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Chapter 1633 Miss Be Careful

Chapter 1633 Miss, be careful (1 / 2)

2315 words

10 days ago

Although Zheng Chiyuan is the head of the navy, he also comes from a noble family in the capital, and he knows very well that in the court, it is most taboo to take over everything.

Not only will this make people think you are too strong, but you will also be easily held accountable if you do something wrong.

Especially the kind of job that didn't belong to you, but you took it, and then you did it wrong, and you were scolded and you didn't even have room to defend yourself.

But work in the court means power, so even if everyone understands this truth, they still go out of their way to grab other people's jobs.

Zheng Chiyuan does not have this problem. He has always been very aware of boundaries. Even though his official position is much higher than that of Da Qiang, he almost never asks about matters other than the Navy and the Ocean Management Department, so as not to leave a strong impression on Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess.


Looking back at Daqiang, Zheng Chiyuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw that he still looked lost.

Now it is not a matter of whether he is willing to intervene, but that he must carry the banner.

"First of all, this matter needs to be reported back to Jinchuan as soon as possible to let Mr. and Your Majesty know, and then someone familiar with the explosive package should be sent over to inspect it as soon as possible. In addition, all efforts must be made to investigate the source of the explosive package to prevent similar vicious incidents from happening again!"

Zheng Chiyuan gave the first instruction.

"Yes, I will go back and write a report later, and then send someone back to Jinchuan as soon as possible."

The deputy leader of the Zhongming Group nodded and wrote down the matter.

"Second, the enemy's accomplices have escaped, and we don't know if they have more accomplices lurking in. We should temporarily blockade Yuxi Town and conduct house-to-house searches. If they still have crossbows or grenade explosive bags hidden

Such a murder weapon must be found as soon as possible!"

Zheng Chiyuan looked at the deputy battalion commander of the escort division and continued: "Your escort division will take the lead in this matter, and I will let the navy patrol team cooperate with you!"

When you find one cockroach in your home, there are already a thousand.

Zheng Chiyuan also knew that there was a high probability that this kind of search would not yield anything, but the work that needed to be done still had to be done, otherwise he would not be able to explain anything if something happened later.

"Yes!" The deputy battalion commander of the escort division nodded quickly.


Zheng Chiyuan was just about to talk about the third point when he suddenly heard a shout from the left.

Turning around to look over, I saw two round, black things rolling over.


Zheng Chiyuan's pupils shrank and he subconsciously rushed to the side.

There were also two bodyguards with quick reactions who intended to pick up the grenades and rush out. Unfortunately, the enemy should have calculated the time when throwing the grenades. As soon as they bent down, the grenades exploded.

The two escorts who went to pick up the grenades were the closest and happened to be bent over. They received the greatest impact and were blown backwards at that time!

The guards behind Zheng Chiyuan reacted slower and were also hit by iron filings from the grenades, and many were overturned by the blast of air.

Fortunately, the power of the grenades was limited, and there were only two grenades. In addition, Zheng Chiyuan's personal guards and the nearby bodyguards were all wearing armor, so except for the two bodyguards who faced the explosion, there were no immediate deaths.

But many people were injured.

The grenade was thrown from another yard more than 20 meters away. The bodyguards who were performing blockade tasks nearby acted quickly, surrounded the yard, and then rushed in.

It's a pity that since the dead man dared to take action, he had already considered his retreat.

Chapter 1633 Miss, be careful (2 / 2)

2315 words

10 days ago

He had already escaped before the escort rushed in, and only the original owner who was killed was left in the yard.

"He must not be far away, let me search him!"

The escort platoon leader leading the team roared angrily.

In the yard, Zheng Chiyuan's uninjured personal guards immediately surrounded him.

The guard captain pulled Zheng Chiyuan up from the ground and asked worriedly: "General, how are you?"

"I'm fine," Zheng Chiyuan took out his buzzing ears and asked, "How are they?"

The guard captain knew that he was asking about the deputy battalion commander of the escort division and the deputy leader of the Zhong Ming team, so he replied: "Captain Zhang's leg was broken, but because he was wearing armor, it was okay. Team leader Zhou seemed

He was hit in many places by iron filings. I didn't look carefully and he was taken away by military doctors. I don't know how he is doing now."

"Did you see where the grenade was thrown from?"

"I saw it, the brothers from the escort agency went after it!" the guard captain replied.

Zheng Chiyuan nodded, then looked around again, and said coldly with a dark face: "It seems that our blockade area is still not enough... Send a message back and ask Liu Heizi to take people off the boat, blockade all houses within ten feet, and inspect the houses.

Everyone in there!”

Although the navy has set up a large camp on the shore, most of the usual training is related to water and is conducted on the ship.

Now is the time for navy training, and most of the navy are on board.

The armed forces in Yuxi Town have never been sufficient. The explosion just now caused too many casualties of escorts and patrols, and the manpower was even more insufficient. People had to be transferred from the navy.

"Yes!" The guard captain quickly sent someone back to deliver the order.

As the navy troops came ashore, Yuxi Town immediately entered a state of military control.

All citizens and refugees were asked to stay where they were and not move around freely, and all workers were sealed in the factory.

A few miles to the north, Qing Mulan was galloping on horseback.

Qing Mulan had always envied Zuo Feifei and Tang Dongdong, so after the salted fish factory stabilized, he immediately selected some young men from among the workers and formed a patrol team.

The patrol team does not need to produce, it only needs to train and be responsible for security work.

Now following her out are the night shift patrol members.

The patrol members were all refugees before and had never been exposed to war horses. Although they learned riding after joining the patrol, they were just getting started and their riding skills were far from superb.

At first, they could barely run along with Qing Mulan, Amei and others, but after running for a few hundred meters, and the horses became excited, some people gradually began to get scared, and they subconsciously tightened the reins and controlled the horses to slow down.

"Why are you waiting so long? Run faster!" Qing Mulan glanced back and urged.

"Miss, they are all novices. It's better to slow down. If you run too fast and fall down, you will be in trouble." Amei advised: "There are bodyguards and navy in the town, so you don't have to worry."

War horses run very fast, and even the smallest fall will break a piece of skin. It is even more dangerous if the foot is caught in the stirrup.

Although Qing Mulan was not very happy, she felt that what Amei said was reasonable, so she nodded and took the lead in slowing down the horse.

This chapter has been completed!
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