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Chapter 1551 Princess Lujie is here

Jin Feng, as the host and the one with the highest status present, took the lead in picking up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of kelp and put it into his mouth.

Zheng Chiyuan and Hong Taoping looked at each other and saw a trace of concern and expectation in each other's eyes.

The concept that kelp is a weed in the sea has been planted in their hearts, so they have concerns, but since the things Jin Feng has made in the past are delicious, they also have some expectations.

Besides, Jin Feng had already eaten it, so even if it was really seaweed, they still had to accompany it.

Thinking of this, they both picked up their chopsticks at the same time and each picked up a piece of kelp.

Similar to Tang Xiaobei's reaction, after chewing a few mouthfuls, their eyes lit up at the same time.

"Sir, is this really made of foot-binding grass?" Hong Taoping's eyes were full of disbelief.

He really couldn't imagine how the foot-binding grass, which was usually disliked by fishermen and navy, became a delicacy in Jin Feng's hands.

"It is indeed made of foot-binding grass." Jin Feng picked up the serving chopsticks, picked up a chopstick for each of them and put it on the plate in front of them: "Try this again."

"Thank you sir!" Zheng Chiyuan raised his butt slightly and took the plate with both hands.

Hong Taoping was more casual. He just made a gesture to Jin Feng, picked up the kelp and started to eat it.

Zheng Chi saw that Hong Taoping was like this and gradually let go.

A meal can be regarded as a feast for both host and guest.

“I didn’t expect foot-binding grass to be so delicious!”

Hong Taoping touched his belly and sighed.

Zheng Chiyuan also quickly flattered him: "Jinchuan Daily said that Mr. has the ability to turn decay into magic. It is indeed true!"

"Now that everyone has eaten, let's get down to business."

Jin Feng turned to look at Hong Taoping: "Mr. Hong, what do you think of eating kelp?"

"It's delicious, it's delicious!" Hong Taoping glanced at Jin Feng with some confusion: "Sir, you are indeed very good. Not only can you build ships, you can also cook!"

He had clearly praised him just now, so why did Jin Feng ask again?

Do you want to hear yourself flattered?

In Hong Taoping's impression, Jin Feng was not such a person.

But he still bit the bullet and flattered her.

It's a pity that he is really not a flattering material. The flattery was too blunt, and Jin Feng could tell it right away.

If it were normal times, Jin Feng might have made fun of Hong Taoping, but now he was not in the mood. Instead, he went straight to the point and said: "Mr. Hong, you should know that there are a lot of kelp on Maolang Island, so what do you think, we

How about forming a fishing team and going to the sea to fish for kelp?"

"Set up a fishing team to catch footweed?" Hong Taoping was stunned for a moment, and then he was so excited that his breathing became rapid.

Because of rampant piracy, fishermen have been afraid to go to sea recently.

Fishermen rely on fishing to make a living. If they don’t go to sea, they will have no income and food will be a problem.

Recently, more and more fishermen have come to the dock to look for work, and many of them just want to have a good meal.

Hong Taoping grew up by the sea, and his family was a shipbuilder. He knew many of the fishermen around him. Seeing them hungry, Hong Taoping felt very uncomfortable.

However, the jobs in the shipyard are limited and require certain skills, which many fishermen are not qualified for.

Hong Taoping had no choice but to spend his savings, buy grain from Sichuan and Sichuan, and give porridge around him.

Although Jin Feng paid Hong Taoping very high wages and paid considerable bonuses every quarter, Hong Taoping's father had previously owed foreign debts and he had to repay the debts.

In order to give porridge, Hong Taoping temporarily stopped paying off his debts and used all the money to buy food.

However, there are too many fishermen in difficulty, and individual strength is limited after all. Hong Taoping's soup kitchen lasted only half a month, and his family fortune was completely wiped out again.

In the end, Daqiang reported the situation back. Considering that the shipyard was in the East China Sea and needed support from the masses, Ninth Princess asked Tie Shixin to allocate a batch of grain and send it over.

Nowadays, a large number of fishermen gather in the north of the dock.

Hong Taoping also understands the principle of sitting on his hands and having nothing to do. He has been worrying about these fishermen. If he had not been busy renovating Zhenyuan No. 3 in the past few days, he might have discussed with Jin Feng to implement the work-for-relief program in the East China Sea.

As a result, before he could say anything, Jin Feng actually asked him to help recruit fishermen and form a fishing team.

Hong Taoping forced himself to calm down and said quickly: "Sir, your plan is really good. It not only finds a new way for fishermen, but also solves their livelihood problems. The salvaged legweed, no, the salvaged kelp

It can also be used as food, so it kills two birds with one stone!”

After speaking, he patted his legs and said with emotion: "I have known about footbinding grass since I was a child. Why didn't I find out earlier that this thing is edible?"

In fact, Hong Taoping knows that ordinary people don't have so many spices or even oil at home, so the kelp they make will definitely not be as delicious as Jin Feng's.

But when they are hungry, the people eat all the bark of the trees. It would be nice to have something to fill their stomachs. As for the taste, who cares?

Therefore, salvaging kelp is a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

"Young Master Hong is a local. The prestige of the Hong family in Yuxi Town is unmatched. I would like to ask Young Master Hong for help in gathering a group of fishermen. I wonder if Young Master Hong is willing to help?" Jin Feng asked again.

"Sir, just don't worry, this matter will be taken care of by me!" Hong Taoping promised, patting his chest, and then felt a little embarrassed: "But sir, pirates have been rampant recently, and Maolang Island is a famous pirate nest..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Hong, this matter has been taken care of by me, Zheng!"

Zheng Chiyuan imitated Hong Taoping and patted his chest: "After dinner, I will go back immediately to form an elite force. No matter what the cost, I will definitely destroy the pirates on Maolang Island!"

"Then I'll notify Daqiang and ask him to arrange five speedboats and four airships to assist you!" Jin Feng followed.

"Thank you so much, sir!" Zheng Chiyuan's eyes brightened when he heard this.

The water conditions around Maolang Island are complicated, and there are kelp everywhere in the water. Navy ships must drive carefully after entering.

Therefore, every time they chased pirates and reached the vicinity of Maolang Island, the navy stopped pursuing them.

This resulted in Maolang Island becoming a famous pirate nest in the East China Sea. Zheng Chiyuan has always wanted to clear Maolang Island, but there has never been a good way.

Now he sees hope of success.

He was already very familiar with speedboats. Speedboats not only run extremely fast, but also because they are light in weight and have a shallow waterline, they will not get entangled in kelp at all.

No matter how fast a pirate's ship is, it can't be faster than a speedboat!

Plus airships with air superiority...

Zheng Chiyuan has seen the end of the Maolang Island pirates.

"If the navy and bodyguards work together to suppress the bandits, then I'll feel relieved!"

Hong Taoping stood up directly: "Sir, how many people do you want, I will prepare it now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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