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Chapter 292 Showing You a Baby

The hill is not high, only a few dozen meters, and there is no noise in the mountain. Several big bosses at the foot of the mountain could hear Lao Hei's words clearly.


Scar's face couldn't help but reveal a look of emotion.

Among all the bandits in Jinchuan, who doesn’t know that there is money in Xihewan now?

If Jin Feng is willing to pay double the price to buy his life, it would be a good choice.

"Scar, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey?"

The big toad noticed Scar's heart-beating expression and almost laughed in anger: "Jin Feng is clearly trying to drive a wedge between us. Do you really believe his lies?"

"Scar, although the words of the big toad are unpleasant, they are not false."

The fat bandit said: "I'm afraid no one in the entire Jinchuan County hates our bandits more than Jin Feng. His words must not be believed."

"Who are you looking down on? Of course I know this is Jin Feng's plan to divorce! Who said I believe his lies?"

Scarface said, scratching his neck.

The other big bosses didn't bother to argue with him. Seeing that Scar gave up the idea, he raised his head and continued to look at the top of the mountain.

Lao Hei's previous shouting was aimed at several big bosses.

Seeing that the masters were not tempted, he followed what Jin Feng taught him and continued to shout:

"Brother bandits, I know that many of you were forced to become bandits. You worked hard every day to work for the big boss. As a result, most of the money and women you robbed fell into the hands of the big boss.

Here, you can only get a bit of bones and dregs like the wild dogs under the table. Have you ever thought about it, isn't this too unfair?

Now my husband is giving you a chance. As long as you let us go this time, you can go to Xihewan to find me, Lao Hei. I promise to take you to take the escort assessment!

You see that I don’t have a knife in my hand. This is what my husband made. It cuts iron like mud and blows hair off hair. Each one is worth a thousand taels of silver. As long as you pass the test, everyone can get one.

And if you join our Zhenyuan Escort Agency, my husband will re-register you with your household registration. You will no longer have to live secretly. You can bring your wife, children, and children to live openly in Xihewan. If you have children, your children can live in Xihewan for free.

When you study in the school, even your meals are taken care of by the school.

Also, I believe everyone has heard that if our bodyguard dies in battle, your husband will not only pay a large pension to the bodyguard’s family, but he will also be responsible for providing for your parents until they die, and raising your children!

Even if it takes three days and three nights to explain the benefits of joining an escort agency, I just mentioned a few of them. Brothers, come to Zhenyuan Escort Agency!

My husband once said that being a bandit has no future. If you just keep sneaking all your life, how will you go see your ancestors when you die? Your children and grandchildren will always bear the mark of being descendants of bandits!

Brothers, think about it, does what I say make sense?"

After Lao Hei finished shouting, the entire hillside became quiet.

The faces of several bandit leaders changed at the same time.

The people can let it go, but they can't know it. It's the same if it's a bandit.

The vast majority of bandits are rough people with little knowledge. They only care about what they eat and drink today, and whether they can get a meat horse from the boss to warm their bed. They don't think at all. They just listen to whatever the boss says.


This is also the favorite bandit of the big bosses.

The words Jin Feng asked Lao Hei to shout just now were aimed at the bandits.

It is very simple and straightforward, but every sentence directly touches the hearts of the bandits, and the exciting bandits have to think.

Xihewan has been recruiting soldiers for so long, and the treatment of bodyguards has long been no secret.

In fact, many bandits have had their hearts moved.

However, an organization like the Bodyguard that controls the armed forces is of great importance. Once a traitor appears, the harm caused is immeasurable.

Apart from anything else, if someone among the bodyguards guarding Xihewan wants to assassinate Jin Feng or Guan Xiaorou, there is no way to prevent them.

Therefore, when it comes to recruiting veterans, Jin Feng has always adhered to the principle of "preferring nothing to nothing". The first targets he considers are Tielin Army retirees, and then he considers acquaintances introduced by other veterans, and basically does not consider strangers.

Not to mention bandits, don't even think about it.

But Lao Hei said that Xihewan is willing to recruit bandits?

Many bandits have become interested.

If you can live openly and openly, marry a wife and have children, who would want to live a secretive life?

What's more, he has to bear the infamy of a bandit. He will not be able to see his ancestors when he dies, and will also bring trouble to future generations.

"He is deceiving people, brothers, please don't believe it!"

When the fat man saw that things were about to get worse, he quickly shouted: "Jin Feng has never looked down upon us bandits. Have you forgotten the Iron Can Mountain bandits? There are hundreds of them. Jin Feng didn't even blink.

He killed more than half of them, each one died more miserable than the last, and the rest were sold to the county government by Jin Feng to collect rewards, and none of them were spared!"

"Yes, brothers, the threshing floor at the entrance of Xihewan Village is still red. Artemisia grows more prosperously than anywhere else, and after drinking human blood, the leaves are all red!"

The big toad also shouted: "Look up at the mountain again. Have Jin Feng's people ever been soft on you? They are just lying to you. You must not fall into the trap!"

The bandits followed the leader's words and looked up at the path on the mountain.

At this time, the road was littered with the corpses of bandits, and the blood had gathered into small streams, gurgling down the ravines on the mountain road, forming a small blood pit in the depression at the foot of the mountain.

"What are you doing? Are you going to rebel after hearing a few words?"

The fat man and the big toad were making a fool of themselves, and the hot-tempered Scarface turned a red face: "Come on, whoever wants to betray me and join some bullshit Zhenyuan Escort Agency, stand up for me and let me take a good look!"

The masters had already accumulated great power, and with Scar's face looking ferocious, the bandits lowered their heads one after another.

"Every little brat, if I say a few nice things to you, you won't even know what your last name is!"

Scarface took advantage of the situation and shouted: "The death squads who escaped just now, please stand up for me!"

"Third brother, don't hide back. Didn't you hear what Boss Scar said? Take your people and get out!"

"Brothers of Heifeng Village, we can't let other hilltops look down on us. If you are a man, please stand up! Kill Jin Feng, and each of our brothers in the death squad of Heifeng Village will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver and three meat horses, and no more

Take it back and I will be your mother-in-law from now on!"

Several other big bosses also opened their mouths to cooperate with Scarface.

Under coercion and inducement, the death squads who had just escaped gathered at the foot of the mountain again.

Lao Hei opened his mouth and was about to shout a few more words, but the fat bandit winked at his little leader.

The little boss immediately started shouting: "Hurry up, it's getting dark..."

After all, Lao Hei was at the top of the mountain, and his voice was suddenly suppressed by the little boss.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Lao Hei turned around and asked: "It seems that the bandits are determined to fight again this time."

Jin Feng glanced to the west and said, "Forget it, the sun has set, it's almost time to start."

"Brothers of bandits, I have a treasure here. If you don't believe me, just keep your eyes open!"

Lao Hei raised the bamboo tube in his hand, and when the little boss was silent, he shouted: "You will understand after you read it!"

All the bandits, including several big bosses, all looked up at Lao Hei and the bamboo tube in his hand.

[The author has something to say]

Write another chapter to pay off the debt, the same old rules, I will read it tomorrow

This chapter has been completed!
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