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Chapter 1687 Don't Misunderstand

Chapter 1687 Don’t misunderstand (1 / 2)

2347 words

13 minutes ago

"Sir, Miss Bing'er and Miss Shuang'er each caught an assassin once..."

The deputy captain of the guard handed over his report from a distance, and there was a hint of asking for credit in his words.

But before he finished speaking, the deputy captain of the guard saw Princess Lu Jie lying on the ground and the arrow on her back.

The deputy captain of the guard felt his heart skip a beat and subconsciously turned around to look at Bing'er Shuang'er.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, he felt a gust of wind blowing past him.

Then there was a dense sound next to the boulder.

There was the sound of a black knife being unsheathed, the sound of a hand crossbow being cocked, and the sound of a musket being released from its safety...

But there were more voices like "Don't move!" and "Stop!"

The deputy captain of the guard turned around and saw Bing'er Shuang'er standing in front of the boulder, looking at her with anger.

Bing'er has a dagger in her left hand and a long whip in her right hand, and Shuang'er also holds a short knife in each hand.

Opposite them were countless bodyguards and female workers, holding various weapons, facing the Frost duo.

The Iron Can Mountain Female Workers' Musketeers immediately surrounded Jin Feng and Guan Xiaorou.

The scene suddenly became tense, and the two sides could fight at any time!

The deputy captain of the guard looked bitter when he saw this.

Just now, they cooperated with Bing'er Shuang'er and killed one assassin and captured two.

Who would have thought that not long after this, the two sides would become at war with each other.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, the vice-captain still knew his position and immediately led his personal guards to surround Bing'er Shuang'er from behind!

"Miss Bing'er, Miss Shuang'er, calm down, this is a misunderstanding!"

Jiang Wenwen and Bing'er Shuang'er got to know each other well, so they quickly stood up and said, "Everyone, calm down!"

"Put the gun away, don't let it go off!"

Jin Feng also signaled the woman to put away her musket.

At this time, the two sides are just misunderstanding each other. If there is a misunderstanding, it will be really unclear.

The female workers obeyed Jin Feng's words, but this time they did not obey Jin Feng's orders. However, they also lowered the muzzles of their guns and pointed them toward the ground.

In this way, even if there is a misfire, Bing'er Shuang'er will not be hit.

If Bing'er Shuang'er moves, they can immediately raise their guns and shoot.

"Bing'er Shuang'er, throw away all the weapons in your hands!"

Princess Lu Jie also raised her head and shouted weakly: "My injury was caused by an assassin's sneak attack!"

After hearing what Princess Lu Jie said, Bing'er Shuang'er's expression finally softened.

Bing'er turned to look at Jin Feng: "Mr. Jin, I want to go with His Highness, and I hope you will get out of the way!"

"Okay," Jin Feng quickly waved to the female worker and escort: "Let them pass!"

The female worker and escort were just worried that Bing'er Shuang'er would hurt Jin Feng. Seeing that they just wanted to return to Princess Lu Jie, they stopped blocking them and moved out of the way.

However, the female worker musketeers still stood between Jin Feng and Bingshuang to prevent them from suddenly rising up and harming Jin Feng.

Chapter 1687 Don’t misunderstand (2 / 2)

2347 words

13 minutes ago

Fortunately, Bing'er Shuang'er did not do this. They all put away their weapons and knelt down in front of Princess Lu Jie: "Your Highness, it was our dereliction of duty that caused Your Highness to be injured. Please forgive me!"

"The doctor won't let me talk more, so don't do this useless thing!"

Princess Lu Jie glanced at the two of them angrily: "No matter what happens next, if I see you baring your teeth with Mr. Jin again, I won't be able to spare you..."

Before she finished speaking, Princess Lu Jie started coughing again.

Wei Wuya saw this and stepped forward to hold her back again.

In the feudal era, the difference between men and women was very serious. Let alone Lu Jie being a princess, even a girl from an ordinary family could not easily be touched by a strange man.

Seeing Wei Wuya holding down Princess Lu Jie's back, Bing'er Shuang'er's first thought was to cut off his hand.

But in view of what Princess Lu Jie said just now, they did not do so, but shouted at Wei Wuya in unison: "Stop!"

"Shut up!" Princess Lu Jie said: "This is the doctor. He is treating my illness. You must not be rude to him!"

When Bing'er Shuang'er heard what Princess Lu Jie said, she realized that after Wei Wuya pressed Princess Lu Jie's back, Princess Lu Jie no longer coughed.

Moreover, Wei Wuya's actions were not too excessive, so the two of them lowered their heads silently.

Seeing that the scene finally calmed down, Guan Xiaorou looked at Wei Wuya again: "Mr. Wei, what should I do with the arrow on Sister Lu Jie's back? Do you want to pull it out?"

"Of course you have to pull it out, otherwise you will be in trouble when it suppurates!"

Wei Wuya said: "But you can't pull it out here, you have to go back to the village's medical room!"

With the help of a microscope, Wei Wuya realized the dangers of germs and the awareness of anti-inflammation and anti-virus, so he planned to build the world's first operating room in the village medical office.

Although this operating room is still simple and crude, probably not even comparable to the operating room at the county-level hospital in Jin Feng's previous life, the medical environment is much better than before.

"Xiao Jin, have you brought a stretcher?" Jin Feng turned to look at Zhou Jin.

"Bring it," Zhou Jin waved her hand behind her, and the two female military doctors who followed her came over and took out a folded stretcher from their backpack.

After a few quick pulls between the two, the stretcher took shape.

Bing'er Shuang'er and two female military doctors worked together to carefully lift Princess Lu Jie onto the stretcher.

The specially-made carriages of Jin Feng and Guan Xiaorou also drove over. Guan Xiaorou gave up her carriage to Princess Lu Jie and her party, and she got on Jin Feng's carriage with Jin Feng, Zuo Feifei and others.

Jin Feng asked Wei Wuya to ride in the car with him, but Wei Wuya refused to agree to anything and insisted on riding a horse.

Jin Feng couldn't defeat him, so he didn't force it.

As for the bodyguards and female workers, they were also divided into two parts. One part continued to search for the fleeing assassins, while the other part protected the carriage and walked towards Xihewan with the two captured assassins.

The two assassins had been knocked unconscious by Bing'er Shuang'er, their hand tendons and hamstrings had been picked, and their mandibles had also been removed.

Even so, the bodyguards still did not dare to be careless. They took the shackles and locked up their hands and feet.

Afraid of assassins on the road, a large number of escorts were scattered in the woods on both sides of the road to search, and there were several airships flying back and forth in the sky.

The female workers walked beside the carriage, and the bodyguards held shields to block the female workers.

As a result, the team walked very slowly and did not return to the village until it was dark.

After walking around the foot of the mountain, Jin Feng saw the Ninth Princess standing in the open space at the entrance of the village with her hands tied.

I saw Jin Feng push open the carriage window

This chapter has been completed!
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