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Chapter 1544 Call Mr. Jin out

"The sailors are all on the navy ship!"

Zheng Chiyuan pointed to the northern sea.

The space on the dock is limited, and the navy's fleet is parked on the sea to the north of the dock. Most of the sailors also stay on the ship and do not enter the dock.

"Sir, should you call them over or go to the boat?" Zheng Chiyuan asked.

"Let's go and have a look over there." Jin Feng thought that he would have nothing to do today and decided to go to the Navy's ship to have a look.

"Welcome, sir, to review the navy!"

Zheng Chiyuan quickly led the way.

Tie Zhui winked at the deputy captain of the guards, who immediately trotted away.

When Jin Feng walked out of the dock, Zuo Feifei and the musketeers were already waiting at the door, and the speedboat was also ready.

There were dozens of people standing behind Zuo Feifei, and there were also female workers carrying muskets standing everywhere on the speedboat.

Not far away, the night shift escorts were also summoned by Daqiang and gathered on the school grounds.

Tie Zhui and Zuo Feifei did this because they obviously did not believe Zheng Chiyuan and were worried that he had hijacked Jin Feng on the navy ship.

Zuo Feifei led so many musketeers to board the ship with Jin Feng. Even if Zheng Chiyuan had evil intentions, they could protect Jin Feng's safety until Da Qiang led his bodyguards to rescue him.

In fact, Jin Feng saw it when Tie Hammer winked at the guard captain.

However, after learning from the previous attack in the East China Sea, Jin Feng was frightened and did not stop Iron Hammer.

Jin Feng originally thought that Zheng Chiyuan would be angry when he saw Tie Zhui and Zuo Feifei doing this, but instead he saw a look of relief on his face.

In fact, Zheng Chiyuan was also worried about Jin Feng's accident on his ship. Now that Zuo Feifei and Tie Zhui were protecting him, he felt more at ease.

The group walked a few hundred meters north along the coast and came to a trestle.

There is a wooden plank at the end of the trestle, and the other end of the plank leads to Zheng Chiyuan's naval flagship.

"Sir, please!"

Zheng Chiyuan made an invitation gesture, and followed Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei half a step behind to board the ship.

"Sir, the stairs on the left lead to the main cabin, where we all live, and the stairs on the right lead to the cargo hold."

Zheng Chiyuan asked: "Sir, would you like to go to the main cabin first, or go to the cargo hold?"

"Stop looking and call the sailor to the deck."

Jin Feng waved his hand and walked straight to the railing next to him.

The ships of the Navy were basically built by the Hong family. Hong Taoping had already shown the drawings and models of various ships of the Navy to Jin Feng, so he had no interest in visiting them.

"That's okay too."

Zheng Chiyuan nodded and ordered his deputy to summon the navy below.

Jin Feng lay on the railing and looked into the distance.

It has to be said that Zheng Chiyuan still has two skills in arranging troops.

The navy's ships seem to be parked in a disorderly manner, but if pirates attack, the navy can quickly counterattack no matter from which direction.

It has been decades since the Navy was established, and many ships have been in service for decades.

After drifting on the sea for a long time, some foreign objects, such as barnacles, can easily adhere to the outer wall of the ship. A thick layer can stick to the ship wall.

If not cleaned in time, it will not only affect the speed of the ship, but also cause the ship walls to decay.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the fleet docked, many sailors took small boats to clean foreign objects on the outer walls of the ship.

Jin Feng didn't pay attention at first, but when he saw a sailor fish out a bunch of kelp from the water and then throw it away with a look of disgust, Jin Feng was stunned.

He turned around and called Zheng Chiyuan over, pointed at the kelp that had not completely sunk to the bottom and asked: "General Zheng, what is that?"

"That's a kind of seaweed. Some fishermen call it green cloth or kelp, while others call it foot-binding grass." Zheng Chiyuan replied.

"Green cloth, kelp, foot-binding grass?" Jin Feng frowned and found that the sailor had picked up another bunch, so he quickly said: "Ask him to bring it over and let me take a look!"

Zheng Chiyuan didn't understand why Jin Feng was interested in a piece of seaweed, but he still obeyed and had it sent over.

Jin Feng had never heard of green cloth and kelp, and since he was far away just now, he thought he had seen it wrong. Now that the thing was delivered to him, Jin Feng was completely sure that it was kelp.

"This is a good thing, why did you throw it away?"

Jin Feng asked as he turned over the kelp.

"Good thing?" Zheng Chiyuan and the sailor who brought the kelp were both confused: "Sir, what is the use of this thing?"

"Eat it!" Jin Feng said, "You can eat it cold or stewed."

"Is this food edible?" Zheng Chiyuan and the sailor were even more surprised.

"Have you never eaten it?" Jin Feng asked.

"Never," Zheng Chiyuan and the sailor shook their heads at the same time.

The sailor looked at Jin Feng a little strangely.

Jin Feng is also well-known in the navy. Many sailors know that he built steamships and speedboats, as well as the heavy crossbows and catapults equipped on navy ships.

So in the eyes of this sailor, Jin Feng is a very smart nobleman, but why does this nobleman want to eat grass?

Are the hobbies of geniuses so unique?

"Sir, this is a kind of seaweed. Is it really edible?" Zheng Chiyuan was also a little surprised.

"Of course you can eat it!" Jin Feng said: "And eating this food can also prevent and treat big neck disease."

Big neck disease is actually an enlargement of the thyroid gland, usually caused by iodine deficiency.

This disease was also a common disease in the feudal era.

"This thing is not only edible, but it can also cure diseases?" Zheng Chiyuan was even more surprised.

"Yes!" Jin Feng nodded.

Food development also requires a process, and human recipes have been gradually expanded through the efforts of generations...

Although kelp is very common in the sea, it is just like the weeds on the roadside and the aquatic plants in the water. Although it is everywhere, no one has tried to eat it.

Seeing Jin Feng's words, Zheng Chi could not help but doubt himself. He stretched out his hand to grab some kelp and put it into his mouth.

But the next second, he spit out the kelp.

"General Zheng, kelp cannot be eaten raw," Jin Feng said, dumbfounded, "Well, I'll ask Runniang to make a meal of braised pork ribs with kelp at noon. General Zheng will know after he tastes it."

"Don't bother madam, if sir wants to eat, I'll just ask the cook on the ship to do it!" Zheng Chiyuan waved his hand repeatedly.

"Does the cook know how to do this?" Jin Feng asked.

"Uh..." Zheng Chiyuan choked for a moment, and then said: "Then I'll trouble you, sir and madam."

"These are all trivial matters, not worth mentioning." Jin Feng waved his hand and then asked: "By the way, are there many such things in the East China Sea?"

"There are so many, there are simply too many! Especially around Maolang Island, the water is full of these things. They are so densely packed that you can't even see them at a glance, and the sea water is all black!"

Zheng Chiyuan said: "Our fleet dare not go that way for fear of being entangled by this thing!"

When Jin Feng heard what Zheng Chiyuan said, his breathing suddenly became rapid.

This chapter has been completed!
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