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Chapter 1575 First Launch

After the bombing, all the houses on Maolang Island were razed to the ground, almost all the land that could be seen was plowed, and all the trees and weeds on the island were burned away, leaving only a bare desert.


Maolangyu is an ordinary island with no caves on it and the pirates have no place to hide. After the bombing, almost all the pirates were wiped out.

Even those who were lucky enough to survive were killed by the bodyguards and navy who later landed on the island to clean up the battlefield.

When he saw the casualties on both sides, Jin Feng knew why Zheng Chiyuan was so excited.

According to the statistics of the navy soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield, more than 3,000 pirates were wiped out in this bandit suppression. No one on our side was killed, and only two people accidentally fell down and were slightly injured.

Not only that, the total number of pirate ships captured reached more than 100, and many pirate ships also contained a lot of gold, silver, copper coins, and a large amount of food.

It is indeed a great victory.

"The fight was pretty good," Jin Feng was also quite satisfied with the result.

When Zheng Chiyuan heard this, he was more in awe of Jin Feng.

He has been in charge of the Navy for so many years and has fought against pirates countless times. This is the most exciting battle.

Only two of our own were slightly injured, and no one was killed. However, more than 3,000 enemy soldiers were killed.

This kind of record is enough for Zheng Chiyuan to boast about for a lifetime, but when he came to Jin Feng, he only received a mediocre "not bad" evaluation.

But thinking about Jin Feng's previous achievements, Zheng Chiyuan felt relieved again.

Compared with the battles Jin Feng fought before, this time the bandit suppression was indeed not on the stage.

"How is the preparation of the fishing team?" Jin Feng put down the battle report and asked.

"The clan elders counted the registered fishermen and fishing boats the night before yesterday, and the fishing boats that needed repairing were also delivered to the dock yesterday!"

Zheng Chiyuan replied: "The fishermen can't wait any longer. They are just waiting for Mr.'s order. As long as Mr. gives the order, they can go to sea at any time!"

"Let the anti-bandit team confirm again. If it is confirmed that there are really no pirates, we can arrange to go to sea."

Jin Feng thought for a moment and said: "When you first start picking, you don't need to pursue the yield too much. Everything is about safety. In addition, arrange a few speedboats and two airships to be stationed on Maolang Island. Once pirates are found approaching, they will be killed!"


"Yes!" Zheng Chiyuan quickly took out his notebook and wrote it down.

The pirates have been dealt with, the next step is to pick kelp.

Jin Feng ate breakfast in a hurry and went straight to the shipyard workshop.

There were fishing boats in need of repair everywhere in the workshop. Hong Taoping and the dock workers had been busy all day and night. When Jin Feng rushed over, he was still squatting under a fishing boat.

Seeing Hong Taoping's panda eyes, Jin Feng frowned and asked, "Master Hong, didn't you go back to sleep last night?"

"I can't sleep even when I go back," Hong Taoping asked, "Sir, you came just in time to see if this ship can still be repaired?"

Many fishermen's fishing boats have been used for many years and have become seriously damaged.

Hong Taoping is personally responsible for this kind of relatively serious fishing boat.

The fishing boat in front of him was so old that even Hong Taoping was a little undecided.

When Jin Feng heard this, he also got under the fishing boat.

After checking it over, Jin Feng said helplessly: "Don't repair it. This fishing boat is too old and badly rotted. If you want to go to Maolang Island, I'm afraid the entire bottom of the boat will have to be replaced. This will require a lot of materials and time."

It’s almost time to build a new ship.”

"Is there no other way?" Hong Taoping said: "This is the last fishing boat of the Liu family, and their family depends on it for their livelihood."

Jin Feng didn't know who Hong Taoping was talking about, nor did he know what was going on in the other party's family, but Jin Feng knew that the other party's family must be very difficult.

According to Jin Feng's idea, such a boat can no longer be used, but considering the situation at the other party's home, Jin Feng thought for a moment and said:

"In this case, let him help transfer supplies offshore. When he makes money later, he can change to another boat. In addition, life buoys should be prepared on the boat. In the event of a shipwreck, they will have a way to survive."

"Okay, I will tell Old Liu." Hong Taoping agreed and got out from the bottom of the boat: "In this case, this boat does not need to be repaired. Let's just use it as long as it can."

Jin Feng also got out and asked while wiping his hands: "Master Hong, how many fishing boats can be launched now?"

Hong Taoping did not answer Jin Feng's question, but asked in surprise: "Sir, have the pirates on Maolang Island been solved?"

"Solved," Jin Feng said, "I came here to ask you, how many fishing boats can be launched now?"

"Totaling up, there are about seventy or eighty fishing boats of all sizes." Hong Taoping quickly replied: "Maolang Island is not very far, and almost all fishing boats can go there.

If you feel that it is not enough, you can also arrange for people to inform other towns. I think if they know the news, they will definitely be willing to join the fishing team."

"We are still in the exploratory stage now. Let's try it first. If there is really not enough manpower, we can recruit people from other towns."

The current situation is unclear, and Jin Feng is not sure that he will recruit too many people at once.

What if there is not as much kelp in Maolang Island as Zheng Chiyuan said, and too many people are recruited at once, and all the kelp is picked quickly? How to arrange these people?

"It's all up to sir. If you need help from the dock, sir, just talk."

Hong Taoping really no longer cares about other things and only focuses on repairing and building ships.

If there was nothing else, Jin Feng would also like to be like Hong Taoping, but unfortunately he has a lot of things on his plate now.

After coming out of the dock, Jin Feng rushed to Golden Beach without stopping.

Only a day and a half later, Jin Feng came to Golden Beach again and found that the place was different.

The beach is full of fishermen carrying wood. At the edge of the beach, fishermen have built several rows of houses with wood.

There are more fishermen building drying racks on the beach using thinner wooden sticks and bamboo poles.

Zuo Feifei took off her armor, put on the uniform of a bodyguard, and led people to give instructions at the scene.

Seeing Jin Feng, Zuo Feifei asked her men to go to work and came over with her own guards.

Zuo Feifei tied her hair into a high ponytail at this time. When she walked, the ponytail swayed. Paired with the slim escort uniform, she looked full of youth and capable temperament.

"Sir, why are you here?" Zuo Feifei asked.

"The pirates on Maolang Island have been wiped out. The fishing team can go out to sea tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If everything goes well, the first batch of kelp may be shipped back in more than ten days."

Jin Feng said: "Let me see how your preparations are going?"

"Ten days..." Zuo Feifei thought for a moment and said, "It shouldn't be a big problem."

This chapter has been completed!
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