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Chapter 1684 committed suicide

Chapter 1594 It’s more serious (1 / 2)

2409 words

29 days ago

"Brother, don't be so nervous. Sit down and talk."

Jin Feng pressed his hand and motioned for Jin Peng to sit down.

After Jin Peng sat down again, Jin Feng continued: "Actually, it's not a big deal to find Big Brother. I just want to discuss the boiler with you."

"Sir, what's wrong with the boiler?"

Jin Peng asked nervously: "Is there something wrong with the boiler?"

The Taiping was designed by Jin Feng, and he thought the boiler had some design flaws.

"Brother, don't worry, the materials used in the boiler are the best at present, and there is no problem with the quality."

Jin Feng said: "I didn't make it clear. I want to ask my brother, you kept the water temperature in the boiler when you stopped the ship. Are you worried that the armored ship will not be able to act in time if you encounter danger?"

"Yes," Jin Peng nodded and said: "If I hadn't ordered the Zhenyuan No. 1 to shut down and clean the boiler, no matter how many fishing boats the Eastern Barbarians had, they would never have thought of sinking the Zhenyuan No. 1. I have already made such a mistake once, and I can't let you down again.


"Brother, you are right to think so," Jin Feng first agreed with Jin Peng's idea, and then asked: "When the time comes for the voyage, are eldest brother also prepared to do the same?"

"Yes," Jin Peng nodded, and then realized that there must be a reason for Jin Feng to ask this, so he asked: "Sir, is it inappropriate to do this?"

"On the Yangtze River and the East China Sea, it's okay for me to do this, but when it comes to long voyages, this method is indeed not advisable."

"Why?" Jin Peng asked.

"Because of supplies!"

Zhang Liang and Qinghuai regained control of the Yangtze River and established many supply stations on both sides of the river.

Heishuigou Coal Mine is now on the right track, and its output can fully supply the industrial development of Sichuan and Sichuan.

Zhenyuan No. 2 and No. 3 ships transported kelp and salted fish back from the East China Sea. On their way back, they transported various commodities, coal, kerosene and other supplies to supply stations in various places in the south of the Yangtze River and the East China Sea.

If the Taiping only sailed along the Yangtze River and the East China Sea, there would be no problem with Jinpeng's approach. However, once the Taiping sailed to unfamiliar waters, once the fresh water and fuel ran out, they had no choice but to find supplies themselves.

The Pacific Ocean is so vast that sometimes you can't see any land even after running for ten days and a half at sea. Even if Jin Feng drew a sea chart, he had no sailing experience in his previous life and could only rely on his memory to mark some of the more famous places in his previous life.

come out.

Let’s not talk about whether Jin Feng remembered it correctly. Even if he remembered it correctly, because the histories of the two worlds are different, the places in Jin Feng’s memory may not be inhabited at all now, and they are just deserted.

Moreover, this was their first voyage for Jin Peng and others, so even with the chart drawn by Jin Feng, they might not be able to find the place.

In this case, if supplies run out, it will be very difficult to find supplies.

"Sir, didn't you say that if the Taiping was full of coal, wouldn't it be enough for a round trip?" Jin Peng asked curiously.

There are not many sailors on ironclad ships, and most of the holds are filled with coal to supply the boilers.

After arriving in America, the cabins vacated by the coal burned on the road were used to transport various seeds.

According to Jin Feng's calculations, if the voyage goes smoothly, the coal carried by the Taiping will be enough for the round trip, and there may be some surplus.

As a result, I am now worried about supply issues.

"I'm talking about when everything goes well, but what if something unexpected happens?"

Jin Feng said: "The Pacific Ocean is too big. Sometimes when you see a ship walking in a straight line, it is actually going diagonally. The course is slightly wrong. If you zoom in far enough, the actual place and destination you go to may be different.

The difference is very far, and you may even get lost at sea and go back and forth in circles.

Chapter 1594 It’s more serious (2 / 2)

2409 words

29 days ago

Once this happens, it may be delayed for several days or even a month or two, and by then the fuel may not be enough."

"What you said is absolutely true," Jin Peng nodded, and then explained: "Water bandits were serious in the Yangtze River before. Although there are less of them now, we have to guard against them, so I kept the boiler burning so that in case there are water bandits.

, Taiping can fight or sail away immediately.

When you reach the sea, you can see for more than ten miles at a glance. If someone approaches, you will be able to detect it at a long time. I have the speedboats disperse to the surrounding areas for warning, which can save coal."

"Brother, it's okay if you think like this," Jin Feng heard and patted Jin Peng on the shoulder happily.

This is why he agreed to let Jinpeng take charge of the Tianping.

Jin Peng is cautious but not rigid and knows how to adapt.

Afterwards, Jin Feng explained some precautions for the voyage and took out the chart and sextant.

The sextant is an instrument that can quickly calculate the longitude and latitude of your location. It was also one of the necessary instruments for navigation in previous lives.

The latitude and longitude lines are marked on the chart drawn by Jin Feng. After calculating the longitude and latitude using a sextant, the corresponding location can be found on the map.

Although the longitude and latitude lines marked by Jin Feng are not very accurate, they are better than nothing. At least they can give the Taiping a direction to move forward.

Some time ago, sailors were training sea survival skills. The main training subjects for Jin Peng and other senior officials on the ship were to learn the use of sextants and related knowledge of longitude and latitude.

After more than a month of practice, Jin Peng and the senior officials on the ship have basically learned everything.

This also provides a guarantee for their long voyage.

Jin Peng was asked to demonstrate how to use the sextant. Jin Feng confirmed that there was no problem before letting Jin Peng leave.

As soon as it dawned the next morning, the Taiping continued its departure.

Jin Feng went to bed early yesterday, woke up early, washed up and then came to the deck.

At this time, they had entered the Jiangnan boundary. As soon as Jin Feng got on the deck, he saw black smoke billowing from a place on the north shore.

When passing that place, Jin Feng saw a town not far from the river bank. The black smoke was caused by the huts in this town being set alight.

Jin Feng knew what was happening in this town without sending anyone to inquire.

Because he saw more than one corpse on the streets of the town, and also heard faint cries.

The Taiping started up quickly and smoothly today. Jin Feng was in a good mood, but when he saw the scene in the town, his good mood suddenly disappeared.

Jin Feng knew before that the situation in Jiangnan and the Central Plains was definitely more serious than before.

This town proved him right.

Princess Lu Jie came to the deck at some point, looked at the North Shore and asked, "Sir, what's wrong with this place?"

"What else can happen? We encountered bandits!"

Jin Feng is in a bad mood now, and his speech has become stiffer.

Princess Lu Jie also realized that Jin Feng was in a bad mood, pursed her lips and stopped talking.

The situation in this town was definitely not an exception. Although Jin Feng knew that evasion was not an option, he really didn't want to look any further, so he turned around and returned to the cabin.

This chapter has been completed!
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