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Chapter 1548 Encouragement

“How to deal with local people?”

Hearing this, Jin Feng couldn't help but pursed his lips.

Regarding this matter, he had discussed it with the Ninth Princess and had differences.

According to the Ninth Princess, the main thing is to focus on occupation. If the local indigenous people are willing to accept Dakang's rule, it is best. If they are not willing to accept it, they can suppress it by force.

Maybe this is how the superiors think.

Under the guidance of Jin Feng, the Ninth Princess has been very gentle with the people. The new policy implemented by Dakang is something that almost no dynasty or emperor in history can achieve.

However, this kind of gentleness is only limited to treating the people of the prosperous society. Having been influenced by the imperial education of the royal family for many years, deep down in the heart of the ninth princess, she does not have much respect for life.

The new policy she is currently implementing is not entirely based on the vital interests of the people, but because she has followed Jin Feng's advice and knows that this can stabilize the situation of Dakang as quickly as possible and restore the precarious Dakang country.

On the other hand, it was also to please Jin Feng and show respect for Jin Feng's suggestions.

Jin Feng also knew this very well, because he knew that the butt determines the head. The ninth princess grew up in a deep palace compound. The worst experience she had was that she killed so many powerful people last time and was arrested when she returned to the capital.

Chen Ji secretly locked him up.

Even so, the Ninth Princess was still well-dressed and well-fed, the tea she drank was tribute tea, and she was protected by a large number of experts.

This kind of life is something ordinary people can't even imagine.

In the same way, the Ninth Princess has never experienced the hardships of the people at the bottom, and her understanding of the sufferings of the people comes from the descriptions in books and the narrations of others.

Lu Xun once said that human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same.

When someone else died and cried heartbrokenly, he only felt noisy.

The Ninth Princess has not personally experienced the lives of ordinary people. She only relies on other people's stories and what is said in books. Even if she knows the truth, she cannot truly empathize with them.

Her position is the overall situation, and in her eyes, the people are just pawns.

Being kind or cruel to the people does not depend on the feelings of the people, but the needs of the situation.

Guan Xiaorou once commented on the Ninth Princess jokingly, saying that she is like an iron-eating beast. She usually looks soft and cute, but when she is really in danger, she will become extremely ferocious.

For example, when Jin Feng was trapped in Xizhou, in order to rescue Jin Feng, the Ninth Princess directly activated the compulsory conscription order and made preparations for the large-scale use of troops to rescue Jin Feng.

In the eyes of the Ninth Princess, as long as Jin Feng can be rescued, it will be worth it even if tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people die.

As for the feelings of the dead people and their relatives, the Ninth Princess may consider it, but will not change her decision because of it.

In fact, Jin Feng also understands that if you want to govern a country well and become a truly mature and qualified leader, you need the overall perspective and methods of the Ninth Princess. Otherwise, governing the country will become a house game, and this country will not last long.

But understanding does not mean being able to do it.

Jin Feng can understand the Ninth Princess, but he cannot do her behavior of using the world as a chessboard and the people as pawns.

This is also the fundamental reason for the disagreement between Jin Feng and Ninth Princess.

When I studied world history in my previous life, I learned about the various acts of bloody suppression and genocide carried out by the European powers in order to occupy the Americas.

According to rough estimates, before Columbus went there, the various tribes in North, South and Central America totaled more than 50 million people. Later, more than 90% of these people were slaughtered by Europeans, and there were less than 5 million people left. Many tribes

The nation and the nation were destroyed as a result, and the culture was completely cut off.

Regardless of how Europe and the Americas flaunt their democracy and freedom, they will never be able to rid themselves of their robber nature and executioner behavior!

Jin Feng sympathized with the Native Americans, so his philosophy towards the Americas was the same as that of Dang Xiang Dongman. He adopted trade methods to gradually achieve national integration and spent time assimilating the tribes in the Americas.

Although Jin Feng believes in the assimilation ability of Chinese culture, the implications of this matter are too wide, and it will take a very long time. It may take decades or hundreds of years to see the effect. Jin Feng is also a little unsure.


Relatively speaking, although the Ninth Princess's method is simple, brutal and bloody, it is the fastest effective method. Even if it fails, Jin Feng and Ninth Princess are still there, and they can think of other methods.

But the Ninth Princess's method is too bloody. Once implemented, blood will flow like a river.

Jin Feng didn't want to take such an extreme measure until it was absolutely necessary.

This decision will affect countless people, and even the historical direction of this world. Jin Feng and Ninth Princess did not dare to make the decision easily. After discussing it several times, they put it aside for the time being and planned to discuss it later.

But now that the sailors were asking questions, Jin Feng realized that once the ironclad ships were built, the bodyguards and sailors would sail far away and then formally come into contact with the Native Americans.

There is no way to avoid this problem anymore.

The sailor who asked the question noticed that Jin Feng had not spoken for such a long time and thought that he had asked the wrong question. He began to feel uneasy and looked at Zheng Chiyuan as if asking for help.

Officials in this era do not like to speak clearly, but prefer to let their subordinates figure things out.

Zheng Chiyuan also frowned slightly, and began to speculate in his mind.

"Do you want to destroy these tribes, sir, but don't want to bear the reputation of being an executioner?"

Thinking of this, Zheng Chiyuan suddenly felt enlightened.

Yes, that must be the case!

"Should I be the bad guy and give the order for encirclement and suppression?"

Zheng Chiyuan began to get confused.

He knew very well that once this order was issued, he would probably be recorded in history books as a devil-like figure.

But someone always needs to be the devil. If he doesn't give the order, Jin Feng will give it.

Isn’t it one of the subordinates’ job to take the blame for the leader?

Wanting to understand this, Zheng Chiyuan gritted his teeth and was about to speak when he heard Jin Feng speak.

"After the armored ship is built, I will bring you ironware, salt, cloth, and other goods. After you land, you will meet the local indigenous people. Try to focus on trade. It is best not to conflict with them. The first task is to get what we need

Bring back the seeds!”

This is also the safest method that Jin Feng can think of for the time being.

First have peaceful contact with the indigenous people and get what you want, and then formulate new strategies based on the specific situation.

"Yes!" The sailor captain agreed, and then asked: "What if they take the initiative to attack us?"

"If I take the initiative to attack you, I will naturally fight back!"

Jin Feng said without hesitation: "No matter what time, you must focus on ensuring your own safety. Even if the mission fails, it doesn't matter. If we fail this time, we can go again, but if our lives are lost, then what?

It’s all gone!”

This chapter has been completed!
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