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Chapter 271

"Sir, you are right. When did the bandit suppressors start talking about the rules with the bandits?"

Qing Mulan walked in with a smile: "Sir, count me in this matter. I just recruited dozens of new soldiers a few days ago, so I can sharpen my sword with these bandits who only know how to bully good people!"

"Okay, you and Brother Liang can discuss it and add some female soldiers to each team."

Jin Feng nodded and agreed: "By the way, it's time for the female military doctor to go out and see the blood. Let me inform Xiao Jin that each team will be assigned a military doctor."

There are too many idle women in Dakang. The pool of female soldiers is wider than that of male soldiers. They will also become the main force in combat in the future, and Jin Feng is also willing to train them.

"Okay, sir, just wait, I promise to beat these bandits to a pulp!"

Qing Mulan rubbed her hands, her eyes brighter than usual.

When Jin Feng saw her like this, he quickly poured cold water on her: "Go back and explain to the female soldiers that this operation should still be dominated by male soldiers. The female soldiers will be responsible for the crossbows and last-ditch attacks. Don't go up and fight with the bandits."


In the era of cold weapons, female soldiers were still inferior to male soldiers in terms of physical strength. The best way to fight was to keep a distance and shoot the enemy with a crossbow.

Therefore, crossbows are a must-practice subject for female soldiers every day. Now the overall shooting performance of the first and second batches of female soldiers has surpassed that of male soldiers by a large margin.

The main training subjects for male soldiers tend to focus on frontal collaborative combat.


Although Qing Mulan was a little dissatisfied with Jin Feng's arrangement, she still agreed.

"Brother Liang, you also need to remind the male soldiers that when they encounter a small group of bandits, they will fight. When they encounter a large group, they will flee. Horseback rides back quickly to call for help. Don't rush forward to die knowing that you can't beat them."

Jin Feng turned to remind Zhang Liang: "It's not worth it if you lose a lot just because you kill a few bandits."


Zhang Liang was a little worried just now that Jin Feng would be carried away by anger, but now he felt relieved after hearing what Jin Feng said.

At noon that day, groups of anti-bandit teams set off from Xihewan and followed the mountain roads in different directions.

Each bandit suppression team consists of twenty male soldiers, ten female soldiers, one female medic and one cavalryman.

This cavalryman is not only responsible for exploring the route, but also responsible for communication. Once a large group of bandits is discovered, he will be responsible for reporting back.

Regardless of whether they are male soldiers, female soldiers or female medics accompanying the team, everyone is carrying a tactical bag, which contains a small folding tent, sleeping bag and dry food, allowing them to survive outside without any pressure for several days.

In the north of Jinchuan County, Da Zhuang led a bandit suppression team into Dengtai Mountain.

Da Zhuang was one of the first batch of veterans to be recruited. Now that the veterans have grown, they have become the backbone of the group, and they have basically become team captains. Da Zhuang is also the captain of this bandit suppression team.

This time their mission was to inspect all mountain roads in the western part of Beierlang Town, Jinchuan County.

Since there was no precise information about the bandits, they could only follow the mountain road to the vicinity of Yanghe Village where a murder had occurred.

The county magistrate hasn't arrived yet, and the bodies on the ground are still there. Unfortunately, the bandits have long since escaped, and no valuable clues have been found.

Yesterday, I found a piece of flat land to sleep near Yanghe Village. I continued my journey at dawn and walked all morning before arriving at Dengtai Mountain.

Da Zhuang asked the cavalry responsible for exploring the road and confirmed that no bandits were found around him. Then he pointed to a small river in front and said:

"There is a small river ahead. Let's go there to have a rest and have lunch before we continue on our way."

Although veterans, female soldiers and even female medics all train frequently and do not feel tired at this time, they do not even know where the bandits are, so there is no need to rush and rush. They can rest when they need to.

The team had been working together for a whole day yesterday. There was no need for Da Zhuang to give any more orders and they consciously disbanded according to the process.

Several veterans were on guard, and the cavalrymen dismounted from their horses to feed and water the horses.

Some of the female soldiers went to collect firewood, and some went to build wooden frames.

By the time the military doctor came back from the river with a small iron pot, the fire had already started.

Unless it is too late, you cannot drink raw water directly from rivers or streams in the wild. This is a rigid rule made by Jin Feng and everyone must comply.

After hanging the small pot over the fire, the female military doctor sat down and opened the small package on her back.

Around the military doctor, other male and female soldiers were doing the same, laughing and opening their packages and taking out iron lunch boxes and pancakes.

The pancakes are fried in mutton oil, and enough salt is added when kneading the noodles. They are broken into pieces and thrown into the lunch box. After soaking in boiling water, you will have a bowl of fragrant mutton soup pancakes.

If you encounter a rapid march and there is no time to eat, you can also eat dry.

After walking all morning, everyone was hungry. The veterans held their lunch boxes and looked at the small pot eagerly, hoping that the water would boil quickly.

Some impatient ones have already started chewing.

Finally, when the water boiled, the veterans cheered and surrounded it.

"Don't push too hard. Haven't you heard from your husband that men should be polite? Don't you know how to give way to female soldiers?"

The female military doctor said angrily.

"Xiaowei, sir, he also said that men and women are equal on the battlefield, and the enemy will not care whether you are a man or a woman."

The male soldier smiled and retorted, but still stepped aside.

In fact, they did it on purpose. After all, the captain didn't let them talk casually when they were on the way. Now that they finally had a rest, they naturally wanted to tease the female soldiers to relieve their boredom.

After laughing and distributing the boiling water, the mutton patties were soaked, and the veterans were getting ready to eat. A veteran on guard suddenly shouted:

"Captain, there's a group of bandits coming from the ravine over there!"


Da Zhuang quickly threw away his job and ran over.

The cavalry responsible for reconnaissance and road exploration also immediately followed.

"It's really unlucky. If you don't come early, you won't come later. They've just finished soaking the pancakes and they're here!"

The veterans complained, but they all took action.

Da Zhuang and the cavalrymen ran to the guarding veteran and followed the veteran's fingers. Sure enough, they saw a group of people appearing in the ravine, with messy hair and various weapons in their hands. What could they be if they weren't bandits?

Da Zhuang and the others were hiding behind the rocks, so the bandits did not notice that they were quietly heading toward the camp along the path at the edge of the woods.

"Why are you acting as a scout? We won't know until the enemy touches the camp!"

Da Zhuang turned to look at the cavalry.

The cavalryman was actually very confused. He had clearly looked at it very carefully just now. Where did these bandits come from?

However, no matter what the reason, the appearance of bandits near the camp was his own fault in his work, and the cavalry did not dare to talk back.

"Captain, Xiao Qingzi shouldn't be blamed. They might have been hiding in the ravine and came out when they saw the smoke from our fire."

The veteran in charge of security asked: "Captain, these bandits are probably coming for us. Should we fight them?"

The cavalryman glanced at the veteran gratefully.

"There are only more than 20 bandits, not as many as us. If we don't fight them, how will we see people in the village in the future?"

Da Zhuang said: "Not only must we fight, but we must also fight beautifully. We must not let any of them escape!"

Ten minutes later, the bandits emerged from the woods and looked toward the river.

When they found that there were only five or six women by the river, eating around a small pot, the bandits all laughed obscenely.

This chapter has been completed!
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