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Chapter 290 Berserk Amei

Stimulated by the two hundred taels of silver, the bandits were completely red-eyed.

Ignoring the other female soldiers at all, they all rushed towards the left side where Jin Feng was.

The pressure on Alan and Aju suddenly increased several times, and the defensive rhythm was suddenly disrupted.

Within a minute, Ah Ju was stabbed in the leg.

Jin Feng quickly pulled him back. The hunter didn't wait for Jin Feng to step forward and took Aju's position first.

However, he was just a sailor back then and had not received any systematic training in Xihewan. He did not know how to cooperate with Aju next to him. He could only use his brute force to chop at random with a hatchet.

But fortunately, his momentum was very fierce and his roar was loud, so the bandit was actually suppressed.

"Brothers, we can't rest any longer, we have to get the gentleman out quickly!"

Lao Hei took a deep breath, got up from the ground, and rushed forward again with the only three remaining veterans who could still fight.

"Sir, you are too conspicuous here, go back quickly!"

Lao Hei ran to Jin Feng's side and pulled him behind.

Jin Feng also discovered this, and instead of getting angry with the old hacker, he hurriedly retreated to the back, helped up the wounded on the ground, and evacuated to the top of the mountain.

Another veteran pushed aside the hunter and took his place.

"Everyone, please work harder, Jin Feng is about to run away!"

The bandit leader who was hiding behind saw that Jin Feng was about to withdraw, so he fanned the flames again.

The scene became even more chaotic than before.

Although the veterans' individual combat capabilities and cooperation are better than those of the bandits, they all have more or less minor injuries, which seriously affects their normal performance.

Moreover, there are too many bandits. They can stop one or two, but they cannot stop three or more.

Seeing that more and more bandits were coming up, like a wave, they were about to sweep away the veteran at any time. Before Jin Feng could help the injured veteran to retreat, Qing Mulan closed his eyes slightly.

"Amei, I'm afraid we can't hold on any longer. You go and take your husband away!"


Amei's face was full of confusion.

"Is it difficult for me to speak?"

Qing Mulan turned around and shouted: "Go quickly!"


Amei took a deep look at Qing Mulan and jumped down from the top of the mountain.

Jin Feng was hit on the shoulder by a big branch before, and now his arm is in pain. When he saw Amei coming, he quickly said: "Amei, you came just in time, help me help him up."

"Sir, Miss asked me to take you away!"

Amei did not help the injured, but looked up at Jin Feng.

"Take me away?" Jin Feng asked in confusion: "The road is blocked by bandits, how can we leave?"

"Kill out!"

Amei said calmly.

"What did you say? Get out?"

Jin Feng suspected that he had heard wrongly, so he turned back and pointed at the densely packed bandits on the mountain road and asked, "How can we get out with so many people?"

"This is my business, sir, just follow me."

Amei's voice was still calm: "I can't guarantee that I will definitely kill you with my husband, but I can guarantee that I will die in front of you."

"Thank you, Amei, but we can't kill him, and I won't abandon my wife and Mu Lan and run away alone."

Jin Feng shook his head and said: "I don't know how powerful you are, but if you can help guard this mountain pass, as long as you guard it until dark, I guarantee that I can take everyone out alive."

"Sir, at this point, don't use these words to boost morale anymore. Everyone is already working hard."

Amei, like Qing Mulan, always thought that Jin Feng said this to boost morale.

"Boost morale?"

Jin Feng was stunned for a moment, then understood and quickly assured: "Amei, I'm not trying to encourage morale, I'm really sure."

"Really sure?"

Amei looked at Jin Feng up and down in surprise, as if he had never known him before.

She really couldn't figure out why Jin Feng said that.

"This matter is related to the life and death of all of us. Do you think I will lie to you?"

Jin Feng said quickly.

"That's okay, I trust you sir!"

Although Amei still couldn't figure out where Jin Feng's confidence came from, Jin Feng had done too many things that she couldn't figure out, so after thinking for a moment, she still chose to believe in Jin Feng this time.

"Then go and help Lao Hei, they can't stand it anymore!" Jin Feng urged.

Amei nodded, holding a heavy crossbow arrow in her left hand and a black knife in her right hand, heading toward the battlefield.

At this time, the battle on the narrow mountain road had almost heated up.

Just when Lao Hei and the others were almost unable to bear it any longer, Amei arrived.

She did not replace the veteran's position, nor did she assist the veteran like Alan and the others. Instead, she jumped directly over the veterans' heads and fell into the group of bandits.

"Amei, come back quickly!"

Jin Feng was startled by Amei's actions and quickly shouted.

But the next second, Jin Feng's eyes widened.

Amei twisted her waist and spun around the moment she landed, and then Jin Feng saw the six bandits closest to her all covering their necks and falling down!

However, Amei did not stop, just like a tiger attacking a flock of sheep, she plunged into the group of bandits.

The black knife seemed to come alive in her hand, sometimes drawing a beautiful arc, sometimes piercing out little black awns...

"It turns out that there are really martial arts masters in this world!"

Jin Feng had long known that Amei was very skilled, but he didn't expect that he would be this good.

It's not that Ah Mei can fly high like in martial arts movies, or chop down with a sword, creating a blade several meters wide with a shining light, or something like that.

But Amei's movements were so fast that the bandits couldn't react at all.

It’s so fast that Jin Feng can’t even see clearly!

And it is very powerful, almost every time he takes action, he can hit the bandits' vital points.

Either slit the throat or stab the heart, rarely in vain.

It can be said that the knife is deadly!

Lao Hei and others eliminated the bandits behind Amei, and just like Jin Feng stared at Amei's back, dumbfounded.

In their daily training, they had also fought against Amei, but at that time Amei's strength had somewhat restrained, and everyone used long bladeless knives. They did not expect that Amei would be so terrifying!

No bandit could survive two attacks from her, and most of them had their throats sealed with one knife!

She was the only one who not only blocked the bandits with force, but even killed them more than ten meters ahead!

The bandit who was so aggressive just now was so frightened that she killed him all by herself!

"Where did Jin Feng find such a powerful master?"

Several bandit masters at the foot of the mountain were also frightened by the violent Amei.

The fat man, who had been smiling like Maitreya Buddha, could no longer smile at this moment and shouted at the top of his voice: "Where are the archers? Quick, kill this female guard!"

The other big masters also came to their senses and called for their own archers.

Amei glanced down disdainfully and flew away.

"Take the wounded and fallen brothers and retreat to the top of the mountain!"

Jin Feng also took this opportunity to order the veterans and female soldiers to take the wounded and the bodies of the fallen veterans back to the top of the mountain.

Amei later also retreated.

"Didn't I ask you to take your husband away?"

Qing Mulan rushed to Amei and asked: "Why don't you listen?"

"The gentleman said he has a way to repel the bandits..."

Amei, who had been killing everyone just now, lowered her head like a pupil who had made a mistake and did not dare to look at Qing Mulan.

"Mu Lan, don't blame Amei."

Jin Feng also quickly spoke to Amei: "Believe me, I really have something to do when it gets dark!"

This chapter has been completed!
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