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Chapter 18

"Been robbed?"

Guan Xiaorou panicked when she heard this and rushed into the yard.

Jin Feng spent eight of the more than 30 guan from selling the tiger, and exchanged the remaining 20 guan for silver ingots to carry with him. The only things left at home were a few strings of pocket coins and some worthless things, which were lost.

There's nothing to feel bad about.

But Jin Feng had a change of thought, pretended to be anxious, handed Guan Xiao'e to Lin Yunfang, and followed Guan Xiaorou.

The door lock of the main room had been smashed off and was hanging from the bolt. The small room was turned into a mess.

When he entered the back room, he saw Guan Xiaorou holding an empty box and crying very sadly.

"Master, all the money under the bed is gone..."

"Damn it!"

Jin Feng pretended to be angry and punched the door hard.

Wealth touches people's hearts, especially in this era when everyone doesn't have enough to eat. There are too many people who are willing to take risks. If someone comes to steal today, someone might come to rob you with a knife tomorrow.

Therefore, it makes sense for the ancients to say that wealth should not be revealed in vain.

However, the whole village knew that Jin Feng killed a tiger and received the reward, and could not hide it even if he wanted to.

It's better to take advantage of this opportunity to solve the problem.

"Sister-in-law, have you seen who the thief is?" Jin Feng asked.

Not many people knew that he and Guan Xiaorou were going out today, so the person who broke in was probably an acquaintance.

"Who else could it be? Xie Guang, that bastard who suffered a thousand blows!"

Lin Yunfang quickly told the story.

Now is the best time to dig wild vegetables, but the women are afraid that there are still tigers in the back mountains, so Xiaoyu and Third Auntzi take them to Jinfeng to strengthen their courage.

As a result, as soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw Xie Guang and an unknown bald man running out of the main room carrying a cloth bag.

Seeing that the door locks were broken, the third aunt and the others immediately started shouting to catch the thief.

But by the time Zhang Liang heard the shout and ran over, Xie Guang and Bald Head had already run away.

"Jin Feng, don't worry, your brother Liang will definitely be able to chase Xie Guang back."

As soon as Lin Yunfang finished speaking, she saw Zhang Liang and the village chief returning carrying sticks.

"Have you caught up?"

The women all gathered around.

"No, that bastard Xie Guang can run faster than a rabbit. When we chased him to the back mountain, he had already gone into the old forest."

The village chief was shaking with anger: "He even stole from people in the village. If I had known, I should have let him starve to death."

On the battlefield that year, a patrol team composed of villagers from Xihewan encountered an enemy ambush, and Xie Guang's father died in the battle.

After the village chief and others were discharged from the army, they all thought of their comrades and helped Xie Guang from time to time. Who knew that he developed a habit of idleness and became a rogue that everyone avoided.

"One person, one life. Xie Guang brought it to this point by himself."

Zhang Liang had no sympathy for Xie Guang and looked at Jin Feng: "What's missing at home?"

"Except for the bunch of copper coins I had with me, this bastard stole all the money I got from selling the tiger!"

Knowing that the culprit was Xie Guang, Jin Feng took the blame without any psychological burden.

Even if Xie Guang is captured later, everyone will only believe in himself as a tiger-fighting hero, not a rogue, and will only think that he gambled away their money.

"Jin Feng, just wait. I will go to the back mountain now. Even if I chase him to the edge of the earth, I will catch that kid back for you!"

When Zhang Liang heard that all Jin Feng's belongings had been stolen, he was so anxious that he picked up his hatchet and headed for the back mountain.

"Brother Liang, don't be impulsive."

Jin Feng grabbed Zhang Liang and said, "There might be tigers in the old forest. It's not worth risking your life for this little money."

"This is not a small amount of money. How will you live your life without it?"

"If the money is gone, you can make it again. Don't forget, I can still hunt. I won't be hungry."

Jin Feng said confidently.

It was just over twenty taels of silver. Even if it was lost, he wouldn't care too much, let alone not losing it.


After the master said this, Zhang Liang couldn't say anything more and sighed heavily.

"Village chief, Xie Guang's mother-in-law has been arrested. How do you deal with her?"

Several young men pushed a woman over.

She was exactly the girl Xie Guang selected from the wedding party a few days ago.

It's just that he is even more miserable than the past few days. His left eye is blue and his face is swollen.

At that time, I still had a patched coat on my body, but now I only wear a simple pair of undergarments and pants, and my feet are also bare.

He was pushed into the yard and was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and trembled.

"Village chief, what are you doing?"

Jin Feng asked with a frown.

He hated Xie Guang very much, but he had nothing to do with the girl in front of him.

"Since ancient times, the debts of the father and the sons should be repaid, and the debts of the husband and the wife should be repaid."

The village chief said: "Xie Guang ran away. Of course his mother-in-law has to repay the debt. Tell me, should I be sent to the official position or what should I do?"

"Everyone, please let me go. I don't know anything."

When she heard that she was going to be sent to an official, the girl turned pale with fright.

For ordinary people like her, once she enters the government, she will either starve to death in prison or be sent to a brothel.

"I really don't know anything. On the day we got married, Xie Guang beat me up and took away the six copper coins I brought from my parents' home to gamble. The next day, he also took away my clothes.

Then I never came back..."

The girl cried and said: "Everyone, please let me go. I really don't know anything."

He is also a poor person. Jin Feng sighed and looked at the village chief: "Every wrongdoer has his own debtor. What does Xie Guang's mistake have to do with her? Village chief, let her go."

"Have you thought about it?"

"I've thought about it."

Jin Feng had no intention of doing anything to an innocent girl.

"Thank you village chief, thank you brother!"

The girl was afraid that Jin Feng would regret it, so she kowtowed, got up and ran away.

"Okay, let's all leave. Go and do whatever you need to do. Xiaoyu, don't go to the back mountain these days. Go to the river to dig bitter vegetables."

The village chief waved his hand to disperse the watching villagers.

"Xiao Feng, please go back and persuade Xiaorou. Don't break your body from crying."

Lin Yunfang pointed to the inner room and pulled Zhang Liang away.

Guan Xiaorou didn't know that Jin Feng had brought the silver ingots with him before going out. She really thought that all the money was lost, and she felt heartbroken in the house.

Xiao'e saw her sister crying and cried too.

Jin Feng took a look outside to confirm that everyone was gone, took out the silver ingot from his pocket and put it on the table.

The money was indeed useful. Guan Xiaorou immediately stopped crying and pulled Jin Feng to ask what was going on.

More than ten miles away, Xie Guang and Bald Head emerged from the woods.

After looking back to make sure no one was chasing them, the two of them sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

"It's a pity that the wife I just married didn't even have time to sleep."

Xie Guang muttered, opening the bag and pouring out a pile of copper coins.

Too many people saw him stealing things, so they would never want to go back to Xihewan again.

"With money, it's not easy to sleep with a girl? Zhou Langou has plenty of it."

The bald man plucked at the pile of copper coins: "It's a pity that we didn't find that boy's silver, otherwise we both would have made a fortune."

"The third boss, that guy must have put his money on himself."

A fierce light flashed in Xie Guang's eyes: "How about you go back and call some brothers, and we can go back at night?"

"Forget it, let's spend all these coins first."

The bald head said: "Maybe if I'm lucky, I won't have to trouble that guy."

"That is, that is."

Xie Guang nodded and followed Bald Head into the ravine.

This chapter has been completed!
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