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Chapter 1660 Plateau Messenger

Chapter 1570 Can’t (1 / 2)

2392 words

1 month ago

"Mr. Hong, Princess Lu Jie has received authorization from your husband. He agreed to our visit, and you signed it..."

Jiang Wenwen quickly took out Jin Feng's authorization document from his pocket and pointed to the place where Hong Taoping signed: "Look!"

"Oh, I remembered. Iron Hammer did come to me and told me that someone was coming to visit."

Hong Taoping scratched his messy hair: "I was busy at the time and forgot."

When Tie Hammer came for him, Hong Taoping was busy adjusting the equipment and didn't hear what Tie Hammer said. He just heard that someone was coming to visit the dock. Jin Feng agreed, so Hong Taoping signed the pass directly.

As soon as the hammer left, he forgot about it. It was only now that he saw his signature on the pass that he finally thought about it again.

After signaling Jiang Wenwen to put away the pass, Hong Taoping turned to look at Princess Lu Jie: "Were you the ones who sank my Zhenyuan No. 1?"

Since arriving in Yuxi Town, both Jin Feng and Princess Lu Jie have deliberately avoided the battle at Yuguan City.

Because both sides have the intention to solve the problem through negotiation, if they really want to stick to the old hatred between Dakang and Dongman, there is no way to talk about it. They can only continue to fight until one side is wiped out and it is over.

This is a result that neither Jin Feng nor Princess Lu Jie wants to see.

Even Jiang Wenwen was aware of this. Although he had hatred against Dongman, he always maintained his rationality and did not say anything too extreme to Princess Lu Jie.

But Hong Taoping is an upright science and engineering man. He hasn't slept for nearly two nights and a day, so he just says whatever comes to his mind.

The scene suddenly became awkward.

Finally, Princess Lu Jie broke the silence: "It was during war, so naturally we had to fight for victory at all costs. This is what all participants in the war should do, and it is also the greatest respect for the enemy! We sank Zhenyuan No. 1, but we also

We paid a heavy price, at least more than 500 Eastern Barbarian heroes died in the attack on Zhenyuan No. 1!"

"Then Zhenyuan No. 1 made a mistake. Otherwise, let alone 500 people killed, even if 5,000 people died, you would never have been able to stop the Zhenyuan No. 1 I built!"

Hong Taoping said angrily.

When the news that Zhenyuan No. 1 was sunk came back, Hong Taoping, who had never been very interested in war and military affairs, uncharacteristically carefully studied the battle report.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that it was not that the ship he built was not good, but that the captain made a mistake and stalled on the battlefield. He could only stop where he was and was besieged.

If the Zhenyuan No. 1 had not stalled at that time, with the power of the Zhenyuan No. 1, no matter how many small Dongman fishing boats there were, they would not be able to stop it. They would only be crushed and pushed by it, and then destroy the small fishing boats one by one.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

This incident has also become a knotty knot in Hong Taoping's heart. When he saw Princess Dongman today, he naturally had to complain.

The technicians behind Princess Lu Jie were very angry when they heard what Hong Taoping said, but knowing that this was the opponent's territory, they could only hold back their anger.

Princess Lu Jie also frowned slightly.

She didn't expect Hong Taoping to speak so upright.

However, Princess Lu Jie can be loved by many people on the grassland, not only because she is beautiful, but also because she is good at figuring out other people's thoughts, knowing what others like to hear, and saying what they like to hear.

Through Hong Taoping's dress and tone of voice, she already had a rough idea of ​​Hong Taoping's character.

She originally planned to argue with Hong Taoping for a few words, but as she spoke, she suddenly realized that arguing with someone like Hong Taoping was asking for trouble, so she decided to change her strategy and followed Hong Taoping's words:

Chapter 1570 Can’t (2 / 2)

2392 words

1 month ago

"What Mr. Hong said is absolutely true. The warship you built is unparalleled in the world. We only took advantage of the loopholes to sink the Zhenyuan No. 1, otherwise there is really nothing we can do about it!"

Shipbuilding has always been Hong Taoping's most important thing. When Princess Lu Jie said this, the hostility on Hong Taoping's face disappeared a lot, but his attitude was still arrogant. He held his head high and said, "That's natural!"

Seeing that this trick was effective, Princess Lu Jie followed Hong Taoping's thoughts again and asked: "Did Mr. Hong sum up his experience last time and decided to build this iron-clad ship that is not afraid of fire?"

If it were anyone else, he might admit it and show off in front of Princess Lu Jie, but Hong Taoping shook his head without hesitation and said truthfully: "This armored ship was completely designed by Mr. Jin, and I was only responsible for its construction.


"It turns out to be Mr. Jin's handiwork!"

Princess Lu Jie nodded suddenly.

That's right, Jin Feng was already good at craftsmanship, and it was very reasonable that the armored ship was designed by him.

Looking at the armored ship as tall as a mountain, Princess Lu Jie felt despair in her heart.

Liu Tie only used some speedboats in Yuguan City and completely blocked the Dongman Sea area. No fishermen dared to go out.

Before they could figure out how to deal with the speedboats, Jin Feng came up with so many high-rise ships and an iron-clad ship that was not afraid of fire at all.

The gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, and Princess Lu Jie cannot see the possibility of catching up with Jin Feng!

But Princess Lu Jie did not have the character to give up when encountering difficulties. She suppressed her inner uneasiness and despair and pretended to look at Hong Taoping with admiration: "Although this ship was designed by Mr. Jin, Mr. Hong

It’s amazing to be able to build a boat!”

"No, no," Hong Taoping blushed and waved his hands, but he was very happy in his heart: "But I, Hong Taoping, are not boasting. Making an ironclad ship is not a simple matter. Even if ordinary people get Mr.'s drawings, they may not be able to do it.

If you build it, you may not even be able to understand the drawings!”

This is really not Hong Taoping's boast.

Craftsmen before Dakang did not have much concept of drawing at all, and many old craftsmen relied on experience to work.

Even some drawings are basically schematic diagrams, with only a rough outline and shape, which is not scientific at all.

The drawings drawn by Jin Feng were very complicated. If Hong Taoping hadn't been good at shipbuilding and accepted new things quickly, he might not have been able to understand Jin Feng's drawings.

"Is it difficult to understand sir's drawings?" Princess Lu Jie asked curiously.

"It's very difficult," Hong Taoping said with a look of reminiscence: "The first time I saw the drawings drawn by my husband, it was almost like seeing the Book of Heaven!"

"So powerful?" Princess Lu Jie asked: "Can I see it?"

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. If you can see the blueprints of the armored ship, maybe their craftsmen can imitate it.

Although Princess Lu Jie knows that the probability is very low, what if it happens?

As long as there is a one in ten thousand chance, she is willing to work hard for it, let alone just say one more word.

Just as the technician behind Princess Lu Jie was gearing up to memorize the contents of the drawings, Hong Taoping spoke.


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