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Chapter 1538

"Iron-armored warship? Looking for a new continent?"

Zheng Chiyuan stood up suddenly, and for a moment he didn't know which one to ask first.

Force yourself to calm down, and then ask first: "Sir, what is an armored warship?"

"It's a warship made of iron armor..."

Jin Feng took out a picture of the appearance of an armored ship and gave Zheng Chiyuan a general explanation of the armored ship.

Zheng Chiyuan didn't know much about shipbuilding, and now he had a blind worship of Jin Feng, so he didn't doubt whether Jin Feng could build an iron-clad ship, but he had already begun to admire it.

In Zheng Chiyuan's view, the newly built Zhenyuan No. 3 was shocking enough. He really couldn't imagine what a ship made entirely of iron armor would look like.

Naval battles in this era often involve direct collisions between ships. Whoever's ship is stronger will win.

Who can beat a warship made of iron armor and equipped with a steam engine?

Zheng Chiyuan felt his heart beat faster when he thought of the armored ship running amok on the sea and smashing the pirate ship into pieces.

Then he remembered that Jin Feng had just said that the purpose of building iron-clad ships was to go out to sea and search for new continents.

Zheng Chiyuan's heart beat faster.

But he also had the same worries as Hong Taoping: "Sir, sailing on a long sea voyage is completely different from activities in offshore waters. If the New World is really as you said, thousands of miles away, then it will be very, very difficult to find the New World!

For example, fresh water, which can be found everywhere on land, is very precious at sea. Especially if your husband wants to sail thousands of miles, no one knows what conditions he will encounter on the way and how long it will take. What if the water on the ship runs out?

If no new supplies are found, everyone will be in great danger!

In addition to water, there are also grains, coal to drive steam engines, and other materials, which are also very important!

Sir, the voyage is not that simple, you must think twice!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Chiyuan glanced at Jin Feng with some concern.

In fact, before speaking, Zheng Chiyuan struggled deep in his heart, fearing that these words would offend Jin Feng and make Jin Feng angry.

But he was more worried that Jin Feng did not understand the dangers of the voyage and impulsively formed a voyage team, causing the voyage to fail and thus giving up the idea of ​​the voyage.

Coupled with Zheng Chiyuan's understanding of Jin Feng, he felt that Jin Feng would most likely not be angry because of this matter, so he mustered up the courage to say what he just said.

But he didn't dare to say too much, so he just stopped.

"General Zheng, I know that a long voyage is difficult and dangerous, and I also know that it is a bit hasty to start a long voyage now, but time is really running out."

Jin Feng repeated what he said to Hong Taoping yesterday to Zheng Chiyuan, and then continued: "That's why I want to make an ironclad ship, and that's why I want to ask General Zheng to borrow experienced sailors!

An ironclad ship can be said to be an iron can. It is not only much stronger than a wooden ship, but also has a closed door. Even if it is swept into the water by waves, it can float up on its own, making it much safer.

Coupled with the compass I made, the chart given to me by the master, and the sailors under the general, the possibility of success in this voyage is still very high!"

"Sir, do you have a chart to the New World?" Zheng Chiyuan's eyes widened.

In the feudal era, maps could be said to be a strategic resource, and ordinary people were not allowed to draw them at all. Once they were discovered making maps privately, the crime was as serious as hiding armor.

Although escort agencies and businessmen can apply to draw and carry maps, they can only carry simplified maps of fixed routes.

As for detailed maps, they can only be used for military purposes.

However, due to limited surveying and mapping conditions and the vague concept of scale, military maps are often very crude. They can only mark some important military positions, and they are often inaccurately marked and can only provide a rough orientation and distance.

Even so, maps are still very important.

Especially when sailing at sea, maps are even more important.

When marching on land, there are rivers, mountains and villages as reference points, and you can also find local people as guides.

But on the sea, sometimes after sailing for ten days and a half, there is no land in sight. As far as the eye can see, it is all vast sea water, and we can only use the sun, moon and stars as reference objects.

However, the sun, moon and stars will move slowly with the rotation of the earth. At the beginning, experienced sailors may be able to tell the direction, but after a long time, it is easy to go astray.

It's like a person walking blindfolded. He can walk in a straight line at first, but as he walks further, he will basically walk diagonally or even turn in circles.

At this time, the compass invented by Jin Feng came into use. If paired with a sea map and an armored ship, the success rate of a long voyage would indeed be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, Zheng Chiyuan looked at Jin Feng with fiery eyes, expecting him to come up with a drawing.

Jin Feng didn't hesitate anymore, took out the world map that he had prepared and laid it on the table.

"This area is our Dakang, this point is where the dock is located, this is the Japanese country where the Japanese pirates are located, and the new continent we are looking for is right here..."

Jin Feng pointed to the map and explained to Zheng Chiyuan the location of South America.

Realizing that Zheng Chiyuan had not answered the call, Jin Feng raised his head and glanced up.

Only then did Jin Feng realize that Zheng Chiyuan was staring at the map as if he was seeing a rare treasure. His eyes were filled with disbelief and his eyes were extremely focused, as if he was trying to memorize the map in his mind.

"General Zheng, this map is a bit complicated. I will give you one later. You can take it back and study it slowly."

Jin Feng said with a smile.

"Sir, are you willing to give me such a precious chart?" Zheng Chiyuan finally came back to his senses, but his eyes were wide.

In Zheng Chiyuan's mind, the value of this chart is immeasurable.

This is also true.

This map should be the first world map in the world, and it is a world map that Jin Feng has been continuously improving for more than a year.

Although it is not as accurate as the map of the previous life, several continents and oceans, as well as important geographical coordinates, are marked on the map.

Any ambitious monarch or dignitary who sees this map will probably go crazy for it and pay a high price for it.

That's why Zheng Chiyuan was so rude just now, greedily trying to remember the contents of the map.

He didn't expect that Jin Feng would actually offer to give the map to him!

Thinking of this, Zheng Chiyuan was suddenly startled. He thought that Jin Feng had discovered his abnormal behavior just now and was beating himself up now. He quickly looked away and bowed and said: "Sir, Zheng knows that he was wrong and he will never dare to do it again."


"General Zheng, why are you here again?"

Jin Feng couldn't laugh or cry and pulled Zheng Chiyuan up: "I'm not being sarcastic. This map can indeed be given to you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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