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Chapter 1702 Agree to any conditions

Chapter 1612 Making an exception (1 / 2)

2440 words

20 days ago

The situation in Europe is very different from the history of Jin Feng's previous life, but Jin Feng is not very worried.

Judging from what the pirates told us, although the technology in various industries in Europe is better than that of Dakang before, it is not much better.

The main reason why their fleet was able to reach Dakang was that plundering could quickly accumulate wealth. With the stimulation of money, European shipbuilding technology and navigation technology developed so rapidly.

This should be the prototype of European navigation. They are still in the stage of plundering and running away after looting. The main targets of looting are gold and silver mines and the population. After looting a place, they will run away and will not stay for a long time.

They have not yet tasted the sweetness of long-term colonization. When they taste the sweetness, they will start long-term colonization and then form a colonial trend in Europe.

The history of Europe in the past life was like this. If it continues to develop according to the normal situation, I am afraid that in a few decades, Europe will still follow the old path of the past life.

Although the history of this life is different, it may prevent Jin Feng from making a more accurate judgment, but that's all.

When the great prosperity develops in the future, it will not be too late to clean up Europe.

In his previous life, he once studied abroad with his tutor and attended a European museum.

Looking at the Chinese cultural relics displayed in European museums, Jin Feng still felt humiliated.

After that trip to Europe, Jin Feng felt uncomfortable for a long time and worked very hard. He hoped that the motherland would become stronger soon and bring these cultural relics back to the country.

It would be best if we could move the other party’s museum together!

Although he knows that his own efforts alone cannot make the motherland strong, but the motherland is composed of individual individuals. If everyone works together, the motherland will become stronger sooner or later.

It's a pity that he accidentally came to this world before he saw that his motherland had the ability to bring back cultural relics that had been scattered overseas.

However, this does not delay the realization of wishes, and it is even easier than in previous lives.

Because he was just a high-level wage earner in his previous life, he didn't have to say whether he could bring the cultural relics back.

In this life he is the decision maker.

Jin Feng decided that he would never give the European powers a chance to dominate China in this life!

The Ninth Princess noticed something was wrong in Jin Feng's eyes and asked: "Husband, are you going to attack the pirate's hometown?"

The Ninth Princess is good at observing words and emotions, and she understands Jin Feng too well.

Jin Feng's expression and eyes just now clearly showed murderous intent.

This was an expression that Jin Feng never showed when he talked about the Eastern Barbarians and Tubo.

You must know that Dakang and the Eastern Barbarian Party Xiang Tubo have a long-standing feud.

Although pirates are also hateful, in the view of the Ninth Princess, pirates are just small troubles, and their harm to Dakang is far less serious than that of the Three Kingdoms of the Eastern Barbarians.

Why did Jin Feng have no intention of murdering the three eastern barbarian kingdoms, but he was interested in killing the hometown of the foreign pirates?

The Ninth Princess couldn't understand, but as the Emperor of Dakang, before Jin Feng could answer, the Ninth Princess had already begun to think about the probability of victory if a war really breaks out.

She had been standing nearby just now and heard the conversation between the pirate and Jin Feng.

According to the pirates, their hometown is also thousands of miles away from Dakang, and they drifted on the sea for several months before arriving in Dakang.

Moreover, Jin Feng also said that their country is not weak.

Although they now have the Taiping, they only have one, and they still have to carry out long-distance voyages.

Of course, they can continue to build new armored ships, but the cost of each armored ship is very high, and the other country's country is too far away. If they want to fight such a country, let alone whether they can defeat it.

It is a huge project to transport troops and supplies.

Chapter 1612 Making an exception (2 / 2)

2440 words

20 days ago

If Jin Feng really fights with the country where the pirates are located, the chance of winning is very slim.

This is the conclusion reached by the Ninth Princess.

"Their hometown is too far away from Dakang, so there is no way to fight!" Jin Feng shook his head and said.

Hearing what Jin Feng said, the Ninth Princess felt relieved: "Let's go eat. After eating, we have to continue the meeting."

They planned to go to dinner just now because they wereted a lot of time interrogating the pirates. Now Zhang Liang and the others may have finished their meal and returned to the conference room.

But Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were not in a hurry and decided to go to dinner first and then continue the meeting.

When the two returned to the conference room after dinner, the conference room was indeed full.

Seeing Jin Feng and Ninth Princess coming in, everyone quickly stood up and saluted, and no one showed any impatience.

Jin Feng's face remained calm, but he felt secretly happy.

No wonder everyone wants to be a leader. Being a leader is really fun. You can go to the meeting when you want, and it doesn't matter if you arrive late.

Isn't this the life he dreamed of in his previous life?

After the Ninth Princess sat down, she picked up the brochure and began to explain the work plan for the second half of the year again.

According to the original plan, the Ninth Princess planned to return to Xihewan this afternoon. Now that she has been delayed by the pirates, it will definitely be too late to go back after the meeting.

So the Ninth Princess stopped worrying and began to explain it page by page and point by point.

The meeting that was supposed to end in the afternoon lasted until the evening.

After the meeting, everyone went to the escort canteen for dinner.

The escorts had already finished their meal at this time, and the cafeteria was reserved for them.

According to the table arrangement arranged by Tie Shixin, Jin Feng and Ninth Princess sat at a separate table and sat at the head of the table.

But Jin Feng greeted the Ninth Princess and went directly to the table where Zhang Liang was.

Except for Qing Xinyao, the others at this table were either veterans of the Tielin Army or the first group of people who followed Jin Feng.

Seeing Jin Feng coming, everyone stood up quickly.

"It's meal time now. Don't be so formal. Just like you were in the military camp, just be casual."

Jin Feng motioned to Tie Hammer to add a chair between Zhang Liang and Qing Huai, and took the lead to sit down.

Seeing this, the others took their seats one after another.

As a person in two lifetimes, Jin Feng is not a person who is good at mobilizing atmosphere.

But once again seeing so many comrades who had fought side by side, Jin Feng couldn't help but start chatting.

Except for the brothers Qing Xinyao and Qinghuai, almost everyone present here was born in a poor family. At first, everyone agreed with Jin Feng, but as they talked, they started chatting with Jin Feng about their experiences in fighting together.


The living conditions of the people in Jinchuan have been greatly improved last year. Many women and children have enough to eat and go to the mountains to collect wild grapes to make wine. This year, there are many times more fruit wine on the market than in previous years. Jin Feng feels that today is another day.

On a day worth celebrating, a batch of fruit wine was sent over before dinner.

Zhang Liang and others were all senior generals at this table, and they were assigned to five jars.

As a result, before all the dishes were served, three jars had already been eaten.

This chapter has been completed!
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