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Chapter 1699 A way out

Chapter 1699 A way to survive (1 / 2)

2291 words

35 minutes ago

This courtyard is a typical rural courtyard, with three main rooms and a side room on the left and right sides.

Princess Lu Jie and the three of them lived in the main room. Jiang Wenwen and the bodyguard were divided into two shifts. After work, they went to the bodyguard's dormitory to rest.

Jin Feng thought Princess Lu Jie would meet her in the main room, but after entering the main room, Bing'er signaled Jin Feng to go to the west side room.

In fact, this was a bit against the rules, but Jin Feng didn't care much about the rules of the feudal era. Now that Princess Lu Jie was injured again, he didn't think too much and stepped into the West Room.

Pearl quickly followed in.

When Bing'er saw this, she frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

Jin Feng entered the back room and found that it was extremely neat and clean. The tables, stools and beds were also new. They should have been purchased after Princess Lu Jie arrived.

After all, this is an owner who is not short of money and has even bought a yard in the East China Sea.

Princess Lu Jie lay on the bed and said hello to Jin Feng: "I have some inconvenience in my movements, and I'm disappointed. I hope you won't blame me!"

"It's okay, it's okay," Jin Feng waved his hand: "You saved my injury for me, doesn't it embarrass me to say that?"

"Lu Jie definitely didn't mean this," Princess Lu Jie explained: "I was born in the grasslands, I haven't read much, and I don't know how to speak. If I make a mistake, please forgive me!"

"This is not a court, and there are no outsiders. Let's stop chatting like this. It's too tiring!"

Jin Feng said helplessly: "We have known each other for a while, and we should be considered friends. We can just chat casually like friends... By the way, Xiaorou has stewed chicken soup for you. I will ask someone to hand it over to Wenwen tonight.

You can drink it after you heat it up."

"Then thank you sister Xiaorou!"

Princess Lu Jie signaled Bing'er to move a stool for Jin Feng: "Sir, please sit down!"

"How do you feel today?" Jin Feng asked casually after sitting down.

"Much better," Princess Lu Jie said with emotion: "I have to say that famous teachers give birth to great disciples. Mr. Jin is very good, and the disciples he trained are also very good. Dr. Zhou's medical skills are really good. If you are hit by an arrow on the grassland, no matter where it is shot,

There will be suppuration everywhere, and if it doesn't work properly, you'll die.

But after Dr. Zhou treated the wound for me, it didn’t look like it was suppurating at all!”

"This is not because of my good teaching, but because of Xiaojin's own ability and the reason for disinfection."

Jin Feng said: "Although there is no suppuration now, it does not mean that it will not happen later. When you applied medicine to wipe the wound recently, the towel you used must be boiled to prevent further bacterial infection."

"Infection? Bacteria?" This was the first time Princess Lu Jie heard these two terms, and she looked at Jin Feng with confusion.

With the continuous expansion of the army, the gap in military doctors and nursing staff is getting bigger and bigger, so some time ago, the Ninth Princess established a military medical training class specifically to train military doctors and nurses.

Microbiology knowledge is a compulsory course in military medical training classes, so it is not a secret. Princess Lu Jie is sincere and it is not difficult to find out, so Jin Feng briefly introduces the knowledge about bacteria and infections to her.

Princess Lu Jie listened very seriously. After listening, she said with emotion: "So that's it. It turns out that we are sick because of these invisible little bugs. When I go back in the future, I have to explain to our doctor that the gauze used to clean the wound must be

Need to be steamed and sterilized!”

"As well as drinking water, try to drink boiled water instead of raw water!" Jin Feng reminded: "There are also those rotten beef and mutton, try not to eat them if you can!"

Chapter 1699 A way to survive (2 / 2)

2291 words

35 minutes ago

"Sir, if possible, we don't want to drink raw water or eat stinky beef and mutton!"

Princess Lu Jie sighed: "But we can't help it. The past two years on the grassland have been too difficult. I don't know how many herdsmen have died of starvation. Not to mention the smelly beef and mutton. When I'm really hungry, I wish I could eat with the cattle and sheep."

Just like eating grass!"

Before Jin Feng came, he guessed that Princess Lu Jie would find a way for him to help the grassland. Now that he heard Princess Lu Jie start to cry for poverty, Jin Feng knew that he had guessed correctly.

"In the past two years, there have been constant natural and man-made disasters. Not only have you had a hard time on the grasslands, but we, the well-off people, have also had a hard time."

Jin Feng also sighed and said, "You saw on the way here that many people starve to death in Jiangnan and the Central Plains every day!"

"But Dakang has a husband!"

Princess Lu Jie said: "Sir, you are extremely talented. He has pacified Sichuan and Shu in such a short time and managed Sichuan and Shu so well. I believe that within ten years, you will be able to pacify the entire Dakang and let the people of Dakang live a better life."

Good day!”

"It's not easy to pacify Dakang!" Jin Feng sighed again.

Before, he also thought that he could create more advanced weapons, and with the support of the people, it would take just a matter of minutes to bring peace to the world.

As long as he gives himself a few years, he will definitely be able to pacify the Central Plains and Jiangnan. If everything goes well, he can also recover the Tubo Party and Eastern Barbarians and restore the territory of Dakang to the size of his previous life.

But as the war continued, Jin Feng gradually became less confident.

He can make more advanced weapons, and the enemy can also think of ways to deal with them.

The previous Haidongqing is an example.

In addition to Hai Dongqing, the enemy also learned to use guerrilla warfare to deal with escorts and airships.

They no longer fight head-on, but choose to break into pieces and spread out to carry out destruction secretly.

The combination of airship and grenades is suitable for large-scale battles. Once the enemies are dispersed, the power of the combination of airship and grenades will be greatly reduced.

You can't just send airships to blow up the entire mountain just because a few enemies are hiding in the mountains, right?

Putting aside whether this is a waste or not, the production capacity of the grenade workshop cannot keep up with this kind of production.

Therefore, Jin Feng gradually realized that it would be difficult to pacify the world by relying on brute force and force alone, so he began to try to control Tubo and Eastern Barbarians through negotiation and supporting puppets.

As for the party items, he couldn't take care of them for the time being. He could only solve the immediate matter first and then go figure it out slowly.

"Sir, you are a man of great talent and strategy. I believe that you will be able to bring peace to the world and become the greatest national advisor in the history of Dakang!" Princess Lu Jie praised her again, and then sighed: "Unlike me, I am just a woman with nothing.

I understand, watching the herdsmen struggling but unable to do anything!”

"Your Highness, there is no need to be so presumptuous. The fact that you can gather so many herdsmen in such a short period of time speaks volumes about your ability."

The other party had just praised him for so long, and Jin Feng didn't hesitate to praise him in return.

"What ability do I have?" Princess Lu Jie said with a wry smile: "The herdsmen are only willing to trust me if they believe me."

This chapter has been completed!
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