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Chapter 1567

Jin Feng also guessed that Zheng Chiyuan might mention Runniang, and also guessed that Runniang might be a little uncomfortable with it.

But he didn't expect Runniang's reaction to be so big.

Seeing Runniang staggering and about to faint, Jin Feng quickly reached out to help her.

But Tang Xiaobei was one step faster than him and stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Runniang.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Xiaobei secretly pinched Runniang's waist.

This is not Tang Xiaobei taking the opportunity to bully Runniang, but to make Runniang wake up as soon as possible.

Run Niang was in pain, and her dizzy mind finally became clearer. She leaned against Tang Xiaobei and forced a smile downwards.

"Wow, this lady looks so good-looking too!"

"Not only does she look good, but her hands are also so skillful. I have been making fish porridge all my life, and this is the first time I have eaten such delicious fish porridge!"

"General Zheng just said that today's fish porridge was made by this lady? Then didn't we eat the fish porridge made by the Imperial Master's wife?"

"Master Imperial Master, you are so lucky. The two ladies are more beautiful and virtuous than the other!"

"Don't you know this? In fact, the Imperial Master also has a wife, who is your Majesty!"

"What? Your Majesty is also the wife of the National Preceptor? How is this possible?"

"I see that you don't listen well when listening to Jinchuan Daily. Jinchuan Daily has said it several times!"

"Do you think everyone has as much free time as you? I have to catch the sea in the morning. When I get back, there are people standing under the stage. I can only vaguely hear the general idea!"

"Your Majesty the Imperial Master is so powerful. Your Majesty is the first female emperor in history!"

People were discussing Runniang and the gossip about Jin Feng below the stage. On the stage, Jin Feng stepped forward to support Runniang and asked in a low voice: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Runniang shook her head gently.

Until now, her face was still as red as if it was dripping with blood.

"Mrs. Runniang, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were feeling unwell!"

Zheng Chi saw the situation and quickly apologized to Run Niang.

"General Zheng also has good intentions, but I am useless and cannot stand on the stage."

Runniang quickly waved her hand.

Hong Taoping looked at a few people from the side, and his admiration for Zheng Chiyuan grew to a higher level.

It can be seen from the expressions on the faces of Jin Feng, Run Niang and others that they are indeed not angry.

This shows that Zheng Chiyuan's flattery is right again this time.

Zheng Chiyuan just said a few words and not only flattered Jin Feng, but also took care of Tang Xiaobei and Run Niang.

Moreover, when Zheng Chiyuan was shouting, his expressions, movements and tone were very natural, and his guidance to the people was also very successful.

This ability makes Hong Taoping ashamed!

However, Zheng Chiyuan is not over yet.

When the fishermen calmed down, Zheng Chiyuan raised the tin trumpet again: "Since everyone thinks today's fish porridge is delicious, do you want to eat it again in the future?"


The people under the stage answered without hesitation.

Just kidding, no fool would want to eat such delicious fish porridge.

"Do you know what today's fish porridge is made of?" Zheng Chiyuan asked again.



The fishermen responded in a variety of ways.

"Then do you know what those black vegetable pieces are?"

Zheng Chiyuan continued to ask.

"have no idea!"

The people under the stage shook their heads one after another, and then they all looked at Zheng Chiyuan curiously.

In fact, they are also very curious about this issue.

Because those vegetable pieces taste quite delicious, many fishermen feel unsatisfied and want to know what they are.

Zheng Chiyuan did not whet the appetite of the fishermen and directly announced: "In fact, everyone has seen those vegetable pieces. They are the foot-binding grass that everyone usually hates. But now the Imperial Master has changed its name to kelp..."

Before Zheng Chiyuan finished speaking, there was a stir under the table.

"What, the dark stuff we ate just now turned out to be legweed?"

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Preceptor, is too arrogant. He used seaweed to cook porridge for us to eat!"

"Didn't you just say it was delicious?"

"I didn't know it was foot-binding grass just now. If I had known earlier..."

"If I had known what you were going to do, wouldn't you want to eat?"

"I think you are still very hungry, Lao Yuan. What's wrong with the seaweed? As long as you can eat it, won't it be fine?"

"Yes, I heard from people from the Central Plains who escaped from the disaster that even the grass roots and bark of trees in their hometown were eaten away. It would be great if we have seaweed to eat!"

The fishermen were very surprised by the kelp in the porridge.

Some people were angry about this and felt that Jin Feng was humiliating them, while others comforted themselves.

Zheng Chiyuan saw all this, and he also expected the fishermen's reaction.

After signaling the soldiers to beat the gong to suppress the noise of the fishermen, Zheng Chiyuan hurriedly said: "Do you think kelp is inedible? Didn't you see that the Imperial Master, the two ladies, and us all ate it just now?

I’m not afraid of your jokes, I just ate three big bowls in one go!”

"Who knew that what you eat is different from what we do?"

Some fishermen were muttering below.

Although Zheng Chiyuan couldn't hear their muttering, he could guess it.

So Zheng Chiyuan shouted to the porridge cook: "Do you still have porridge in the bucket?"

"Yes!" the cook replied.

"Bring the bucket over here!"

Zheng Chiyuan waved, and the cook quickly lifted the porridge bucket onto the wooden platform.

There was still a base left in the porridge bucket, so Zheng Chiyuan motioned to the cook to bring some earthenware bowls and put the remaining fish porridge into the bowls.

Zheng Chiyuan turned to look at Jin Feng, his heart full of anxiety.

The atmosphere has been heightened to this point. It's not enough for him to drink porridge in public. It would be better if he brings Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei to drink together.

But this way, it was just like performing in public, which made Zheng Chiyuan a little worried that Jin Feng would blame him.

Just as he was thinking about how to phrase his words, he saw Jin Feng taking the lead to walk to the porridge bowl and pick up a bowl full of fish porridge.

Then Tang Xiaobei, Runniang, Qing Mulan, Hong Taoping and others each picked up a bowl.

Under the watchful eyes of the fishermen, several people drank the fish porridge in large gulps.

Hong Taoping was still not satisfied after drinking, so he asked the cook to scrape the porridge from the bottom and sides of the bucket into the bowl, and drank it all in one go.

If the fishermen had just suspected that the porridge Jin Feng and his companions drank was different from theirs, the porridge Hong Taoping drank now was the leftover porridge they had just given out, which completely dispelled the fishermen's concerns.

The fishermen who had doubted Jin Feng just now also lowered their heads in shame.

"I just thought those black cabbage cubes were shipped from Sichuan and Sichuan, but I didn't expect them to be foot-binding grass from the East China Sea!"

"It turns out that porridge made with footbinding grass is so delicious!"

“I really don’t know how the Imperial Master’s wife found out that foot-binding grass can be eaten!”

The fishermen talked a lot about kelp.

Zheng Chi saw that the heat was almost gone and raised the tin trumpet again.

This time there was no need for soldiers to beat the gong. The fishermen immediately shut their mouths and waited for Zheng Chiyuan to speak.

"You don't need to tell me, but everyone knows how many foot-binding plants there are in the sea, right?"

Zheng Chiyuan finally revealed the main purpose of this porridge donation: "Have you ever thought about it, if we fish out the foot-binding grass, will we still go hungry?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was excited again!

This chapter has been completed!
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