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Chapter 1680 Thank you

The people in the audience held up their money bags and wanted to buy kelp.

The scene immediately became chaotic.

The clerk from the Chamber of Commerce struck the gong several times before suppressing the noise.

"Everyone, don't be impatient. Just listen to what I have to say!" The clerk from the Chamber of Commerce was dumbfounded.

The common people then remembered that just now the clerk from the Chamber of Commerce said that there were four grades of kelp, but now they only mentioned one.

So they all closed their mouths and looked at the guys from the chamber of commerce.

"This is a third-class product. The length is more than one and a half feet, the thickest part is more than one copper coin, and there are fewer yellow edges and holes. It costs twenty cents per catty!"

After introducing the third-class products, the clerk from the Chamber of Commerce picked up another bundle: "This is a second-class product. Each strip is more than three feet long. The thickest part must be more than two copper coins. There are fewer yellow edges and holes.

Fifty cents per catty!”

After introducing the second-class product, he picked up the last bundle: "This is the first-class product. Each strip must be more than five feet long, and the thickest part must exceed three copper coins. There are almost no yellow edges or holes. This kind of kelp

, you can’t pick out one pound out of a hundred, so the price is five hundred cents per pound!”

Jin Feng's original intention of salvaging kelp was indeed to solve the upcoming food problem and the common people's big neck disease. He did not consider making money.

But as the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Tang Xiaobei had to consider making money.

After all, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce and the Supply and Marketing Cooperative supported so many workers and were one of the important sources of income for the imperial court. If they did not make money, they would probably go bankrupt soon.

Therefore, Tang Xiaobei formulated different grades and prices based on the quality of kelp.

Ordinary people can buy low-priced third- and fourth-class products. Rich people who want to pursue a higher quality of life can naturally choose better ones.

This is also the reason why the prices of third- and fourth-class products are relatively low, while the prices of first- and second-class products are soaring.

Especially for first-class products, the price is directly ten times that of second-class products and fifty times that of fourth-class products!

Tang Xiaobei is not worried that no one will buy it. After all, it is human nature to compare and show off. The rich must always be given a chance to express their sense of superiority.

Just like Jin Feng's luxury goods in his previous life, they were not practical at all, but countless wealthy people still flocked to them, forcing a high-priced bag seller to become the richest man in the world.

What these rich people care about is not practicality, but the sense of superiority brought by luxury goods.

Therefore, the more expensive the first-class product is, the better it is likely to sell!

This is human nature.

Sure enough, as soon as the chamber of commerce clerk finished speaking, Lao Yangtou raised his arms and shouted: "Brother, give me two kilograms of first-class products!"

"Lao Yang, are you crazy? You can get one tael of silver for two pounds of first-class products. Even if your daughter makes money, she can't waste it like this, right?"

The neighbors with whom I have a close relationship glared and tried to dissuade me.

But Lao Yang didn't listen. With envious eyes, he took out his money bag and bought two kilograms of first-class food, and asked: "Brother, how do you eat this food?"

"By the way, I forgot to demonstrate it to everyone!"

The clerk from the chamber of commerce said, bringing over a basin of water and explaining: "The kelp is dried and needs to be soaked like fungus before eating. Soak in cold water for two hours and warm water for one hour. If you add some white vinegar, it will take two cups of tea.

Just soak it!"

After saying that, he brought out an iron basin from the back: "The soaked kelp looks like this. It can be stewed with meat, or cooked and served cold."

After saying that, he made a gesture to the back, and the other two waiters each brought out a basin of cold seaweed and put it on the table. Then they placed a row of palm-sized pieces of paper in front of the iron basin, with a piece of paper on each piece of paper.

One or two kelp threads.

"This is cold seaweed, you can try it."

"Let me try it!"

As the first customer, Lao Yangtou reached for a piece of paper and poured the kelp into his mouth.

After chewing it carefully, he gave it a thumbs up: "It tastes so good. I will buy two more pounds of second-rate product!"

“There’s so much money to burn!”

The old enemy whispered behind his back, but deep down he was filled with envy and jealousy.

Lao Yangtou carried a few strings of kelp and returned home humming a ditty.

Before he got home, some children who were watching the fun came back and told his mother-in-law about the incident.

So when I entered the door, I saw the mother-in-law standing at the door with a dark face.

When she saw him coming back with several strings of rag-like seaweed in his hands, the mother-in-law became furious.

"You damn old man, you are really rich. Girls earn money easily, but you actually spent more than one tael of silver to buy a few pieces of rags!"

As he spoke, he started crying: "What a sin, how can we afford five hundred coins per pound! Old man, I can return the things from the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce. Can you take the kelp and return it?"

"What do you know, you little bitch!"

Old Yangtou said: "Who said I bought kelp for my own consumption?"

"If you don't eat it for yourself, then who is it for?" the mother-in-law asked curiously.

"My daughter has been promoted to squad leader and is a cadre. She must learn to build a good relationship with the leaders, do you understand?"

Old Yangtou said in a low voice: "This kind of kelp is first-class. You can't pick out even one kilogram out of a hundred kilograms. It is also a fashionable thing. It is just right to give it to your daughter."

"You mean, let the girl take this kelp and give it as a gift?" The mother-in-law finally understood.

"Of course, otherwise you think I bought such expensive food after my head was kicked by a donkey?"

Old Yangtou said: "My daughter is still young and doesn't understand the ways of the world. If we parents don't teach her, when will she become the workshop director?"

"Old man, you are very considerate!"

When the mother-in-law heard that it was for her daughter's future, she immediately put away her tears, reached out to take the kelp, and looked at it curiously: "This thing looks ugly, is it really edible?"

"Of course you can eat it. The guy from the Chamber of Commerce said that Her Majesty the Queen eats it every day now!" Old Yangtou said: "I just tried it and it was delicious!"

The mother-in-law swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "What does it smell like?"

"These two handfuls are second-class. Let's keep them for ourselves. Can you cook some and taste them at noon?" Old Yang pointed at the second-class.

When the mother-in-law heard this, she was even more happy, but when she thought that the other two bundles of kelp cost one tael of silver, she still felt a little distressed: "It's too expensive to sell this little thing for one tael of silver. I guess only rich people are willing to buy it for themselves."

Eat it!”

"You are wrong. The really rich and powerful people don't buy them themselves. Some people give them as gifts."

Old Yangtou said: "Believe it or not, the first-class products will definitely sell the fastest. If it weren't for my quick hands, we probably wouldn't be able to grab them!"

It has to be said that Lao Yangtou's half of his life was not in vain, and he really guessed it right.

The first-class kelp was sold out in just half an hour, making it the fastest-selling product.

Just like a certain high-end wine in the previous life, despite its high price, demand has always been in short supply.

Moreover, few people who actually drink drink buy it themselves, while those who buy it are reluctant to drink it themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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