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Chapter 1631 There Are Grenades

Chapter 1541 Sea (1 / 2)

2460 words

1 month ago

"Sir, the next fishing season is coming soon. If we don't let them go out to practice, it will be too late."

Zheng Chiyuan said: "Didn't you say that actual combat is the best training? We can let them get familiar with life at sea first in the offshore. If they are really unsuitable, we can screen them out as early as possible."

"When you say that, it makes sense."

After hearing this, Jin Feng lowered his head and thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Then I'll do what you said first, but I must ensure the safety of the fleet."

"Don't worry, sir, I will arrange large ships and speedboats to escort them." Zheng Chiyuan said.

Early the next morning, ninety fishing boats from the first group of the fishing team, escorted by a naval warship and three speedboats, sailed out of the dock in an orderly manner.

Jin Feng, Guan Xiaorou, Tang Xiaobei and others stood on the observation deck by the seaside to see the fleet off.

“How spectacular!”

Guan Xiaorou looked at the fleet of boats that meandered hundreds of meters, and then looked at the densely packed fishing boats moored on the pier, and couldn't help but sigh.

When she married Jin Feng two years ago, she was still worried about whether she could support herself and Jin Feng just by spinning threads by herself.

At that time, her only wish was that Jin Feng could become a scholar and then work as a teacher.

Even if Guan Xiaorou was killed at that time, she would not dare to think that Jin Feng would achieve what he has achieved today, let alone think that the first empress in history would respectfully call her sister.

It's not that Guan Xiaorou doesn't believe in Jin Feng, but to this day, Guan Xiaorou has a dream-like feeling.

"Sister, this is just one brigade. According to the plan of the husband and General Zheng, at least twenty brigade will be built this year, and we will continue to expand in the future, so as to ensure that we can catch enough sea fish. Otherwise, we will invest so much and even the capital will be lost.

You can’t even take it back.”

Tang Xiaobei said with a smile.

In fact, when Jin Feng built the fishing team, he didn't calculate the cost at all. He just wanted to use the trees in the mountains and the resources in the sea to let more people survive.

However, Tang Xiaobei has developed a business mindset and always habitually calculates the gains and losses when encountering problems.

"Twenty brigades..." Guan Xiaorou calculated it silently in her mind for a while, then she covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Isn't that almost two thousand ships?"

"Yes," Tang Xiaobei said with a look of longing in his eyes: "The real Thousand Ships Race will then begin!"

"Master, you are so awesome!"

Guan Xiaorou couldn't help but praise.

"Sister, did your husband torment you again last night?"

Seeing that there were no outsiders around, Tang Xiaobei said with a mischievous smile: "Don't you always want a son? If you want a son, don't be afraid of going through troubles. Use the skills I taught you as well!!"

"Bah, damn Xiaobei, let's see if I don't tear your mouth apart!"

Guan Xiaorou turned red with embarrassment and spat at Tang Xiaobei.

"Sister, if I hadn't taught you, would you have had a big girl so quickly?"

Tang Xiaobei continued to tease while avoiding.

Jin Feng didn't pay attention to the fight between the two, but looked up to the east.

The Jinchuan has been chasing pirates for more than half a month, and no news has come back.

Although Jin Feng was confident that the equipment on the Jinchuan was more than enough to deal with pirates, they were alone deep behind enemy lines after all. If there were too many ants, they would kill an elephant. What if the Jinchuan fleet was surrounded by the Toyo fleet during the capture?

It is also possible to be consumed to death.

Chapter 1541 Sea (2 / 2)

2460 words

1 month ago

In addition, there are bad weather conditions, which are more dangerous than pirates.

But Jin Feng never regretted his original decision.

Going to the East to capture this group of pirates is not just about avenging the Shen family's fishing boats and the plundered fishing villages, it is also a kind of shock.

Jin Feng wants the Japanese pirates to understand that Dakang is no longer the Dakang it once was. If Dakang robs them again, it will be useless even if they escape. The Dakang Navy will hunt them down in their hometown and make them pay for what they have committed.

Crimes must pay the price they deserve!

"All fear comes from insufficient firepower!"

Jin Feng sighed silently.

Although the Jinchuan is powerful enough for pirates, it is far from enough for Jin Feng.

Not to mention the aircraft carrier fleets in his previous life, if he could build iron-clad battleships, he would not have to worry so much about wind and waves, nor would his navy soldiers take such great risks to hunt down pirates.

Thinking of this, Jin Feng turned and walked towards the stairs.

Now that the No. 3 Dockyard was on track, he did not need to worry about the kelp picking work on Maolang Island. So Jin Feng, Guan Xiaorou, and Tang Xiaobei said hello, got off the observation deck and went straight to the No. 2 Dockyard, and met Hong Tao.

Together with Ping, they plunged into the construction of ironclad ships.

According to Jin Feng's plan, he planned to live in the No. 2 dock for a while, but in the middle of the afternoon that day, Tie Shui came over and said that Zheng Chiyuan wanted to see him.

With Zheng Chiyuan's style of doing things, he would never bother him unless something extremely important happened. Jin Feng immediately came to the door of the dock with a hammer.

I originally thought it was the Jinchuan fleet that had news, but I heard Zheng Chiyuan say: "Sir, the fishing team is coming back soon!"

If there were no special circumstances, Zheng Chiyuan should not have come.

So Jin Feng's first thought was that the fishing team had suffered casualties, and he asked anxiously: "Is there a storm on the sea today?"

After saying that, he subconsciously turned his head to look at the flagpole next to him.

But the black flag on the flagpole hung quietly, with no wind at all.

"Wind and waves?" Zheng Chiyuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved his hand and said: "There is no wind and waves. I'm here to tell you the good news, sir!"

"Good news?" Jin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, raised his leg and kicked Zheng Chiyuan: "I'm busy, tell me any happy news quickly!"

Zheng Chiyuan was not annoyed even after being kicked, and said with a smile: "I just received the news from the clipper. The fleet encountered a large school of fish today. It's a great harvest. All the fishing boats are full!

According to the original plan, the fleet should have returned to port by now, but because the fish caught were too heavy and too heavy, which slowed down the sailing speed, they did not return in time, so they had to send a speedboat back to report the news.

The person who reported the news said that the fish in the sea is so thick that if you just throw it into the net, you can catch hundreds of kilograms!"

"Is that all?" Jin Feng couldn't help but kicked Zheng Chiyuan again.

Because of rampant piracy, the fishery in the East China Sea has been abandoned for many years. The fish stocks are less fished and the number is naturally higher.

This is the first time for the fishing team to go to sea, so a bumper harvest is a matter of course.

As fishing continues, the fish stocks will become smaller and smaller.

But Jin Feng can no longer take care of this. He must first feed the people.

"If it were just this, I wouldn't dare to disturb you, sir!" Zheng Chiyuan said mysteriously: "Sir, guess what else the fishing team caught?"

Seeing Jin Feng lift his feet again, Zheng Chiyuan quickly stepped aside, not daring to show off, and said excitedly: "Sir, the fishing team has reached both ends of the sea?!"

"Sea??" Jin Feng was stunned: "Sea? What is it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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