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Chapter 1716 Internal dispute

Chapter 1716 Internal Dispute (1 / 2)

2512 words

28 minutes ago

Hou Hou and Da Zhuang also realized the seriousness of the matter. After returning from Jin Feng's house, they rode their war horses towards the back mountain camp.

Arriving at the gate of the camp, Da Zhuang shouted: "Monkey, I'm going to adjust the speedboat. You go and notify the fourth company one by one, and ask them to gather at the gate of the flying team immediately. When the speedboat is debugged, they can take off immediately!"

"Okay!" the monkey agreed, pulling the horse and running to the right.

Da Zhuang ran to the left.

The special force is fast, accurate and ruthless. When Jin Feng was attacked last time, the black-armored team wanted to reinforce, but the horses were all ridden by the bodyguards. They could only run to the three-way intersection.

That incident made Da Zhuang realize that the mobility of the special forces was too poor, so he found Jin Feng the next day and asked for the war horse.

Jin Feng not only gave him enough war horses, but also equipped them with four airships and seven hot air balloons. He set up a flying team in the back mountain camp to be responsible for their parachuting and other related training. If there was an emergency,

The flying team needs to assist the black-armored team in responding quickly.

It had only been a few days since the flight team moved here, but I didn't expect the mission to come so soon.

Fortunately, the team leader responded quickly. After Da Zhuang handed over the task, he immediately sent someone to prepare the airship.

The airbag of the airship is sealed and takes a long time to inflate. In order to save time, the airbag usually does not release all the air. Instead, it is tied to a tree after landing.

In this way, when you need to use it, you only need to inflate it a little more and you can take off.

The flying team was already familiar with this task and completed it quickly.

But after waiting for several minutes, no monkey came with anyone. The pilots all looked at Da Zhuang with some dissatisfaction.

When Da Zhuang came to inform them just now, almost all the pilots thought it was an exercise. The purpose was to tighten their strings and get them used to the rhythm of the black-armored team as soon as possible.

The pilots are a little dissatisfied with this, because before they became pilots, they were also the elites of each company. After joining the flying group, the discipline requirements are also very strict.

Da Zhuang's behavior made them feel slighted.

However, they have now been assigned to the Black Armored Team and are under the command of Da Zhuang. Therefore, even if the pilots were a little dissatisfied, they did not show it. Instead, they cooperated with Da Zhuang to complete takeoff preparations as quickly as possible.

As a result, they were ready, but the person Da Zhuang said did not come...

"Dazhuang, tell me about you. It's just a drill. It's an emergency. I've eaten half of my meal!"

The captain of the flight squad bumped Da Zhuang with his shoulder: "When the wages are paid, you have to treat me to a nice meal!"

The squad leader is also one of the first batch of veterans. When the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce opened an outlet in the capital, the two of them were in the same team and sent escorts to the capital several times. They are considered old comrades who have lived and died together.

"Who said it was an exercise?" Da Zhuang glanced at the other party: "Mr. Jin's bodyguard just came to call me and Monkey, didn't you see it? This is a task just arranged by Mr. Jin, and it is indeed an urgent task!"

"Really?" The team leader still didn't believe it.

"I lied to you that he is your son!" Da Zhuang was a little annoyed.

When the team leader heard this, he immediately knew it was true. He tilted his head and asked, "Why hasn't the monkey come yet?"

"How do I know?" Da Zhuang jumped on his horse irritably and ran towards the camp.

As soon as I entered the camp, I saw two teams facing each other on the training field.

On one side are the scouts of the fourth company, platoon and squad, and on the other side are a group of veterans in black armor.

The scouts were fully armed and seemed ready to go, but they were surrounded by black-armored veterans.

A group of people were chattering and arguing about something.

Da Zhuang rode up to the crowd and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Captain, you came just in time!"

A black-armored veteran said: "The monkey said there is a mission, is it true?"

Before Da Zhuang had time to answer, another veteran spoke again: "Captain, you are also from the black armor team, how can you turn your elbows outward?

Chapter 1716 Internal Dispute (2 / 2)

2512 words

28 minutes ago

This is the first mission since the Black Armored Team was reestablished, and you actually handed it over to these brats instead of us? Or is it because the monkeys abused their private rights?"

"Monkey, although you are the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, don't forget where you came from!"

There are also veterans who blame the monkeys.

Da Zhuang's face turned even uglier after listening to what the three of them said.

Seeing that the other veterans still wanted to talk, he took out his riding crop and whipped the veteran who spoke first!

It was hot in the summer, and the veteran only wore a vest during training. Da Zhuang used the whip to tear the veteran's back directly through the vest.

Blood seeped out, leaving a mark of a whip on the white vest.

Da Zhuang has a stable character and almost never loses his temper in public, let alone hits anyone.

This time he was really angry.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

"I asked you to come back and bring people with you. Is this what you do?"

Da Zhuang turned his head and yelled at the monkey.

Monkey knew he was in the wrong, lowered his head and whispered: "Some old brothers are not convinced..."

"It's such an urgent matter, are you just playing house like a kid?"

Da Zhuang rode on the horse and shouted loudly: "The first article in the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau Soldier Manual is that soldiers must obey orders as their bounden duty. The Black Armored Team is the first team that Mr. wants to create. It is not your private territory. You can do whatever you want!"

When the surrounding veterans saw that Da Zhuang was really angry, they all lowered their heads.


Da Zhuang shouted to the back.


The instructor standing at the door of the barracks trotted over quickly.

"Send all these people to the solitary room!"

Da Zhuang pointed to the veterans present and said to the instructor: "You go and give me solitary confinement too!"

The instructor's duty is to be responsible for ideological education and discipline-related work. Now that something like this happened, it also shows that the instructor's job is not done well.

Although there were many objective reasons, the instructor did not dare to defend himself. He straightened his back and saluted Da Zhuang: "Yes!"

Then they escorted the veterans to the solitary room.

"And you, you're usually joking and joking, but you still can't figure it out at this time. When I come back, let's see how I deal with you!"

Da Zhuang pointed at the monkey again.

The monkey shrank his neck with a grimace and made no excuse.

Having known Da Zhuang for such a long time, he knew Da Zhuang too well. He could tell that Da Zhuang was really angry this time. After coming back, he would probably not be able to escape a confinement meal.

"Everyone, run, walk!"...

Da Zhuang then took the prepared scout team and ran towards the flying team.

Arriving next to the airship, the scouts quickly rushed onto the gondola.

Da Zhuang and Monkey also walked over afterwards.

The escort below untied the rope, the pilot also started the steam engine, and the airship slowly rose into the air while drifting towards the direction of the explosives factory.

This chapter has been completed!
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