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Chapter 149: A New Beginning

Officials and nobles are two different classes.

Nobles refer to those who have made military achievements and are canonized as nobility by the emperor. The most typical example is the generals and counselors who followed the founding emperor of Dakang to conquer the country. After the founding of the country, they were basically canonized with different titles based on their merits in the war.

To put it bluntly, these people follow the emperor to conquer the world, and then sit on the world together.

The greatest noble leader is the emperor, and they are the masters of Dakang.

Officials are just people invited by the master to manage the world.

Just like a company, the nobles are the shareholders, the emperor is the largest shareholder, they may not be directly involved, and the officials are the professional managers invited by the shareholders to manage the company.

Shareholders may only pay dividends and not directly manage the company, but they have the right to be held accountable when they see managers corrupting the company.

When Jin Feng was just a commoner, the county magistrate, as a parent official, could do whatever he wanted.

Just like a team leader in a company punishing a member of his team, he can be fired for any reason.

But if this group member is a shareholder, even the smallest one, the situation will be different.

Officials protect each other, and nobles and nobles will stick together.

As long as there is evidence, Jin Feng can bring down the officials.

Unless this official really has no stain at all.

But with the official atmosphere of Dakang, how many officials can be completely clean and tidy?

Of course, with Jin Feng's title, he could only deal with the lower-level officials. It was impossible to bring down the high-ranking officials in the court. After all, those high-ranking officials were basically composed of nobles.

However, great honors are generally concentrated in prosperous places. In mountainous areas like Sichuan and Sichuan, there are very few honors. There are only two in Jinchuan County, Jinfeng and Qinghuai.

Precisely because there are fewer people, the nobles at the grassroots level will be more united.

Baron is enough for Jin Feng.

In fact, all he asked for was an identity to ensure that he would not be bullied.

If Master Zhou hadn't targeted him again and again, Jin Feng wouldn't have been idle to deal with Master Zhou.

If you have that kind of effort, you might as well make more money.

I believe that after Master Zhou’s incident, no one will be foolish enough to provoke him again.

In fact, in the next two days, all the prominent figures in Jinchuan County got the news that there was an unreasonable nobleman in Jinchuan County who would flip the table if he disagreed.

All the officials and squires were very dissatisfied with Jin Feng's actions, but no one dared to make irresponsible remarks for fear of being targeted by Jin Feng.

After all, no one wants to mess with a madman.

Instead, the county magistrate confirmed Master Zhou's crime as quickly as possible and made it public in the form of a notice at the city gate. By the way, he also praised Jin Feng for killing the bandits in Iron Can Mountain.

The autopsy work of the bandits is progressing very quickly. The gangsters no longer dare to be arrogant and work overtime to examine the corpses. County officials are waiting with money to identify each corpse and settle the reward for each corpse.

This is the deterrent power brought by class privilege, and it is also the fundamental reason why Jin Feng decided to follow Qing Huai to the battlefield.

Jin Feng was very satisfied with this result.

Through this battle with the bandits, not only did the veterans and female soldiers develop their combat capabilities internally, but they also demonstrated their force and attitude externally.

I believe that no one in Jinchuan County will provoke me for no reason.

At this time, Jin Feng was standing on the hillside at the entrance of the village, feeling like he had taken off his shackles and wanted to spread his wings and fly high!

"Sir, look over there, it seems that the brothers from the escort team are back, but why did they drag someone along?"

Tie Hammer, who was standing next to Jin Feng, pointed at the mountain road in the distance and said.

Now Zhang Liang is the commander-in-chief of all veterans and has many things to do. He cannot stay with Jin Feng all the time, so he selected a team from the veterans to be responsible for Jin Feng's safety, which can be regarded as Jin Feng's personal bodyguards.

The leader of this team is Hammer.

Jin Feng looked in the direction of the hammer's finger, and sure enough he saw a team of carts coming along the mountain road.

There seemed to be a person lying on one of the carts.

"It should be that Hu Zi is back. Let's go down and have a look."

Jin Feng turned around and walked down the hillside.

In the threshing floor at the foot of the hillside, the living bandits had been taken away long ago. After the corpses were confirmed by the policemen, they were also taken away and buried in pits.

So many people died in the small threshing floor that in modern times it has become a place of death that no one dares to approach.

But Dakang has been in turmoil for many years. Countless people starve to death every year and are bitten to death by wild beasts. Who has never seen dead people?

Xihewan is surrounded by mountains. It is not easy to find a few pieces of flat land. The threshing ground is not small and cannot be abandoned. At this time, the village chief is instructing the men to dig up the land.

The men showed no fear at all. When they saw Jin Feng coming down, they all smiled and said hello.

"thanks everyone."

Jin Feng smiled and greeted the village chief.

Hundreds of bandits died, and so much blood flowed out that the villagers had to dig up a layer of soil more than half a meter deep to cover the smell of blood.

"Haha, I think I won't have to pay the annual salary anymore, so I feel more motivated to work!"

A man said loudly.

"Yes, from now on we can save a lot of food every year, and we will never go hungry again."

"This is all thanks to Brother Feng!"

Other men also echoed.

Jin Feng smiled and walked to the intersection with the hammer.

The escort team just arrived.

The person lying on the cart in the middle is indeed Hu Zi.

"Brother Feng, Brother Hammer, why are you here?"

Liu Tie, the leader of the team, asked.

Usually Jin Feng is either in the textile factory or the iron smelting workshop, and rarely comes to the village entrance.

"Sir said it's time for you to come back and take us to see Hu Zi."

Iron Hammer rushed to say.

"Huzi, you are so proud. Brother Feng personally came to the village entrance to greet you."

The men in the escort laughed and joked.

There was also a hint of warmth in my heart.

Huzi was injured, and Jin Feng not only paid for his medical treatment, but also gave his mother a large sum of money so that Huzi could rest in peace and recover from his injuries.

When he came back, he personally took people to greet him at the entrance of the village.

Where can I find such a good owner?

Others thought so. As the person involved, Huzi was so excited that tears filled his eyes. He pushed himself up and wanted to sit up.

Jin Feng couldn't help but glance at Tie Hammer in a funny way.

This guy looks so naive, but I didn't expect him to be quite good at talking.

No wonder Zhang Liang arranged for this guy to be his personal guard.

Knowing that Tie Hammer was trying to win people's hearts for him, Jin Feng naturally wouldn't point it out. He walked to the car with a smile, held down Hu Zi and said, "How's it going?"

"Brother Feng, I'm fine."

Huzi said: "I told Brother Tiezi to get me a pair of crutches so that I could jump back. He insisted on letting me ride in the car. If he didn't know better, he thought I was going to die."

"Huzi, I will get you a pair of crutches now. You can jump home and show me."

Liu Tie said angrily: "You still behave well when you get an advantage."

"Brother Tiezi, you see, we have already reached the entrance of the village. If I jump back again, won't my hard work for you brothers be in vain?"

Huzi scratched his head and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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