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Chapter 255 Hyena and Tiger Cub

It is not easy to build roads in the mountains. There is only one main road from Guangyuan to Beijing.

Following Jin Feng's order, the veterans and female soldiers got on their horses one after another and chased away along the official road!

"Sir, if we catch up with Zhou Wenyuan, what are you going to do?"

Qing Mulan rode side by side with Jin Feng and asked sideways.

"What do you think should be done?"

Jin Feng did not answer, but asked instead.

"I think you will kill him." Qing Mulan said: "The way you look now, you look like you want to eat people."

"Isn't it right for me to kill him?"

"Although Zhou Wenyuan is not the direct grandson of Duke Zhou, but he dares to kill the soldiers of the government, and he has such a master guard, his status in the Zhou family is obviously not low. If he is killed, it will be a big trouble."

Qing Mulan said with a smile.

"I don't know Zhou Wenyuan, and I don't know that he is from the Zhou family."

Jin Feng said: "I only know that he is a thug who killed the soldiers. According to the laws of Dakang, this is a capital crime! As a member of Dakang, I will never allow such thugs to continue to run rampant!"

In fact, it was not Jin Feng's impulse to pursue Zhou Wenyuan.

It was a decision he made after careful consideration.

Unless he had to, he didn't want to confront a prince.

But through Zhou Wenyuan asking the doctor to analyze the soap formula, Jin Feng knew that the doctor was eyeing the soap.

Most of the dandies are bullies who are afraid of the strong. They will not be grateful because you show mercy. Instead, they will think that you are easy to bully.

After kidnapping Tang Xiaobei this time, if Jin Feng did not dare to fight back, Zhou Wenyuan would intensify his efforts and use even more despicable methods next time.

He is now a tiger cub being targeted by hyenas, and he still has a big piece of fat in his mouth.

Now that he has been targeted, he must show some ferocity and fight to the death. If he gives up at this time, more hyenas will soon pounce on him, not only to steal his fat, but also to

Tear him to pieces.

And Jin Feng wasn't completely unsure.

He believed that Zhou Wenyuan had killed the soldiers, and Zhou Guogong's opponents would not miss this opportunity.

It can be seen from Qing Mulan's reaction just now that she also wants to kill Zhou Wenyuan.

Sure enough, when he heard what Jin Feng said, Qing Mulan couldn't help but smile: "Sir, you are indeed a gentleman. Yes, we don't know anything about Zhou Wenyuan, we only know that he is a thug who dared to kill the soldiers guarding the city!"

"This should be considered a brave act of justice. Is there any reward?"

Jin Feng asked tentatively.

"Sir, don't worry. When we come back, I will send someone to notify my brother and ask him to write to the court to ask for credit for you!"

Qing Mulan patted her chest and said.

Hearing what Qing Mulan said, Jin Feng was completely relieved.

Obviously, the Qing family is on his side.

It is reasonable in itself, and with the support of the Qing family, what else do you need to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Jin Feng whipped the horse's butt again to make the horse run faster.

The Zhou family is also a wealthy family in the capital. Zhou Wenyuan and his bodyguards also rode tall war horses brought from the grassland, which were very fast.

At this time, he had already run more than ten miles away.

Zhou Wenyuan looked back and saw that no one was chasing him, so he pulled the reins to rein in the horse.

"Sir, why did you stop?"

The guard asked anxiously: "We are still too close to Guangyuan now, Jin Feng may chase us at any time."

"Mr. Qu, I can't survive. My legs hurt too much."

There was an arrow on his leg. Every time the war horse took a step, the arrow would move, causing Zhou Wenyuan to sweat profusely and his face turned pale in pain.

The guard jumped off the horse and opened Zhou Wenyuan's robe to see that the blood had stained the saddle red and was still dripping down his pants.

No wonder Zhou Wenyuan's face is so pale.

"Sir, your wound must be treated, otherwise it will bleed too much."

The guard helplessly carried Zhou Wenyuan off the horse: "I want to take out the arrow. It may be very painful. Master, please bear with me."

"I will!"

Zhou Wenyuan nodded quickly.

The guard took out a knife, cut open the trousers near the arrow, then put the knife on his thigh and gestured back and forth.

This action reminded Zhou Wenyuan of using a knife to slice the meat when roasting a leg of lamb.

"Mr. Qu, what are you doing?"

Zhou Wenyuan asked in horror.

"Sir, this arrow is triangular and has a barb. If you pull it out forcibly, it will remove a large piece of flesh," the guard explained: "So I can only cut two holes in your leg in the direction of the arrow.

Make a small opening so that the wound is minimal."

Zhou Wenyuan breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated, and asked, "How deep should it be cut?"

"The deeper the arrow is, the deeper it must be cut."

The guard tilted his head and looked at it for a while, then frowned and said, "It's probably going to be cut close to the bone. Master, you have to be patient."

"Okay... okay..."

At this point, Zhou Wenyuan could only nod.

"Then I'll take action."

The guard held the knife with a slight force on his hand.

As soon as a small opening was opened, Zhou Wenyuan screamed in pain.

The guard was startled and quickly stopped: "Sir, what's wrong?"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"Of course it will hurt to cut the flesh, sir, please bear with it."

"It's not the pain of cutting flesh, it's the pain of being set on fire..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Wenyuan suddenly asked: "Mr. Qu, on the way here, you roasted a hare. Did you use this knife to rub the salt on the hare?"

"Uh...I'm sorry, sir, I forgot..."

The old guard blushed, quickly took out the water bag, and carefully cleaned the knife.

Zhou Wenyuan wanted to kill someone in his heart, but the guard was his only support at this time, so he could only endure it and shook his head to show that he didn't care.

He also picked up a branch from the ground and bit it in his mouth, signaling the guards to continue.

Removing arrowheads is a delicate job, and the guard had only seen the doctor do it twice when he was hit by an arrow. His technique was unskilled, and it took him almost half an hour to finally take out the arrowhead.

There was no anesthetic in Dakang. Zhou Wenyuan was in pain so much that his clothes were soaked with sweat, but he still managed to bear it.

The guards used cut strips of cloth to tighten the thighs above the wound to prevent excessive blood loss.

"it is finally over!"

Zhou Wenyuan moved back limply, without any strength at all.

At this moment, the guard's ears suddenly twitched, his face suddenly changed, and he jumped to the big tree next to him.

I set up the arbor and looked behind me. I cursed "Damn it" in my heart and quickly jumped off the tree.

On the official road a few miles away, a horse team was seen galloping towards them, obviously coming to chase them.

Normally, the guard would have heard the sound of horse hooves long ago, but although Zhou Wenyuan had bitten the branch just now and did not yell, the sound of violent exhalation and inhalation still affected the guard's hearing.

It wasn't until he took out the arrow that he heard something strange.

"Mr. Qu, what's wrong?"

Zhou Wenyuan saw that the guard looked wrong and asked quickly.

"Sir, there is a cavalry team coming up from behind. We have to leave quickly."

The guard carried Zhou Wenyuan onto the horse.

The two of them had only been away for a few minutes before Jin Feng and the others arrived.


Seeing the rags and blood stains on the roadside, Liu quickly jumped off his horse.

"Sir, it's our arrowhead. The blood on the ground hasn't dried yet, and they haven't gone far."

"Then keep chasing!"

Jin Feng shook the reins and took the lead to rush out.

This chapter has been completed!
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