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Chapter 1660 Plateau Messenger

Chapter 1660 Plateau Messenger (1 / 2)

2327 words

11 minutes ago

The plateau of this era was almost still in a barbaric period, and beliefs were very mixed. Almost every tribe had its own totem of beliefs.

Wars between tribes are also very frequent.

It wasn't until the appearance of Gada that this chaos was temporarily ended.

It's a pity that Gada was killed by the iron bull again.

As soon as Gada died, the stable plateau in front of him became chaotic again.

And it has become more serious than before, even worse than today's Jiangnan and Central Plains.

This chaos lasted for several months, and the Goshawk tribe suddenly produced a batch of hot air balloons.

Even if the Goshawk tribe does not have grenades, having a hot air balloon means they have an air force. They can use the hot air balloon to conduct early reconnaissance and grasp the enemy's every move.

You can also throw kerosene jars down from the hot air balloon to burn the enemy's food and fodder and disturb the enemy's horses.

The Goshawk tribe is already very strong, ranking second on the plateau, second only to Gada's previous tribe.

With the blessing of the hot air balloon, it was even more powerful. There was no opponent at all, and it only took half a year to kill Gada's tribe.

The Black Tiger Tribe is the third largest tribe on the plateau.

When Gada rose before, he had already pledged his allegiance to Gada. This time when the Goshawk Tribe rose up, the Black Tiger Tribe originally wanted to surrender in order to survive.

However, the Goshawk tribe actually requires all men of the Black Tiger tribe to be slaves, and women must also serve the men of the Goshawk tribe and give birth to children for the men of the Goshawk tribe.

This request was no longer harsh, but intended to cut off the roots of the Black Tiger Tribe. Naturally, the Black Tiger Tribe refused to agree, and a conflict broke out between the two sides.

Fortunately, the location of the Black Tiger Tribe is a bit far away from the Goshawk Tribe, and there are many mountains on the territory. When the Goshawk Tribe came over, they immediately got into the mountains, and the Goshawk Tribe was helpless.

But this peace is only temporary.

Seeing that there was nothing they could do for the time being, the Goshawk Tribe turned around and attacked the two tribes surrounding the Black Tiger Tribe.

There are no mountains on the territory of these two tribes, so they cannot defeat the Goshawk tribe.

The Goshawk Tribe also learned the lesson and no longer required the men and women of these two tribes to be slaves, but forced these two tribes to join them in encircling and suppressing the Black Tiger Tribe.

The pressure on the Black Tiger Tribe increased sharply, and when they could no longer hold on, their patrol encountered Li Didi who was being hunted.

In the eyes of the patrol, the Goshawk Tribe's hot air balloon is an invincible and terrifying weapon, a vehicle of the gods.

So when the patrol saw Li Didi and the others driving a hot air balloon and using crossbows to shoot down the hot air balloons of the Goshawk Tribe, they felt like they had seen a savior.

Li Didi and the others carried limited kerosene. After shooting down the hot air balloon formation that was chasing them, they found a valley to land in.

The patrol team of the Black Tiger Tribe ran over immediately.

This is how Li Didi came into contact with the Black Tiger tribe.

I have to say that Li Didi is indeed very courageous.

After understanding the current situation of the Black Tiger Tribe, in order to prevent the Black Tiger Tribe from attacking them, he did not let anyone else follow him. He followed the patrol team to the Black Tiger Tribe's hometown alone and met the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe.

The Black Tiger Tribe was almost cornered by the Goshawk Tribe. After hearing the patrol's report on Li Didi's and others' achievements, the leader was excited at first, but he still didn't believe it.

Chapter 1660 Plateau Messenger (2 / 2)

2327 words

11 minutes ago

So Li Didi asked the Black Tiger Tribe to deliberately send out a group of people to attract the Goshawk Tribe's hot air balloon formation.

Later, with the help of more advanced hot air balloons and portable heavy crossbows, the Escort pilots easily killed the Goshawk Tribe's hot air balloon formation in front of the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe and other senior officials.

In order to show his strength, after destroying the hot air balloon formation, the pilot also deliberately flew over the Goshawk tribe's ground troops and threw a few grenades.

The leader of the Black Tiger Tribe had heard before that Gada was defeated by the Dakang people in Sichuan.

When Gada first pacified the plateau, he did not have hot air balloons, but relied on his own powerful force.

Therefore, in the eyes of the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe, Gada is far more powerful and terrifying than the Goshawk Tribe.

But such a powerful and terrifying being was defeated by the weak Dakang people using the car and divine thunder stolen from the gods, and stayed in the east forever.

When the news came back, the leader of the Black Tiger tribe did not believe it and thought it was a lie fabricated by Gada's tribe.

It wasn't until he saw the combined attack of a hot air balloon, a portable heavy crossbow, and a grenade with his own eyes that he completely believed that the Dakang people had really stolen the car and the divine thunder from the gods!

He immediately decided to buy a hot air balloon from Li Didi no matter what.

This was the purpose of Li Didi's trip, but when the Black Tiger tribe actually sought a deal, he became more reserved and deliberately looked embarrassed.

Finally, unable to withstand the pleas of the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe, he "embarrassedly" told the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe that he had no right to make a decision and would come back to ask Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess for instructions.

The leader of the Black Tiger Tribe immediately sent his own brother to follow Li Didi to Sichuan to negotiate with Jin Feng.

The swarthy man standing next to Li Didi is the younger brother of the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe and the second-in-command of the Black Tiger Tribe—Nadan.

The weapons Li Didi displayed on the plateau were so advanced that Nathan was full of curiosity about the Xihewan that Li Didi mentioned.

In his imagination, Xihewan was a more prosperous and larger city than Xichuan.

As a result, the airship flew further and further away after leaving Xichuan City, and now it flew into the mountains.

Looking at the desolate mountains below, Nathan felt more and more sad.

If he had not gone to Xichuan City first and knew how easy it was for Li Didi to harm him, Nathan would have thought that he had been abducted by Li Didi.

"Mr. Li, how long will it take to arrive at Xihewan?" Nathan asked.


Li Didi put down the telescope and said: "It's still a little far away now and can't be seen clearly with the naked eye. You can see it by flying a little further forward!"

As he was talking, the airship circled a mountain.

Several plumes of smoke appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"What's that?" Nathan asked, pointing to the plume of smoke.

"Oh, that's the smoke from burning things in our factory. Look, isn't there a chimney underneath them?"

Li Didi handed the telescope to Nathan.

Nathan had seen the magic of telescopes on the way here and knew how to use them.

After taking over the telescope, he carefully adjusted the focus and looked down the smoke column. Sure enough, he saw huge wisps under the smoke column.

This chapter has been completed!
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