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Chapter 1702 Agree to any conditions

Seawater is rich in salt substances. After drinking it, it will increase the osmotic pressure in the body and stimulate the cerebral cortex to produce thirst.

It is the same reason that you will feel thirsty after eating salty food.

But Grandpa Turtle doesn’t know a single Chinese character, so how could he know this?

After thinking for a while, he shook his head: "I don't know either, but I heard that Mr. Jin, the National Normal University, knows astronomy and geography. There is nothing in this world that he doesn't know. If you have the opportunity to meet the National Normal University in the future,

You can go ask him."

Emissions are extremely dangerous, and there are three reasons why they should not be avoided.

Don’t go there in the dark, in heavy snow and fog, or in windy weather.

It is already summer now, with heavy fog and little snow. Knowing that there is an urgent shortage of wood in the East China Sea, I will also rush on the road in windy weather.

But there is absolutely no way to travel at night.

At night, the rowers' union docked the rafts on the shore.

Although Zhang Liang and Qinghuai arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, water banditry on the Yangtze River was still serious, especially at night, when water bandits were even more rampant.

In order to prevent water bandits from harming the discharge workers, the escorts would gather the discharge workers at night to protect them.

During the long night, when everyone had nothing to do, they would let the traveling escort tell stories.

Jin Feng is a character that all escorts cannot avoid when telling stories, and is also the protagonist in most stories.

Children of Shui Wa's age are most likely to have feelings of admiration for the strong. In the past, I often heard Jin Feng's name when listening to newspapers in my hometown.

However, Jinchuan Daily will not always report on things related to Jin Feng, and Grandpa Turtle is too old to do work-for-relief work. Shui Wa also has to catch fish to support the family, so there is not much time to listen to newspapers.

Now the escorts were telling stories, basically all of them were about Jin Feng. Shui Wa was immediately attracted and developed a strong admiration and curiosity for Jin Feng.

Hearing Grandpa Turtle talking about Jin Feng, Shui Wa's eyes suddenly lit up: "Grandpa Turtle, can we really see the National Preceptor?"

"I heard from the escort that the Imperial Master has been busy building ships in the East China Sea recently and often appears at the dock. If we are lucky, we might be able to see him," Grandpa Turtle replied.

"That's great. If I can see the Imperial Master, I will definitely ask him why the more I drink sea water, the thirstier I become."

Shui Wa asked: "Do you think the Imperial Master will tell me?"

"The Jinchuan Daily said that the National Master is a very approachable person and is better with children."

Grandpa Turtle said: "It's not like you don't know about the school in our town. It's run by the Imperial Master. You don't have to pay to study. What a great opportunity, you are a stubborn ass and you don't even want to go!"

Grandpa Turtle gets angry every time he thinks about school.

Having lived for more than half his life, Grandpa Turtle knows the importance of studying very well, so after hearing the news, he immediately signed up for Shui Baby.

Unfortunately, no matter what he said, Shui Wa was unwilling to go. For this reason, Grandpa Turtle beat Shui Wa severely for the first time. As a result, Shui Wa still held his neck and shouted that he would be beaten to death and refused to go.

Grandpa Turtle knew that Shui Wa was afraid that he would not have time to catch fish if he went to school and both of them would starve, so he was unwilling to go. How could he have the heart to really beat him to death? So he let him go.


But every time we talk about school, Grandpa Turtle will always nag.

Water Baby was afraid of Grandpa Turtle's nagging, so she turned around, sat on the edge of the raft, put her legs into the water, and looked at the boundless sea while paddling.

When you see the sea for the first time, you will be shocked by the vastness of the sea and feel quite excited, but after looking at it for a long time, it will become boring.

Shui Wa looked at it for a while, then looked at the sea water at her feet.

At this time, the sea water has not been polluted in any way, and you can clearly see very deep places.

Shui Wa suddenly saw a sea fish about half the height of a man swimming by her feet, and she immediately became happy.

Such a big fish is usually not seen in the river. If you catch it, it will be enough for you and your grandfather to eat for many days.

The water baby didn't even think about it, he slid into the water and chased the big fish.

On the steamboat, Zheng Chiyuan stood behind the railing, silently looking at the raft and thinking about something, and saw the water baby entering the water.

Which of the children who let go can't swim? So Zheng Chiyuan didn't take it seriously.

But after several minutes, the water baby still hadn't come out of the water, and Zheng Chiyuan couldn't sit still.

Although he and Shui Wa did not know each other and were used to seeing life and death, it was a living life after all, and the other party was still a child. It would be a pity if he drowned in such a confused way.

So Zheng Chiyuan shouted to Grandpa Turtle: "Old man, your child fell into the water!"

Grandpa Turtle heard Zheng Chiyuan's shouting and found that the other party was well-dressed and looked like a big shot. He quickly stood up and replied: "Master Jun, it's okay, the water baby just soaks in the water and can't drown!"

Zheng Chiyuan became anxious when he heard this and shouted loudly: "Old man, he has been in the water for a long time!"

As a result, Grandpa Turtle still waved his hand and told Zheng Chiyuan not to worry.

"This old man really doesn't care about the life of his children!"

Zheng Chiyuan was so angry that he patted the railing and was about to order the sailors to go down to rescue people when he suddenly saw a figure rushing out of the sea not far away.

Take a closer look, who is that kid just now?

The child not only came up by himself, but also held a big fish almost as tall as him in his arms.

The big fish struggled desperately, and its tail hit the child's waist, making a snapping sound, but the child didn't care and hugged the big fish tightly without letting go.

He grinned and shouted excitedly at the old man on the raft: "Grandpa Turtle, look what I caught? Such a big fish can feed us for many days!"

"You silly boy, go down a little, don't let the fish break your waist!" Grandpa Turtle shouted loudly.

The child is so good at water that he can hold a fish and tread water with most of his body exposed.

After hearing Grandpa Turtle's words, the child reacted and sank a little.

In this way, when the tail of the big fish is slapped, it will hit the water surface first, and then when it hits the child's waist, the force is no longer so strong.

Zheng Chiyuan was stunned when he saw Shui Wa holding the big fish and walking on the sea as if on the ground.

He knew the big fish in the child's arms and it swam extremely fast. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zheng Chiyuan would not have believed that a child could catch up with such a big fish in the sea.

Shui Wa not only caught up with him, but also caught the big fish and carried it up.

The Navy has to live on the water all year round, and being able to swim is the basic requirement for a Navy soldier to get started.

As the person in charge of the Navy, Zheng Chiyuan has seen countless sailors with good water skills over the years, but this is the first time Zheng Chiyuan has seen someone with such good water skills like Shui Wa. He can't help but fall in love with talents and stare at them.

I held Shui Wa and watched him carrying the big fish back to the raft.

The big fish was thrown onto the raft first, and the water baby also climbed up on it.

Only then did Shui Wa have his hands free to rub his waist and abdomen that were red from being beaten by the big fish.

This chapter has been completed!
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