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Chapter 1565 Visit Yuxi Town (7)

The amount of porridge that everyone can receive every day is fixed, just a big spoonful, and it will be gone after drinking it.

So after Haibazi drank the porridge, he did not swallow it immediately. Instead, he held it in his mouth for more than ten seconds before swallowing it.

The fishermen behind saw this and asked again about the taste of this porridge that they had never seen before.

"This is the best porridge I have ever eaten in my life. It's even better than the steamed buns I ate in town before!"

Haibazi licked his lips: "I almost swallowed my own tongue just now!"

"Really or not, is it that delicious?"

Some fishermen think Hai Bazi's words are too exaggerated.

No matter how delicious the rice porridge is, it can't taste as good as this.

"Don't believe it, this porridge is not only fragrant, but also very fresh!"

Haibazi recalled the taste just now: "You will know when you try it later!"

After speaking, he took another small sip of the porridge and closed his eyes to taste it.

When the other fishermen behind saw this, they felt as if a cat had scratched them, and they became even more curious about the new porridge.

Fortunately, the cook was very skillful in scooping out the porridge, and they soon tasted the new porridge.

Just now, they all thought that Haibazi's words were too exaggerated, but now after drinking the porridge, they realized that they were wrong.

Today's porridge is completely different from the porridge they usually drink.

Not only is it very thick, but it also has an extremely delicious taste.

It's more delicious than fish soup made from freshly fished live fish.

For a moment, the open space was filled with the sounds of slurping and porridge, as well as the sound of praise.

“As expected of rice porridge, it’s so delicious!”

“Not only the rice, but the fish fillets are also more delicious than the fish fillets we usually cook!”

"Yes, my family bought a new net the year before last and we eat fish porridge every day, but I have never had such delicious fish porridge!"

Fishermen live near the sea, and fish is one of their daily foods.

But because they lack the necessary seasonings, or even the oil to fry the fish, they can only boil it, so the fish porridge made by most fishermen has a fishy smell.

In order to prevent the fishermen from getting stuck on the fish bones when they drank the porridge too quickly, the fish fillets used in the porridge this time were cut from large fish, which not only had fewer fish bones, but also had a lighter fishy smell.

In addition, Runniang has been marinated in cooking wine prepared by Jinfeng in advance, so there is basically no fishy smell and only the umami flavor remains.

"Have you eaten this?"

A fisherman picked up a piece of kelp and asked.

"I ate it. It's doughy and glutinous. It's delicious."

Another fisherman replied: "Do you know what this is?"

"I don't know," the fisherman who asked the question shook his head: "It must be some kind of dish from Sichuan."

"You two don't care what it is, as long as it tastes delicious!"

A fisherman next to the two of them said: "You are worthy of being a master of the state. Not only can you build a boat, but you can also fight pirates, and the porridge you serve is so delicious!"

"It's a pity that each person only has one tablespoon, which is not enough to eat!"

"Just be satisfied. Usually the porridge is clear and watery. If you can pull out a mouthful of millet and sorghum from a large bowl, it's good. I don't know how many bowls this bowl can hold today!"

"I don't know when the Imperial Master will give out porridge again!"

Many fishermen were talking and began to look up to see Jin Feng.

At this time, Jin Feng, Tang Xiaobei and Zheng Chiyuan were also holding bowls of porridge.

"No wonder people say that rice porridge is made in a big pot and noodles are made in a small pot. The fish porridge cooked in a big pot is really delicious."

Jin Feng put down his spoon, nodded and praised: "Run Niang's craftsmanship is getting better and better!"

The porridge they eat is also scooped out of porridge buckets and cooked in large pots.

Because the pot is too big, it takes more than an hour to cook a pot of porridge even if it is heated over high heat, so the rice is cooked and becomes very sticky.

"The master taught me well, otherwise I wouldn't know how to cook fish porridge."

Runniang felt a little embarrassed when Jin Feng praised her in public.

"Master, let me in. Cultivation depends on the individual. It's up to you, my lady, to have the enlightenment."

Jin Feng was in a good mood and joked with a smile.

Runniang gently pinched Jin Feng's waist, and she was so embarrassed that she didn't even dare to raise her head: "Master, don't talk nonsense and make people laugh!"

"Run Niang, sir, this is not nonsense!"

Qing Mulan put down the empty bowl and gave a thumbs up to Run Niang: "This is the best fish porridge I have ever tasted. It is a hundred times better than the one made by the royal chef in the palace!"

"Mu Lan, you also follow the master's hesitation!" Run Niang gave Qing Mulan a white look.

"Madam, I'm not making fun of you," Zheng Chiyuan also praised: "I have lived by the sea for so many years. I eat fish porridge almost every day. Today's bowl of fish porridge is the best I have ever eaten.

As for the food, I’m not afraid of Madam’s jokes if I tell you about it. I’ve just eaten three bowls, and I even secretly had someone pack a small pot to take back to my family to try!”

Tang Xiaobei also joined in the fun: "Mother Run, you cook really good fish porridge. You can tell by the looks of the people."

Even Hong Taoping, who came later, also praised: "I used to think that footbinding grass can only be eaten cold or stewed in soup, but it turns out that it is also so delicious when made into porridge. Mrs. Runniang, you are so awesome!"

Runniang rarely received praise from so many people, so she was so embarrassed that she simply hid behind Jin Feng.

While a few people were chatting, the people also finished their porridge one after another.

There was a clan elder who led his wife and two grandsons to the high platform, kneeled on the ground with his wife and children, and kowtowed to Jin Feng on the high platform.

"Thank you, Master, for the porridge!"

Although Tang Xiaobei scolded him to death today, the clan elder had to admit that today's fish porridge was really delicious.

The ordinary fisherman doesn't know what the dark vegetable pieces in the porridge are, but he has already recognized it after eating cold kelp in the afternoon. Isn't it the foot-binding grass?

Thinking of the endless kelp on Maolang Island, the clan elder suddenly felt that his life was heading forward.

Although their previous conspiracy was discovered by Tang Xiaobei and it was no longer possible to steal the foot-binding grass to make a fortune, but with so much foot-binding grass, their family and tribe would probably never have to go hungry again.

"Thank you, Master, for the porridge!"

The two children also quickly imitated their grandfather and shouted loudly towards Jin Feng.

The wife said nothing, but kowtowed to Jin Feng again.

Someone took the lead, and other people followed suit, kowtowing to Jin Feng on the high platform.

For a time, the open space on the beach was filled with people crawling on the ground.

The voices of thanks are endless.

Although Jin Feng had repeatedly asked Chen Wenyuan to publicize the cancellation of the kneeling ceremony in Jinchuan Daily, he could not stop it with so many people kowtowing at the same time.

When the fishermen's emotions were almost stable, Jin Feng had someone ring the gong.

Banging the gong means that the Master has something to say, and the fishermen quickly quiet down.

But Jin Feng didn't say anything, and instead asked Tie Hammer to hand the tin trumpet to Zheng Chiyuan.

Zheng Chiyuan was stunned for a moment and did not dare to pick it up: "Sir, please tell me!"

Just kidding, the people are grateful at this time. Whoever speaks first will easily win the favor of the people.

If Hong Er were here, he would definitely roll up his sleeves and get on it, but an old official like Zheng Chiyuan knows all too well the taboos involved.

To win people's hearts in front of the leader, isn't that asking for death?

This chapter has been completed!
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