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Chapter 218 Matchmaking

"The wound is stuck to the clothes?"

Jin Feng frowned slightly.

An hour or two has passed since Tang Xiaobei was injured, and the wound will definitely become scarred.

"Master, go and have a look."

Guan Xiaorou pulled Jin Feng into the back room.

This is Tang Dongdong's room. At this time, Tang Xiaobei is sitting on the bed with his legs crossed on the chair. Tang Dongdong and Run Niang are squatting on one side, both looking sad.

Seeing Jin Feng come in, Tang Xiaobei couldn't help but blush, and lowered his head shyly.

"Brother Feng, Xiaobei's wounds are all scarred and he can't take off his skirt. What should we do?"

Tang Dongdong stood up and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Jin Feng comforted Tang Dongdong, and then looked at Runniang: "Go and boil some pieces of gauze, and then boil two bowls of salt water and bring them over."

"Okay," Runniang agreed and ran out.

Nowadays in Xihewan, trauma must be cleaned with alcohol and salt water, and then wrapped with boiled gauze. Runniang has long been familiar with it.

Jin Feng looked at Tang Xiaobei's skirt again: "This skirt is too long. It will get in the way when treating the wound. Dongdong, go find a pair of scissors and cut off the obstruction."

As soon as he heard that his skirt was about to be cut, Tang Xiaobei's face suddenly turned red, and even his neck turned pink.

Dakang doesn't have any leggings or even underwear. Wouldn't it be naked if he cut off his skirt?

Jin Feng also understood that it was not convenient for him to stay here, so after explaining, he turned around and went outside.

When Runniang finished boiling the salt water, Tang Dongdong came out with scissors.

"Is the cutting finished?" Jin Feng asked.

"Well, it's finished." Tang Dongdong said, "Except for the ones that grow together with the scars, everything else has been cut off."

"Then you soak the scar with gauze dipped in salt water. Once the scar softens, it should be able to be removed," Jin Feng said.

"Brother Feng, Xiaobei's wounds are very scary. I...I can't bear to see..."

Tang Dongdong hesitated and said, "Can you come in and help me?"

"Isn't there still Xiaorou?" Jin Feng asked.

"Sister Xiaorou doesn't dare to..."

"Xiao Bei is a girl. It's not convenient for me. You can go find Amei."

Jin Feng shook his head and said.

It's not that he's sitting still, but there's really no need to take advantage of this.

If he really wanted to occupy Tang Xiaobei, he would not deprive Tang Xiaobei of his citizenship after redeeming himself.

"Brother Feng, it's not inconvenient. When you taught Xiaojin medical skills, didn't you often say that a doctor's greatest duty is to save lives and heal the wounded? There is no difference between men and women?"

Tang Dongdong said: "Xiao Jin has already started treating the wounds of the male soldiers. As a master, why are you acting so coquettish?"

"Why have you risen to the level of academics?" Jin Feng stood up with a wry smile: "Stop talking, can't I just go?"

Tang Dongdong followed behind, with a smile on his face.

According to Dakang's social background, from the moment Jin Feng redeemed Tang Xiaobei's body, Tang Xiaobei was destined to be Jin Feng's man, and it was impossible to marry anyone else in this life.

After knowing each other for so long, Tang Dongdong also knew Jin Feng very well. Although Jin Feng sometimes made some harmless jokes, he was easy-going and talented, making him the perfect match in her mind.

Women are very sensitive emotionally, Tang Dongdong could sense that, although Jin Feng valued her very much, he didn't have much love between men and women for her, so the possibility of the two of them getting together was already very small.

She has missed it, so she hopes that Tang Xiaobei and Jin Feng can get together.

Tang Xiaobei's skirt was cut off from the top of the knees, revealing two slender calves that bullied Shuang Saixue. Unfortunately, there were more than a dozen light or heavy whip marks on both calves at this time, and there were also several places where they were bruised.

It was torn and the fabric of the skirt was still stuck to it.

Although she was born in a brothel, the madam protected Tang Xiaobei very well. So far, no one of the opposite sex had touched her finger. Suddenly she exposed her calf in front of Jin Feng, and Tang Xiaobei was so embarrassed that she covered her face.

Guan Xiaorou also suppressed her laughter, wanting to see Jin Feng's reaction.

Unfortunately, what disappointed her was that during the summer in her previous life, girls wearing short skirts were everywhere on campus and on the streets, and Jin Feng had long been used to it.

Tang Xiaobei's skirt was only cut above the knees, which was nothing compared to the short skirts worn by girls in previous lives.

Jin Feng washed his hands calmly, then dipped gauze in salt water and carefully wiped the wound.

From the beginning to the end, his expression did not change at all. He always stared at the wound with clear eyes.

Tang Xiaobei secretly looked at Jin Feng's serious and attentive look through the gaps between his fingers. His heartbeat couldn't help but quicken, his eyes gradually became blurred, and he began to imagine various scenes with Jin Feng in his mind.

Just as they were thinking about what their child should be named, Jin Feng's voice came to his ears: "Be patient, it may hurt a little next."

All the wounds have been wiped, and the first part of the wipe has been soaked. Jin Feng took out his homemade tweezers to clamp the fabric of the skirt and carefully peeled it off bit by bit.

Fortunately, the wound did not scar for long. Jin Feng quickly took off all the fabrics, then cleaned it with salt water, and finally carefully wrapped it with gauze.

"Don't let the wind blow or sweat recently."

Jin Feng confessed, washed his hands and left.

Looking at Jin Feng's back, Tang Xiaobei felt like a deer had crawled into his heart, jumping and jumping incessantly.

"Okay, stop looking. When you get through the door, you can look at whatever you want." Tang Dongdong joked with a smile.

"Sister, what are you talking about? Sister Xiaorou is still here." Tang Xiaobei covered his face again.

"What's wrong with me? Dongdong is right." Guan Xiaorou also teased Tang Xiaobei with a smile: "Is it possible that you don't like the boss?"

"Sister Xiaorou, you also make fun of me..."

Tang Xiaobei was so embarrassed that he lifted up the quilt and buried his head in it.

When Tie Hammer came back that night, in addition to multiple contusions on his body, his nose was also broken, and the calf bone of his left leg was probably also cracked.

There were three more injured people for nothing, and they would definitely not be able to leave for the time being. Jin Feng could only ask Da Liu to go to the inn to renew the rent for a few more days.

At noon the next day, Tigress's wealthy businessman husband came to Jin Feng with a gift to apologize and wanted to untie Tigress and take him back.

Jin Feng's purpose of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys was achieved, and the tigress was hung up for a day and night according to Tang Xiaobei's request. Jin Feng didn't bother to embarrass the wealthy businessman, so he agreed.

When Runniang was sorting through the gifts brought by the wealthy businessman, she discovered that one of the boxes contained a thousand taels of silver notes.

Jin Feng didn't want to accept even this kind of money, so he sent Da Liu to send the money back. As a result, Da Liu found out after finding the wealthy merchant. After the wealthy merchant untied the tigress, he left Guangyuan that afternoon.

Everyone was gone, so Jin Feng didn't send people to look for them, so he gave 200 taels of silver to Iron Hammer, 100 taels each to Tang Dongdong, and Tang Xiaobei, which was regarded as compensation from the wealthy businessman.

Then he divided the rest among the veterans, and most of them were female soldiers.

Tang Dongdong and Tang Xiaobei both suffered skin injuries, and after two days of rest, there were no major problems.

"Sir, let's go back. If we don't go back, my mother-in-law will be worried."

Tie Zhui knew that everyone was waiting for him, so he took the initiative to find Jin Feng and asked to go back.

[The author has something to say]

There are two more chapters tonight.

This chapter has been completed!
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