cannonball would not explode at all, but the escort ignited the explosives that had been planted in advance, and the hill collapsed directly.

Li Lingrui was also restrained at that time and did not dare to embarrass Li Didi who went to the party camp to negotiate alone.

No need to ask, Zhang Liang must have used the same trick this time.

The bodyguards suffered heavy losses in Zhuangzhuangou. When Zhang Liang came to Jiangnan this time, Zhang Liang transferred some bodyguards from other places to supplement them.

The escort who asked the question was a new recruit. He didn't know about the battle in Xizhou, so he thought Jin Feng had produced a new explosive pack.

In front of the phalanx, the shouting escort raised the tin trumpet again and shouted towards the granary: "I will give you one last chance. Come out and surrender now, otherwise I will blow you up!"

Hearing is false, seeing is believing. Although wealthy families have heard that the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau can fight, most of them have no intuitive understanding.

The bodyguards pretended to be bandits. In addition to finding an excuse to seize food, the other purpose was to use this "bandit suppression exercise" to demonstrate the power of the Zhenyuan Bodyguard Bureau to the powerful families in Jiangnan and intimidate Jiangnan.

Zhang Liang had people bury explosives in the mountains in advance for this reason.

He had long known that Xie Lingfeng and He Dingliang were peeping. In fact, it was not just the two of them, but almost everyone on the surrounding hills was watching the battle.

There were ordinary people watching the excitement, as well as craftsmen sent by wealthy families from surrounding counties.

Zhang Liang believes that after this drill, both ordinary people and wealthy families will have a deeper understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency, and will carefully consider it if they are to be careful in the future.

The "bandit" scene was over here, and under the leadership of the leader, they walked out of the granary holding a white flag.

"Heroes, spare your lives, we surrender, we surrender!"

The escort who shouted suppressed a smile and waved his hand behind him.

The bodyguards who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward immediately. One team tied up the "bandit" Wuhuada, and another team rushed into the granary naturally.

On the top of the mountain, Xie Lingfeng discovered that the bodyguards had occupied the granary, so he forced himself to calm down and hurried down the mountain with his men.

When He Dingliang saw this, he quickly followed.

The two stopped Zhang Liang at the door of the granary.

"Shuai Zhang, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is truly worthy of its reputation and is unparalleled!"

Xie Lingfeng first flattered him, and then said: "Thank you, Marshal Zhang, for taking action. Now that the bandits have retreated, we won't bother the Marshal. We will send someone to take over the granary!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xie. You have to wait a while to take over the granary."

Zhang Liang said: "You can come back after we transport the loot away."

"A trophy?" Xie Lingfeng was stunned: "What trophy?"

"The food in the granary," Zhang Liang said: "We traveled thousands of miles to suppress the bandits and beat them away. Naturally, the food is our spoils!"

This chapter has been completed!
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