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Chapter 286

"Xiaorou, come up!"

Jin Feng reached out and hugged Guan Xiaorou to his horse: "Xiaobei, you go to Mulan's horse!"


Tang Xiaobei agreed, took Qing Mulan's hand, and got on his horse.

Lao Hei cut off the ropes of the horses pulling the cart with a knife, and then asked the veteran to drive the cart across the middle of the official road.

Although it is an official road, it is also a mountain road. It is not very wide and is tightly blocked by horse-drawn carriages lying sideways.

Amei opened the carriage door and pulled out a portable heavy crossbow and a box of arrows.

Many parts of the heavy crossbow are made of steel, and the arrow shafts are also made of very heavy wood. The total weight exceeds two hundred kilograms, and few male soldiers can carry it.

But Amei, who looked thin and frail, lifted the box with all his strength and put it firmly on the back of the horse pulling the cart according to the method rehearsed in advance.

"Old Hei, take this brother with you!"

When Jin Feng saw the hunter, he turned around and confessed.

If no hunter came to report the news, they might have plunged into the encirclement of bandits.

The hunter risked his life to remind him that Jin Feng could not care about his life or death.

"Lao Zhang, take him with you!"

Lao Hei shouted, and a thin veteran pulled the hunter onto his horse.


Jin Feng saw that everyone was ready, shook the reins, and the horse started galloping on the mountain road.

They left with their front legs, and the bandits arrived with their back legs.

But the narrow mountain path was blocked by horse-drawn carriages and small trees.

By the time they moved the carriage, Jin Feng and the others were already three miles away on their horses.

"Damn it, it's all that blind guy's fault. If it weren't for him, Jin Feng would never have been able to escape!"

A bandit leader with a scar on his face said unwillingly.

The person who hired them was willing to pay 2,000 taels of silver for Jin Feng's life, 100 taels for killing a veteran, and 50 taels for a female soldier.

In Scarface's eyes, Jin Feng and his group are like a mountain of silver piled up with thousands of taels of silver.

Although he had to share the money with the other two bandits, the amount in his hands would definitely exceed a thousand taels of silver.

But now Yinshan has escaped.

As for whether Qinghuai would take revenge after killing Jin Feng, Scarface had never worried about it.

He is a desperado, where can he go if he has money?

By the time Qinghuai got the news and rushed back, he didn't know where he had gone to be happy.

"Old Liu has always been impeccable in his work. Jin Feng will definitely not be able to escape."

Another fat boss said sadly: "Let's keep chasing, I believe Jin Feng will never escape!"

"Lao Chu, tell me the truth, do you know anything?" Scarface asked: "Did Lao Liu also ambush people behind?"

"I don't know, but I know Lao Liu's character. Now that the plan has been laid out, I won't fail to think of this possibility."

The fat boss asked: "Old Chen, what do you think? Should we pursue him or not?"

"We've already reached this point, so let's go a few steps further."

The leader of the last group of bandits said.

So the bandits continued to chase along the official road.

The fat bandit leader's guess was good. Five miles ahead, Jin Feng thought he had gotten rid of the bandits, and was just thinking about where to go first. Two feet ahead, there was a large tree growing between the cliff and the official road.

The tree suddenly tilted down.

This tree is as thick as a bucket. If it were hit, I would be patted into pieces on the spot!

Jin Feng tightened the horse's reins almost subconsciously!

The war horse neighed and its speed dropped rapidly. Jin Feng and Guan Xiaorou fell forward at the same time.

But after all, it is an excellent breed of grassland. The war horse only ran forward for another four or five meters and then stopped abruptly.


The big tree rubbed the horse's nose and hit the mountain road, raising clouds of dust.

Jin Feng quickly leaned over to cover Guan Xiaorou, but his back was sore from the branches and his face was also scratched.

But Lao Hei, who was running at the front, was not so lucky. His horse was directly hit by a big tree, and his neck was crushed.

Fortunately, Lao Hei reacted in time and quickly jumped to the side of the road.

Although he was bruised and bruised due to his inertia, he still saved his life.

The other veterans who were following behind all stopped, but two female soldiers, because their equestrian skills were not very good, bumped into other people's horses, making the scene a little chaotic.

When Jin Feng raised his head, he saw a group of bandits rushing out from behind the big tree. The number was no less than before.

"Kill Jin Feng, and each person will be rewarded with ten taels of silver!"

A bandit shouted, holding a knife.

Why do you become a bandit, other than for money?

The bandits were so excited that they rushed towards him, howling and screaming.

At this time, the female soldiers were still in chaos. The war horses were crowded on the narrow mountain road and could not turn around at all.

"Everyone, abandon your horses!"

Jin Feng immediately shouted: "Old Hei, stop them! The female soldiers are covering with crossbows!"


Following Jin Feng's order, all veterans and female soldiers jumped off their horses.

Ten veteran guards immediately stood in two rows, holding knives in both hands, and stood in front of the tree in a crouching posture!

Qing Mulan's ten female bodyguards simultaneously took off their folding crossbows from their waists and quickly cocked them.


The next second, ten arrows flew out, flying over the veteran's head, and ten bandits fell on the opposite side.

But then more bandits came to fill in!

What's even worse is that the bandits who came in also prepared shields.

The second round of shots was all blocked by the shield.


The bandits shouted and jumped over the trees!

However, what greeted them was a black knife with a cold light!

Jin Feng's personal guards are all carefully selected from veterans. Not only are they highly skilled, but they also cooperate with each other tacitly. They are completely incomparable to a mob like bandits.

The first wave of bandits that came were all killed by the veterans quickly.

Unfortunately, more and more bandits were rushing towards them, and because hand-to-hand combat had already occurred, the male soldiers were no longer in a half-crouching position, and the female soldiers did not dare to fire arrows at will, for fear of accidentally injuring the male soldiers.

"Sir, there are too many bandits on the opposite side. Once we are delayed, when the bandits behind us arrive, we will be attacked from both sides."

Qing Mulan reminded: "Sir, what can you do?"

"Stop talking, I'm thinking!"

Jin Feng looked around at the terrain, his mind working rapidly to think of countermeasures.

Unfortunately, this place was obviously carefully selected by the bandits. Apart from the big tree that had been knocked down, there was a steep cliff on one side of the official road, with no possibility of climbing.

On the other side is a cliff more than ten meters high, with no way to go.

In other words, they were trapped on this narrow mountain road.

Moreover, the bandits behind him may come to kill him at any time. The time left to Jin Feng is too short, and it is difficult for him to think of a good solution!

Just when Jin Feng was in a dilemma, the short hunter mustered up the courage to come forward and said:

"Mr. Jin, I am a hunter and I often come here to hunt. I know a path that leads up the mountain. It is easier to defend over there!"

This chapter has been completed!
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