Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1708 Confident

"It's no trouble, it's all what I should do!"

Lu Xi'an still maintained his previous attitude and did not take credit.

There is no need to rush into building a relationship, and it is almost the worst thing to do it as soon as you get started. Only the feelings that are slowly accumulated in daily interactions can withstand the test.

Lu Xi'an asked Grandpa Gui about his requirements for the house and the acceptable price, and then left.

Grandpa Turtle also carried his luggage and took Shuiba with him. Following Lu Xi'an's instructions, he came to the gate of the navy camp and said to the navy soldiers guarding the gate: "I am Lu Dagui from the discharge. Governor Zheng asked me to come ashore and find him."

He also asked the military master to inform him!"

Although the guard guarding the gate couldn't figure out how Zheng Chiyuan knew Fangpai, he saw that the two men didn't look like they were lying, so they didn't dare to be careless. They asked the two men to wait at the door, and he hurried over to report it.

Of course, he would definitely not go to Zheng Chiyuan directly, but would find Zheng Chiyuan's personal guards.

The personal guards followed Zheng Chiyuan to Mubai, so they naturally knew about this.

When I heard that Mr. Shui Wa and Mr. Shui were coming, I hurried to the door and led them into the camp.

Arranged a tent for Grandpa Turtle and led Shui Wa to find Zheng Chiyuan.

Zheng Chiyuan returned to the dock and immediately became very busy again. He sent Shui Bao to a personal guard and asked the personal guard to take care of Shui Bao first.

Then Zheng Chiyuan forgot about Shui Wa and took his guards to the new dock.

It was already dark by this time, but there were piles of bonfires everywhere in the new dock, and densely packed refugees were running back and forth in the light of the fire.

In fact, not only Jin Feng was anxious for the logs, but also the refugees who were building the dock.

And they were more worried about shipbuilding failure than Jin Feng.

For Jin Feng, the failure of shipbuilding only adds some unnecessary work burden, but for the refugees, if the shipbuilding fails, Jin Feng will no longer need them, and their lives will be unable to continue.

So when the refugees saw the logs coming, they were all eager to show off to the foreman, asking to work overtime, and working harder than the others, for fear that the foreman would think they were lazy and drive them away.

This humility made Jin Feng, who was passing by, feel sad.

Now that the logs have just arrived, the first process has not yet been completed, and many workers are doing infrastructure work such as digging holes in the ground.

In fact, it is the same as doing these tasks during the day, so there is no need to work overtime at night to catch up on the work.

However, Jin Feng knew that if he forcibly drove the refugees away at this time, they would be forced to go back to rest, and they would not be upset, so he let them go, only giving instructions for the cooking company and adding a midnight snack at night.

Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei were led by Qing Mulan to Workshop No. 1, and Zheng Chiyuan arrived just in time.

The people in charge of the new dock are Mancang and Qing Mulan. Recently, Zheng Chiyuan has been busy at sea most of the time. He occasionally goes ashore and does not bother to visit the dock. This is his first time to visit the No. 1 workshop.

Seeing the huge logs being easily cut into planks of uniform width and thickness by the cutting machine, Zheng Chiyuan couldn't help but admired: "I didn't expect that steam engines can not only be used to pull boats and airships, but also be used to saw wood, and saw it out

The wood is so good and the speed is so fast!”

"Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"

Qing Mulan also sighed: "I have only known Mr. for more than two years, but in these two years, I have seen more new things than I did in my previous life!"

"This is where we are, there will be more new things in the future!"

Jin Feng said with a smile: "Then we won't have to light bonfires to work overtime at night, and shipbuilding won't have to be as troublesome as it is now!"

"If you don't light a bonfire when you work overtime at night, what should you light? Light kerosene?"

Qing Mulan asked curiously: "Although the fire of kerosene is large, it is not resistant to burning. Wood is more resistant to burning and more cost-effective!"

"You will know later!" Jin Feng smiled without explaining.

In fact, Jin Feng had long thought of developing electricity, but Dakang's industrial technology was so backward that it didn't even have bearings, and it was unthinkable to make generators.

Now with the development of iron smelting workshops, the basic conditions for manufacturing generators and electric motors have been barely met.

But the power system not only requires generators and motors, but also many other links.

Among them, the biggest headache for Jin Feng is transportation and storage.

Especially the transportation link.

With the current mining capabilities of Sichuan and Sichuan, the copper, aluminum and other metals needed to make wires can be squeezed out. However, the insulating material wrapped around the wires posed a problem for Jin Feng.

Plastic insulation, which was common in previous lives, was a standard derivative of the petroleum industry. If you want to make plastic, you must first develop the petroleum industry.

Jin Feng has only been in this world for a little over two years, and it is simply a dream to complete the journey that took the entire Western world decades to complete in his previous life.

However, oil is the blood of industrial development, and it is also an energy source that Jinfeng cannot bypass if it wants to develop.

Therefore, after the Central Plains is pacified, Jin Feng will immediately search for oil fields, exploit oil, and develop the oil industry.

Jin Feng believed that electric lights would be available, and so would electric welding.

Recently, there have been two fires due to lighting bonfires at night.

Although the patrol team put out the fire in time each time, it also illustrates the danger of the bonfire.

Once there are electric lights, there is no need to light a bonfire when working overtime at night.

With the electric horn, you no longer have to shout at the top of your lungs when holding meetings in the future.

Shipbuilding no longer needs so many processes for sealing. Using an electric welder to weld steel plates is fast and the sealing is strong.

Jin Feng felt wonderful just thinking about it.

In the previous life, those ubiquitous electrical appliances were sometimes not noticed, but now they are suddenly gone, and Jin Feng realizes how inconvenient they are.

Just like when everyone is healthy, they feel normal. Only when they are sick do they realize how comfortable it is not to be sick.

"Sir, the first batch of wooden boards has been delivered to the No. 2 workshop. Let's go to the No. 2 workshop to have a look."

Qing Mulan's words interrupted Jin Feng's beautiful imagination of the future.

When she was in Sichuan and Shu, Qing Mulan always wanted Qing Xinyao to arrange some things for her, but Qing Xinyao felt that she was a girl and it was not good for her to be in public, so she never agreed.

It is also for this reason that Qing Mulan dislikes returning to Sichuan less and less now, and spends most of his time around Jin Feng.

And Jin Feng did not disappoint her. After arriving in Donghai, he arranged a lot of work for her.

The new dock is related to the mass production of fishing boats, and is also related to the important plans of Jin Feng and Ninth Princess.

Jin Feng entrusted such an important job to her. Although she and Mancang were jointly responsible, Qing Mulan still felt a sense of trust and silently decided in her heart that she could not live up to Jin Feng's trust.

So no matter how hard and tiring she was, she never complained and kept working hard.

This chapter has been completed!
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