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Chapter 1690 Roadside Childbirth

The airship was flying at a low altitude just now, too low to the ground, and the bow and arrow could threaten the airship and its passengers. For safety reasons, the eagle never got close to the official road, but moved forward in the wilderness far away from the official road.

Now that it has reunited with the Ninth Princess, the airship can fly normally, and the eagle controls the airship to enter the middle position of the flight formation.

This location is just above the official road. Looking down from the airship, we can see that the official road is full of refugees heading east.

Some are in groups of three or five, and some are in groups of dozens or hundreds of people.

Those in groups of three to five are usually a family or relatives, and those with dozens or hundreds of people may be the entire Zhuangzi acting together.

But no matter whether there are three or five people or hundreds of people, everyone walks very slowly.

The young man supported the children and the elderly, stopping to take a rest from time to time.

Even so, there are still people who fall on the side of the road while walking.

The fellow travelers took off the deceased's clothes with a numb expression, carried the deceased to a grass ditch on the roadside, and then continued to set off.

Looking from a high altitude, one or two corpses can be seen not far away in the grass ditch along the official road.

Some are still intact, and some are rotten.

Jin Feng has seen the same scene many times since he came to this world, but every time he sees it, he still feels uncomfortable.

The same is true for the Ninth Princess.

When she was correcting the memorial for Chen Ji, she had despised Chen Ji in her heart more than once, and had imagined that if she were made emperor, she would definitely be able to govern the world.

But when she actually became the emperor, the people were still displaced and starved to death everywhere.

The situation is even worse than when Chen Ji was in power.

Although the Ninth Princess understood that this was caused by the usurpation of the throne by the fourth prince and the self-proclaimed king of the princes, and that she had only been on the throne for a short time and did not have enough time to govern, the Ninth Princess still felt like a failure in her heart.

Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were not in high spirits and neither spoke.

Eagle controlled the airship and glanced at Zhu'er and Qin Ming from time to time, his eyes full of anger.

Just now, one of the two men knocked him to the ground, and the other put a knife on his neck, causing him to be kicked several times by Jin Feng.

Eagle silently swore in his heart that if he found an opportunity later, he would take care of them both.

Especially Qin Ming, he is so disgusting.

Zhuer and Qin Ming also knew that they were in the wrong, so they did not look at the eagle, but looked outside.

On the other side, Iron Hammer held a telescope curiously and looked at the gondola of the airship that the Ninth Princess had previously taken.

To be precise, look at the female escort on the hanging basket.

It's not that he fell in love with this female escort, but that this female escort was almost the same height and shape as Jin Feng. She was wearing Jin Feng's clothes and makeup. If it weren't for the fact that the female escort's breasts were slightly bulging, and

After seeing Jin Feng, he hung up the escort's standard black knife and hand crossbow, and even the bodyguard Iron Hammer almost admitted his mistake.

"Old Qin, where did your majesty find such a person? He looks so much like sir!"

The hammer bumped Qin Ming's shoulder and asked in a low voice: "If sir weren't right next to me, I almost admitted it was wrong!"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" Qin Ming moved to the side impatiently.

The Forbidden Army is responsible for surrounding the palace. There are many rules and every one of them is extremely strict. Qin Ming was born in a family of the Forbidden Army. He grew up in the palace and developed a rigid and serious character under his influence.

Iron Hammer, on the other hand, comes from a rural background and is not afraid to talk about meat and vegetables. When he meets an enlightened boss like Jin Feng, he becomes even more unscrupulous.

Twice, while Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were happy, this guy actually teased Jin Feng and Ninth Princess in front of Ninth Princess.

At that time, Qin Ming's nervous palms were sweating, and all he could think about was that Ninth Princess had ordered the hammer to be chopped off, and he wanted to ask for mercy.

In the end, who knew that the Ninth Princess was not angry, but Jin Feng kicked Iron Hammer twice, and the matter was over.

From then on, Qin Ming was unwilling to talk to Tie Zhui as long as Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were nearby.

But Tie Zhui didn't seem to know. When he saw Qin Ming move to the side, he immediately followed him. He even reached out to stop Qin Ming's shoulder and said affectionately: "It's okay if you have nothing to do. Tell me, where did this girl come from?"

The company found him."

Although Iron Hammer does not look like a formal figure, as the captain of Jin Feng's personal guard, he is very competent.

After discovering this substitute, Iron Hammer immediately wanted to recruit her into the Guards. If there was an emergency in the future, maybe he could let this girl pretend to be Jin Feng.

Qin Ming was very unaccustomed to Iron Hammer's intimate behavior. He shrugged his shoulders and prepared to throw away Iron Hammer, but failed.

Just as he was about to push it away, the hammer took his hand away.

Qin Ming turned to look over and saw that Tie Zhui took off the telescope from his waist with a solemn expression and pointed it towards the northwest.

The next second, I heard Iron Hammer shout loudly: "Everyone, pay attention to the northwest!"

At Iron Hammer's reminder, everyone on the airship turned to look northwest.

I saw a few fuzzy black dots moving rapidly in the extreme distance to the northwest.

Pick up the telescope and take a closer look. These little black dots are all falcons.

Falcons are not social animals and have a strong sense of territory. They usually travel and forage alone. Even if they are in company, they are usually one male and one female.

If there are several of them appearing at once, someone is definitely controlling them.

Just when everyone was worried about these falcons, Iron Hammer shouted again: "There are also some in the southwest!"

Everyone quickly looked to the southwest.

Sure enough, several small black spots also appeared in the southwest direction.

Subsequently, different numbers of falcons also appeared in the west and north.

"Send the order, battle plan No. 1!" Qin Ming roared at the ordering soldiers.

The female pilot in the gondola immediately took out a box of parachutes and distributed them to Jin Feng, Ninth Princess and others.

Pearl took the parachute and quickly helped the ninth princess put it on.

As soon as Iron Hammer got the parachute, he also wanted to help Jin Feng put it on, but Jin Feng stopped him.

Jin Feng is still not used to having close contact with men, so forget it if it is another critical moment, but he designed the parachute, and he knows better than anyone how to wear it.

As the messenger waved the flag, the surrounding hot air balloons immediately gathered over Jin Feng's airship to prevent the falcons from attacking Jin Feng's airship.

The eagle controlled the airship to descend rapidly.

The entourage was all panicked, but the Ninth Princess sneered calmly: "I didn't expect there was an assassin, and the commotion it caused was quite big!"

When she learned that there were refugees trying to gather in the East China Sea, the Ninth Princess realized something was wrong.

Especially after coming to the East China Sea, Princess Ninth's feeling became stronger and stronger.

The flow of refugees to the East China Sea is so fast that it seems abnormal.

But it is normal for refugees to want to find a way to survive. Princess Ninth was also a little unsure, so she used herself as bait to test her guess.

She guessed it right!

This chapter has been completed!
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