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Chapter 1704 Difficult to choose

The two men didn't pay attention at first, but the speedboat stopped next to their raft.

Grandpa Turtle saw that the general who had just shouted to him was also on the speedboat, and he quickly stood up.

Shui Wa also saw a speedboat once on the river, but she was instinctively afraid of this monster that made loud noises and breathed smoke and did not dare to approach.

During this discharge, there were always speedboats clearing the way ahead. Shui Wa gradually got used to it after seeing it a lot.

But it was the first time to approach a speedboat at such a close distance, and I couldn't help but look at it curiously.

The plank of the speedboat is not very high. Zheng Chiyuan has been active on the boat all year round, so he did not let the sailors put up the planks and jumped directly from the speedboat onto the raft with his personal guards.

In the early years of Grandpa Turtle's discharge on the river, he often encountered soldiers banging bamboo poles.

Those people said they were soldiers, but they were actually more ruthless than bandits. In order to establish their authority, someone died at their hands almost every time.

Seeing Zheng Chiyuan boarding the ship, Grandpa Gui thought that Zheng Chiyuan had been offended by his previous shouting and that the other party was here to settle the score, so he quickly knelt down on the ground with a thud: "Old Lu Dagui has seen the military master!"

When Shui Wa heard this, she couldn't help but turn her head and glance at Grandpa Turtle.

It wasn't until now that he found out that Grandpa Turtle's name was Lu Dagui.

No wonder everyone calls him Grandpa Turtle.

Grandpa Turtle found that Water Baby was still standing stupidly, and quickly reached out to pull Water Baby.

Only then did Shui Wa come back to her senses and quickly knelt down towards Zheng Chiyuan.

The big tree was round and round, and it was much more painful to kneel on it than on the ground, but neither of them dared to frown, for fear of making Zheng Chiyuan dissatisfied and embarrass them.

Zheng Chiyuan has had more contact with Jin Feng recently and found that Jin Feng is approachable and likes such officials, so he subconsciously made changes in this direction.

In addition, he had a love for Shui Wa's talent and wanted to recruit him, so he did not show his general's profile, but said in an approachable manner: "Oh, the Imperial Master has abolished the ceremony of kneeling and worshiping long ago. You two, please get up."


The guard captain behind him was also very sensible. When he heard what Zheng Chiyuan said, he quickly stepped forward to help the two of them up.

Hearing what Zheng Chiyuan said, Grandpa Turtle breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from Zheng Chiyuan's attitude, there is a high probability that he is not looking for trouble.

But Grandpa Turtle couldn't figure out what a general was doing on his raft.

So he carefully raised his hands and asked, "I wonder if you have any advice for me, military masters? I'm sure I won't dare to refuse!"

"No advice, I'm here to see him!"

Zheng Chiyuan pointed at Shui Wa.

When Grandpa Turtle heard this, his face suddenly turned pale.

He knelt down again with a pop: "Master Jun, please spare your life. The old man is ignorant. He doesn't know that the East China Sea is your territory. Shui Wa should not let Shui Wa catch your fish! Master Jun wants to kill or cut into pieces, but the old man admits it. Shui Wa is still there."

He is a child, I beg you, Master, not to be like him!"

There was a discharge a few years ago. Grandpa Turtle met a group of soldiers. That section of the Yangtze River was their territory, and both the river and the fish in the water belonged to them. Grandpa Turtle and the others caught fish in the water.

You have to pay.

At that time, a discharge worker retorted and was stabbed to death by the soldiers and thrown into the river.

Grandpa Gui thought that Zheng Chiyuan was going to blackmail them in this way, and was frightened.

Shui Wa was also very scared, but she was more angry. She clenched her fists tightly and stared at Zheng Chiyuan and the guards.

"Old man, get up, get up!" Zheng Chiyuan said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Old man, don't panic, I'm not here to cause trouble. The Imperial Preceptor once said that the whole world is not the land of the king, and the sea belongs to the entire Dakang, not me.

My territory, if the Imperial Master finds out what you said, I’m afraid he’ll want to deal with me!”

When Grandpa Gui heard what Zheng Chiyuan said, he dared to raise his head and looked at Zheng Chiyuan in confusion: "I wonder what the military master wants to do with Shui Wa?"

"Old man, please get up first," Zheng Chiyuan motioned to the bodyguard to pick up Grandpa Turtle again, and then said: "I am the Navy Commander Zheng Chiyuan. To be honest, I just saw this young man's aquatic nature and admired him very much. Now I am the Navy Commander.

We are recruiting officers and soldiers, so I wanted to ask my father-in-law if he is willing to let me serve in our Navy!"

After hearing this, Grandpa Turtle's expression suddenly changed from worry to ecstasy.

Breeding is a dangerous job that can lead to death at any time. If there is any other way, Grandpa Turtle would never want Shuiba to come again.

But the water baby can't do anything except swim and catch fish. What else can it do except release fish?

Now is your chance!

He didn't know what the position of Navy Commander was, but he could tell that Zheng Chiyuan's status in the Navy must be very high.

Moreover, on the way, Grandpa Gui heard from the bodyguard that the Navy has now surrendered to the Imperial Master, and all the benefits are the same as those of the bodyguard.

Who in Sichuan and Shu doesn’t know how well the bodyguards and Zhenyuan Army are treated?

Now this general obviously has a crush on Shui Wa. If Shui Wa becomes a navy soldier, he won't have to worry about it for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Grandpa Turtle went to pull Shui Baby: "Why are you still standing there, kowtow to the military master!"

But Shui Wa became stubborn at this time, holding her neck and unwilling to kneel down.

This made Grandpa Turtle so angry that he kicked him.

Shui Wa didn't hide, she held her neck while being beaten, but refused to kneel down.

"Old man, stop fighting!" Zheng Chiyuan stepped forward and grabbed Grandpa Turtle, then looked at Shui Wa and asked: "You are so good at water, and you are born to be a navy soldier. Can you tell me why you don't want to come to the water?"


"I want to be a bodyguard when I grow up," Shui Wa said, listening to her chest: "Being a bodyguard can meet the Master of the State!"

"I see!"

Zheng Chiyuan suddenly realized.

Through various publicity and word of mouth, Jin Feng's reputation is really great now.

Children of Shui Wa's age are most likely to worship heroes, and many children want to follow Jin Feng to achieve a career.

Zheng Chiyuan's two youngest sons clamored for Zheng Chiyuan to take them to see Jin Feng every time they saw him.

Shui Wa's water quality was so good, and her temper was also to Zheng Chiyuan's liking. Zheng Chiyuan was really unwilling to miss her like this.

Moreover, he, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy and the head of the Marine Management Department, personally came to recruit a child, but in the end he was not successful, and it was not good to hear the news.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Chiyuan said again: "Brother, if you become a bodyguard, it may take a long time to see the Imperial Preceptor, but if you follow me, I promise to let you see the Imperial Preceptor within three days.


"Really?" Shui Wa's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

"Of course it's true," Zheng Chiyuan patted his chest and said, "I, Zheng Chiyuan, are not bragging. I have a very good relationship with the Imperial Master. We often have dinner together. If you don't believe me, just ask them!"

Naturally, the guards behind him would not refute Zheng Chiyuan's face, and nodded in cooperation.

Jin Feng himself never imagined that one day he would become a bargaining chip for Zheng Chiyuan to recruit navy troops.

This chapter has been completed!
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