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Chapter 1704 Difficult to choose

Chapter 1614 Demand exceeds supply (1 / 2)

2445 words

19 days ago

It's nothing." Ninth Princess shook her head: "Prairie people have always been tough, but I didn't expect Princess Lu Jie to be very patient."

"That's true," Jin Feng nodded and said, "It's common on the grassland to draw swords at any disagreement. Princess Lu Jie was so despised, but she always kept a smile. This kind of forbearance is something that 99% of people can't do.


"Not only that," the Ninth Princess said, "Didn't your husband notice these war horses?"

"War horse?" Jin Feng asked, "What happened to the war horse?"

"These war horses should be black-maned horses." The Ninth Princess replied.

Jin Feng opened the curtain behind the carriage and took a look. The horse Princess Lu Jie was riding with her entourage had indeed a black mane on its neck.

Dakang does not produce war horses. The war horses used by Sichuan and Shu today mainly come from four sources.

The first is the Tubo war horse that refugees took advantage of during the Battle of Damangpo from the war horse camp in Danzhu. The second is the Dangxiang war horse that Tieniu troops came to Dangxiang Wangcheng, captured alive the old emperor Dangxiang, and forced Dangxiang to pay compensation.

The third one is the Eastern Barbarian war horses captured from the north bank of the Yellow River in the capital when they destroyed the invading Eastern Barbarian Southern Expeditionary Army.

The fourth is the war compensation paid by Princess Lu Jie to redeem the bodies of the Eastern Barbarian soldiers after the Battle of Yuguan City!

The black mane is a unique symbol of Eastern Barbarian war horses, so these war horses are most likely compensated by Princess Lu Jie. Now she needs horses, but she needs to spend money to buy them.

Thinking about it from his perspective, Jin Feng felt that he couldn't accept it.

The most important thing is that Princess Lu Jie acted very calmly from beginning to end, as if she didn't recognize these horses, and still kept smiling.

Even the Ninth Princess may not be able to do this, so she thinks Princess Lu Jie can tolerate it.

Princess Lu Jie followed behind, not knowing that she had aroused the wariness of the Ninth Princess, and was looking outside curiously.

Nowadays, there are almost no bandits in Sichuan and Shu. Many official roads and inns have been built with work-relief. The business in Sichuan and Shu is booming rapidly, and there are more and more traders.

There are more and more factories in Xihewan, and their reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and there is an endless stream of merchants coming to purchase.

There are caravans composed of multiple merchants or private chambers of commerce, as well as free traders pushing carts by themselves or in small groups.

From time to time, you can still see people riding bicycles speeding past.

Xihewan now has the ability to produce ball bearings, so Jin Feng redesigned the bicycle according to the style of the previous 28-bar.

At first, the bicycles were only used internally by the escort company. Later, when the production volume increased, they began to be sold to the outside world.

Bicycles are so convenient. They can be used on both official roads and small trails in the mountains. They are much more convenient to use than mules and horses. They are also very labor-saving and can carry more weight than ordinary mules and horses.

There is no need to feed the bicycle, and it won't get sick. You can just put it in the yard when you get home.

The most important thing is that bicycles are much faster than mules and horses. On the same official road, pushing a cart can go up to thirty or forty miles a day, while a cart with mules, horses and donkeys can only go forty or fifty miles a day. Riding a bicycle can at least

Running nearly a hundred miles, you can run back to Xichuan from Xihewan in a few days.

Therefore, once the bicycle was launched, it was warmly welcomed by merchants.

Although the price of Jinfeng is very high, the supply still exceeds the demand. Many dealers queue up outside the bicycle factory. When a batch comes out, they are snatched away by the dealers and cannot be sent to the supply and marketing cooperative at all.

The bicycle that just passed by not only carried large and small bags on the back, but also had two huge bags on the crossbar in front of it, and it was speeding down the slope.

Seeing Jin Feng's motorcade, the man quickly used his hands and feet to stop the bicycle and push it to the side of the road.

Even Odebiao gave him a thumbs up after seeing this skill.

Chapter 1614 Demand exceeds supply (2 / 2)

2445 words

19 days ago

After all, this bicycle has no tires, and the wheel is just a steel rim. Whether it is grip or shock resistance, it cannot be compared with Oudebiao's 28-inch large bars.

This was the first time Princess Lu Jie saw a bicycle. She was very curious about it and shouted out the window: "Miss Jiang, what is that?"

"Is this what His Highness is talking about?"

Jiang Wenwen asked, pointing to a bicycle that just passed by.

"Yes," Princess Lu Jie nodded.

"This is a bicycle, invented by our husband!" Jiang Wenwen said: "This kind of thing can go up mountains and down rivers. It can go as fast as a war horse can go, and it is very labor-saving. If the road is good, you can ride it for two hundred miles a day.

Here, many postmen now use bicycles to deliver letters, which is so fast!

Later in the year, there was a postman who was in a hurry to deliver letters and once ran four hundred miles in one day!"

"Can you run four hundred miles a day?" Princess Lu Jie's eyes suddenly widened.

In terms of top speed, a war horse is definitely faster than a bicycle, but just like a human running, a war horse cannot keep running at top speed for a long time. If you run at top speed for a while, you must stop, otherwise the war horse will be exhausted.

If we march all day long, even if the two horses take turns, they won't be able to cover 400 miles in one day!

"That was a special situation. The postman had urgent mail to deliver, and the road was very good, with many downhill roads. He rode from dawn to midnight, so he could travel such a long distance."

Jiang Wenwen said: "Under normal circumstances, bicycles cannot run that far, only one or two hundred miles a day, and those with strong strength can only run more than two hundred miles."

"That's pretty awesome." Princess Lu Jie praised.

"It's indeed very impressive," Jiang Wenwen nodded: "But after the postman brother delivered the letter to Xihewan, he was so tired that he couldn't even walk. He coughed up blood and spent more than half a month recuperating at Doctor Wei's place.


"Miss Jiang, have you ever ridden a bicycle?"

"I have ridden them before," Jiang Wenwen replied, "Mr. Jin once sent a batch of bicycles to the escort agency. All the escort brothers in Jinchuan must learn it. Those who can't learn will have their bonuses deducted."

"Is it easy to ride?" Princess Lu Jie asked.

"When you first start riding, you will fall down, but after you learn how to ride, you won't fall down anymore."

"Are you eager to learn?" Princess Lu Jie asked again.

"It's not difficult, but it's not difficult once you learn it," Jiang Wenwen said: "Before I learned it, I always couldn't understand that a bicycle only has two wheels and can't stand upright. How could it not fall over?

But after learning it, I realized that it really won’t fail.”

"Why won't it fall?"

"I don't know," Jiang Wenwen said, "I can only ride, and I don't know why I can't fall."

"Where can I buy such bicycles? How many can I buy?" Princess Lu Jie asked.

"I can't make the decision on this, I have to ask for instructions." Jiang Wenwen replied.

With the lessons learned in the small town, Jiang Wenwen now promises Princess Lu Jie that she will think carefully about everything she does.

Princess Lu Jie was a little disappointed, but she quickly recovered her smile: "Okay, if there is a reply, Miss Jiang, remember to inform me."

"Okay," Jiang Wenwen nodded in agreement.

At this time, another bicycle came down the slope, but this person must be a novice, and he went straight to the team.

This chapter has been completed!
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