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Chapter 258

Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei spoke so quietly that Qing Mulan didn't hear them.

Seeing Jin Feng turn to look at her, he touched his nose and asked, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Mu Lan, I remember the Marquis told me that one of your aunts is a concubine, right?" Jin Feng asked.

"What do you want to do?"

Qing Mulan suddenly became alert.

Marriage was a common alliance method between ancient nobles and one of the ways to express trust and loyalty between emperors and ministers.

In order to show his trust in a certain family, the emperor would either choose a princess to marry or choose a girl from the family to enter the palace as his concubine.

Qing Mulan's aunt was the marriage partner of the Qing family and the emperor.

Not only the Qing family, but basically every royal family has women as concubines in the palace.

Although these women were just victims of balancing the court, and the emperor might not like them, concubines were the emperor's absolute taboo, and whoever touched them would die.

That's why Qing Mulan, who has always been carefree, was so nervous when she heard Jin Feng mention her aunt.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jin Feng said with a smile: "I was just thinking that Zhou Wenyuan traveled all the way from the capital to Guangyuan to buy soap, which means that our soap should be quite popular in the capital. With such a good thing, shouldn't you honor your empress?


Hearing this, Qing Mulan didn't react yet, but Tang Xiaobei's eyes suddenly lit up.

She understood what Jin Feng meant.

The main customer group of soap is women. Tang Xiaobei has verified in Guangyuan that the ladies route is extremely effective in promoting soap.

The county governor's wife casually recommended it a few times, and those ladies became the main customers of the soap.

Although each house does not buy as much as a brothel, how many brothels are there in Guangyuan combined?

The total amount of soap purchased by the ladies is several times that of the brothel.

The most powerful woman in the county is the county guard's wife, and the most powerful woman in the capital is naturally the emperor's concubine.

Moreover, the women's circle in the capital has always imitated the imperial palace.

The emperor likes the hairstyle of a certain concubine, and as long as she does not violate the etiquette, within a month, the wives of wealthy families in the capital will also be competing to wear their hairstyle in such a bun.

If soap could be sent to the palace, the impact would definitely be huge.

At least if the Zhou family wants to stop it, they have to think carefully.

"Bringing soap to my little aunt?"

Qing Mulan was also a little moved.

The court is the battlefield for ministers, and the harem is also the battlefield for concubines.

The emperor's attitude towards his concubines can also affect the family behind the concubines.

If Concubine Qing could please the emperor, then the emperor would naturally favor the Qing family more or less in the court.

But Qing Mulan still had some doubts about Jin Feng and reminded: "Sir, in our relationship, if you are worried about the Zhou family's revenge and want to use soap to contact the royal family, then I advise you to give up this idea quickly.

The grudge between you and Zhou Wenyuan may be just a fight between juniors to those princes.

Besides, let's take care of this matter. With my brother in Xichuan, the Zhou family can't do anything to you.

But once the royal family is involved, the nature of the matter changes.

If you have other ideas, you'd better tell me now, otherwise if something happens by then, no one will be able to save you."

Qing Mulan understood the truth, and Jin Feng certainly didn't understand it.

There are various rules between nobles and nobles that restrict both parties, but in the feudal period, the royal family was the sky, and the emperor was not subject to any laws.

As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. When the emperor is happy, a single word can make a poor scholar prosper; if he is unhappy, a wave of his hand can make a prosperous family fall instantly.

In fact, as a noble, even though he was the lowest baron, Jin Feng could directly pay tribute to the emperor.

It was precisely because he didn't want to get too involved with the royal family that Jin Feng asked Qing Mulan to take action and take the route of Concubine Qing.

"If I have to talk about other purposes, it is that I want to sell the soap to the capital, but the Zhou family will definitely stop it. I have no foundation in the capital, so I want you to send some to the imperial concubine to help open the market for the soap in the capital."

Jin Feng said truthfully: "In this case, the Zhou family can't stop it even if they want to."

This matter is good for Jin Feng, the Qing family, and Concubine Qing. There is nothing to hide.

"So that's it..."

Hearing what Jin Feng said, Qing Mulan finally felt relieved: "I can give some to my aunt, but I can't guarantee whether she will like it or whether it can achieve the results you want."

"I don't need your guarantee either."

Jin Feng said confidently.

Before coming to the county town, Wan Niang had already lived in Xihewan for some time. Under Jin Feng's guidance, she learned how to use a still.

What surprised Jin Feng was that Guan Xiaorou was very interested in and talented in blending spices. Since Wan Niang arrived, the two of them had been spending time in the laboratory together, and they actually made the essence.

Fragrance is equivalent to the three primary colors in color. The combination of different flavors can produce different fragrances.

Moreover, soaps made with fragrances have a more mellow and lasting fragrance. In Dakang, a country without fragrances, Jin Feng believes there will be a market.

As time goes by, Guan Xiaorou and Wanniang will surely be able to create more scents and enrich the variety of soaps.

This was also the reason why Jin Feng decided to use soap to knock on the door of the capital.

As the three of them chatted, the cavalry also arrived at the city gate.

Not only Tang Xiaobei but also Captain Xiao were waiting for Jin Feng.

It's just that he didn't run over to greet him like Tang Xiaobei.

"Mr. Jin, have you caught the gangster?"

Captain Xiao asked anxiously as soon as they met.

As the captain of the imperial army, Captain Xiao was naturally extremely angry when so many of his men were brutally murdered at the city gate.

However, the county guard did not allow him to lead troops to pursue him, so he could only pin his hopes on Jin Feng.

"The main culprit has been caught, but the young master has not been caught."

Jin Feng pointed to the body of the guard and said helplessly: "We chased him for more than a hundred miles, and the horses were exhausted. We caught him just before we saw him, but the guy got a boat and ran away through the waterway."

"I heard from the brother who ran away that the main murderer was the young master's bodyguard. Just catch him!"

Lieutenant Xiao clasped his fists at Jin Feng and said, "Thank you very much, sir, for avenging our brothers. From now on, sir, just talk when you have something to do. As long as I, Xiao, can do it, I will never shirk it."

"Thank you sir for avenging our brothers!"

The soldiers following Captain Xiao also rushed towards Jin Feng and clasped their fists.

"Brothers, you are serious. Maintaining the safety of the county is not only your duty, but also the unshirkable responsibility of every Guangyuan citizen."

This is a good time to win people's hearts, and Jin Feng will naturally not let it go.

With a solemn expression, he said: "I am very sad for the fallen Fu Bing brothers. In order to express my respect, I decided to donate twenty taels of silver to the families of each of the fallen Fu Bing brothers to appease their spirits in heaven."

In just a few words, not only did the soldiers stand in awe, but their recognition of Jin Feng also rose to another level.

This chapter has been completed!
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