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Chapter 155

"Why are you laughing? Hurry up and eat."

Guan Xiaorou smiled and served Xiao'e a bowl of gruel.

Xiao'e had just woken up and had no appetite. She took a few sips, then picked up a piece of pancake from the plate and ran out.

We discussed with my friends yesterday that we are going to the back mountain to catch birds today, so we can’t be late.

"Stop!" Guan Xiaorou called to Xiao'e with a cold face.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Xiao'e asked in confusion.

"Finish your meal before you go out!" Guan Xiaorou pointed to the remaining half of the bowl of white porridge and said, "Who can eat so much left?"

"Sister, I don't want to eat it, please let Sister Runniang pour it."

Xiao'e said nonchalantly.

After saying that, he waved his hands and started to go out, but was grabbed by Guan Xiaorou.

"Your brother-in-law said, again and again and again and again and again, and this is the third time you have leftovers!"

Guan Xiaorou pointed to the stool: "You are not allowed to go out until you finish eating today!"


Xiao'e looked at Jin Feng pitifully.

Jin Feng usually liked Xiao'e very much. Every time Xiao'e got into trouble and was scolded by Guan Xiaorou, it was Jin Feng who helped her out.

But this time Jin Feng did not help her. He pointed at the white porridge left in the bowl and persuaded:

"Who knew that every grain of food on the plate is hard work? Xiao'e, it's wrong to waste food. Do you know how many children in the village dream of eating plain porridge?"

In the 21st century, it is normal for children to be picky eaters. After all, there are abundant supplies and no one is short of something to eat.

But in Dakang, a country with extremely backward productivity, countless people starve to death every year, so wasting food is a sin.

Even Jin Feng eats as much as he can every time he eats, and never throws away the leftovers.

"That is, you have only had enough food for a few days, and now you start to waste the food?"

Guan Xiaorou tapped Xiao'e's forehead hard: "If you do this again, I will send you back and let my sister-in-law take good care of you!"

"Sister, I'll eat it, and there won't be any leftovers in the future. Don't send me home!"

The previous life was a nightmare for Xiao'e. When she heard that Guan Xiaorou was going to send her back, she was so frightened that her face turned pale. She quickly sat back and picked up her rice bowl honestly.

"Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey……"

Qing Mulan bit her chopsticks and muttered repeatedly: "Sir, what you said makes sense. It seems to be two sentences in a five-character quatrain."

Tang Dongdong also nodded in agreement.

"As expected of someone from a wealthy family, you can hear that."

Jin Feng smiled and praised.

"When I was a child, my father forced me to study. I don't know how many times I got slapped by Mr. Shutang. The contrast between these two sentences is obvious. If you can't hear it, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Qing Mulan asked: "What are the other two sentences?"

"It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the hoeing."

Jin Feng casually read out the other two sentences of "Compassion for the Peasants".

"It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the soil. Who knows that every grain of rice on the plate is hard work!"

Qing Mulan read it in a low voice and praised: "The words are simple but simple and clear, and they directly touch the heart. What a poem!"

"It is indeed a good poem!"

Tang Dongdong nodded: "The first two sentences and ten words make people feel as if they can really see the farmer's sweat dripping on the ground."

"Sir, what is the name of this poem?"

Qing Mulan asked with bright eyes.

Due to the influence of promoting literature and suppressing martial arts, the literary style of Dakang prevailed, and poetry and poetry were basic skills that scholars must practice.

The influence of poets and lyricists is even higher than that of later stars. If they can write one or two outstanding poems, they will immediately have a large number of fans.

There are many scholars who rely on one or two outstanding poems to get into official careers.

Although Qing Mulan doesn't like reading, she also admires those great poets.

"'Compassion for the Peasants'!"

Jin Feng replied, comforting himself silently in his heart: "God has allowed me to travel through time, so you shouldn't mind if I copy a few poems, right?"

There are two poems in "Compassion for the Farmers", which is the representative work of Tang Dynasty poet Li Shen. It is one of the poems that all primary school students must memorize.

But the history of Dakang is different from that of Earth. There was no dynasty like the Tang Dynasty, let alone a person like Li Shen.

These are treasures of the earth’s culture and history, and have educated countless generations of Chinese people for generations to come.

In the feudal era, farmers have always been the oppressed and exploited bottom class. Jin Feng can be regarded as helping the farmers speak out.

"'Compassion for the Peasants'?" Qing Mulan said: "The name fits the content very well."

"Recently, people have started to waste food in the canteen. I want to post this poem on the wall of the canteen."

Tang Dongdong followed.

"Last time I came back from the back mountain, I saw a female worker pouring uneaten wild vegetable porridge into the ditch. It really should be cured," Qing Mulan said.

Human desires are endless.

When the female workers first entered the textile factory, they were so grateful to have a full meal that they wanted to kneel down and kowtow to Jin Feng.

Now that several months have passed, some selfish female workers have become accustomed to eating in the canteen and have begun to waste it.

Anyway, it’s not from your own home. Just eat more when you’re cooking, otherwise you won’t be able to finish it all when you get home.

"I'm not afraid of everyone eating it, but wasting food is absolutely not allowed."

Jin Feng looked at Tang Dongdong: "Dongdong, please discuss with the village chief and Third Grandpa to come up with a solution."

"Okay." Tang Dongdong put down his job: "I'll go now."

"I'm full too." Qing Mulan put the remaining rice into his mouth: "Dongdong, wait for me, let's go together."

Tang Dongdong still attached great importance to Jin Feng's words. When he arrived at the textile factory, he immediately sent people to call the village chiefs of the two villages.

The three of them discussed in the office for half the morning, and when they got off work that evening, they gathered all the workers for a meeting.

Tang Dongdong announced at the meeting that anyone who wastes food again will be fined.

They are all people who have endured hardship. After all, those who waste food are in the minority. This decision is reasonable and reasonable. Almost no one opposes it, but many people support it.

"Miss Dongdong, I support this decision. My mother and father both starved to death. I hate who wastes food the most. If I see someone dumping food in the future, I will be the first to spare him. Who will be spared then?"

Don’t tell me that you’re complaining behind my back!”

"There's no one standing here who hasn't been hungry? If it weren't for Brother Feng, would we be able to eat enough now?"

"It's just that after only a few days of eating, I forgot my roots. Who dares to have leftover food in the future? I'm the first one not to want to do it!"

"Mother Zhou, what are you looking at? I'm talking about you. I saw you had leftover food twice. If you can't finish it, don't serve it so much!"

"And Miss Li, she also threw away half of the cornbread last time!"

"Everyone, stop talking, I know I was wrong!"

The two women who were exposed on the spot were blushing with shame and begged for mercy.

"Let's not talk about what happened in the past. Just don't do it again in the future."

Tang Dongdong took out a wooden sign from behind: "Tieniu, help hang this on the wall to remind everyone."

"Miss Dongdong, what is engraved on this?"

A village woman asked curiously.

This chapter has been completed!
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