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Chapter 1695 Deep Meaning

Chapter 1605 Farewell (2) (1 / 2)

2427 words

24 days ago

In fact, when talking about the last adventure, the Ninth Princess was quite helpless.

At that time, she didn't dare to tell Jin Feng, but she planned and went alone. She also found a female escort who had a similar body shape to Jin Feng to play Jin Feng.

In the end, Jin Feng discovered it and chased after him.

Afterwards, Jin Feng even scolded her, and Guan Xiaorou also scolded her.

Now Jin Peng was talking about her insinuatingly, which made the Ninth Princess feel a little aggrieved.

However, she also knew that the matter was handled a bit hastily last time. Since Jin Peng was also worried about the safety of Jin Feng and himself, and was about to fight for his life, the Ninth Princess decided not to argue with her, and Quan pretended not to listen.


Jin Feng didn't think too much, and before the shouts of the bodyguards and sailors stopped, he said: "Brother Jinpeng, don't worry, no one can hurt me with the hammer and the others protecting me!"

Seeing Jin Peng's dissatisfied look, Jin Feng quickly changed his words and said: "Okay, okay, I promise you, I will try not to go to dangerous places or take risks in the future, and I will just do research in the village honestly from now on!"

Hearing what Jin Feng said, Jin Peng was satisfied: "Sir, we men have to keep our word. We must keep our promises. You can't lie to me!"

"Then what should I do? I'll create a certificate for you and stamp it with my fingerprints?" Jin Feng said angrily.

"That's not necessary," Jin Peng smiled and waved his hand: "Sir, just remember to promise me, I believe in your character!"

In fact, he also knows that this kind of guarantee means nothing.

If something really happened, Jin Feng would still go up when it was time.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why escorts serve Jin Feng.

At least Jin Feng is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death while watching the soldiers fighting hard at the front while hiding behind him, ready to run away at any time.

Regardless of whether he was in Qingshui Valley or later in Damanpo Yuguan City and Xizhou, Jin Feng never retreated like those dandy generals, and always stayed on the front line like the soldiers.

I heard that at the last moment in Xizhou, Jin Feng put on armor and prepared to lead his bodyguards in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

Only this kind of general can gain the respect of his soldiers.

Jin Feng was like this, Qing Huai was like this, Zhang Liang Tieniu, Liu Tie and others were like this too.

"Brother Jinpeng, you don't have to worry about my safety, but you, there are many dangers along the way, so you must pay attention to safety."

Jin Feng said: "Not only should we pay attention to the dangers in nature, we should also pay attention to pirates and so on. If we really encounter them, don't have any worries. Just fight if you need to fight. If you can't fight, return immediately. Let's bring more people there and try again!


Although the geography of this world is the same as in the previous life, the history is completely different. Jin Feng doesn't know what Jin Peng and the others will encounter on the road or what they will encounter when they arrive in the New World.

European pirates have been discovered many times in the East China Sea, and Jin Feng cannot guarantee that they have not discovered the American continent in advance.

Thinking of European pirates, Jin Feng suddenly remembered that Zheng Chiyuan also captured two European pirates.

At that time, Jin Feng wanted to interrogate them, but because he was busy with other things, he couldn't spare the time for the time being, so he asked Iron Hammer to lock them up and prepare to interrogate them later.

As a result, I was busy all the time and completely forgot about it.

"I'll have to ask Hammer later where these two pirates have gone."

Jin Feng knew that now was not the time to interrogate the pirates, so he secretly remembered this matter in his heart.

"Don't worry, sir, if we encounter pirates, we will never back down, and we will definitely exert our national prestige!"

Chapter 1605 Farewell (2) (2 / 2)

2427 words

24 days ago

Jin Peng said loudly.

"Don't shout, don't shout!"

Jin Feng slapped Jin Peng angrily: "That's not what I meant!"

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Although the Taiping is an iron-clad ship, it is not invincible," Jin Feng said: "What I mean is, if we really encounter a large number of pirates or other enemies, we should run away!"

"Sir, since our Zhenyuan Escort Bureau was established, there has been no precedent for escaping. How can I be the first one to escape?" Jin Peng stared and shook his head.

"Brother, you can't be stubborn in fighting. Different environments and situations, you have to use strategies flexibly."

Jin Feng said: "The sea is different from the land. When fighting on land, taking a step back means giving up a step of territory, so you can't give in even an inch.

There is no such thing as this at sea. If we can beat you, we will fight. If we can't, we will run away.

Keep the green hills and don’t worry about running out of firewood. There is no victorious general in this world. Everything is based on your own safety. As long as you can run back, it is victory. Let’s just bring more people there to take revenge!"

Hearing what Jin Feng said, not only Jin Peng was stunned, but even the Ninth Princess was a little surprised.

This was the first time she heard Jin Feng persuade soldiers to flee, and he did so so openly and confidently.

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case.

There is no such thing as territorial sea in the sea now, and Jinpeng is going on a long voyage. Even if there is territorial sea, it is the territorial sea of ​​other countries. There is really no need to defend it if it cannot be defeated.

Jin Feng was worried that Jin Peng still couldn't turn the corner, so he continued: "Brother Jin Peng, you also know that it is not easy for us to build an armored ship and it consumes a lot of resources. You don't want to sink this ship again, right?"


"No!" Jin Peng quickly shook his head.

"Then remember what I just said, protect the Taiping and protect yourselves, so that you can successfully complete the mission!" Jin Feng reminded again.

"I understand," Jin Peng nodded.

"Also, if the supplies run out, go to the shore and look for them as soon as possible. If you can't find them, grab them. Do you understand?" Jin Feng whispered.

Although according to calculations, the coal and food carried on the Taiping were enough for a round trip, Jin Feng could not guarantee that the Taiping would not lose its way.

If you get lost at sea and go in circles, supplies will be consumed very quickly.

Fresh water is okay. Jin Feng designed a filtering device on the ship and added a condensing device to the exhaust hole of the boiler. After the water in the boiler is boiled, it will turn into water vapor. After passing through the condensing device, it will cool into

Water, and it is distilled water that is directly drinkable.

If the reserve of fresh water is exhausted, sailors can take seawater, briefly filter it with a filter device, send it to the boiler for boiling, and then extract fresh water through a condensation device.

Although this will cause some damage to the boiler, at the critical moment, the boiler is not important. At worst, it will be replaced when you return.

Compared with fresh water, fuel and food are more troublesome if they are in short supply.

However, the steam engine on the Taiping was relatively primitive. As long as the water in the boiler was boiled, the steam engine could be driven. Coal or firewood could be used.

It's just that of the same volume of coal and firewood, coal is more resistant to burning, so the fuel Taiping replenished last night was all coal and kerosene, which can be used both as fuel and for combat.

If these fuels run out, you can only go ashore to search for them.

This chapter has been completed!
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