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Chapter 308 I'll Take Care of Something

County Lieutenant Zhao looked at Lao Hei and the hunter who asked for a body search, with a look of astonishment on his face.

People with dark hearts will instinctively think that others are also dark inside.

Lieutenant Zhao never trusted his subordinates and thought that Jin Feng would be like him.

But Lao Hei's loyalty to Jin Feng, and Jin Feng's trust in Lao Hei, far exceeded his judgment.

Jin Feng refused to search Lao Hei and the hunter without hesitation, but Lao Hei and the hunter strongly requested a search to prove their innocence.

At this time, Zhang Liang had already taken matters into his own hands and carefully searched the clothes of Lao Hei and the hunter.

Three grains of broken silver were found in Lao Hei's clothes, which added up to less than two taels. The hunter Tang Fei was even more pitiful. He only had six copper coins in his body, which was only enough to drink a bowl of mutton soup without meat at the county government. It cost two taels.

A whole grain cake.

"Brother Liang, there are still other places that I haven't searched yet!"

Lao Hei pointed to the crotch cloth: "How about we go to the woods..."

"Get out!"

Zhang Liang kicked Lao Hei with a look of disgust on his face: "Hurry up and put your clothes on, and if you keep grinding, I will drag you to the woods and castrate you!"


Lao Hei then put on his clothes as if relieved.

Then he walked over, swung the scabbard and slapped Lieutenant Zhao hard.

"Let you wrong me!..."

Jin Feng didn't stop him, and Lao Hei slapped him for more than a dozen times before Zhang Liang pulled him away.

"Okay, if you hit me again, I'll kill you!"

"Jin Feng, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If I lose, I have nothing to say."

Lieutenant Zhao spit out a few teeth mixed with blood and looked up at Jin Feng: "Kill me if you can!"

He was in charge of public security in Jinchuan and was very familiar with all kinds of torture in prisons.

It's just that he was the executioner before, but now he is about to become the victim.

He had never felt afraid of others being tortured, but when he thought about those terrible punishments that would now fall on him, County Lieutenant Zhao shuddered.

Just now, I deliberately drove a wedge between Jin Feng and Lao Hei, thinking that Lao Hei might get angry and kill him directly to avoid being taken to jail and suffering.

Unfortunately his plan failed.

"Sir, after all, he was an official of the imperial court before. Even if he has been appointed or dismissed, he must be temporarily detained until the official document from the Ministry of Personnel comes out before he can be executed."

Lieutenant Xiao was afraid that Jin Feng would actually kill Lieutenant Zhao on impulse, so he quickly reminded him.

"Jin Feng, now that things have happened, I'll tell you straight up. I was responsible for the things that happened at Wild Dog Slope, Jiuligou and Heifeng Ridge. What do you think? Are you surprised?"

County Lieutenant Zhao continued to provoke.

Jin Feng was indeed a little surprised.

At that time, more than 30 bandits in Yegoupo threatened to harvest the new year's grain. Qing Mulan led the female soldiers to encircle and suppress them. Only when they reached the mountain did they discover that Yegoupo and Jiuligou had joined forces.

That was the female soldier's first battle. If Jin Feng hadn't sensed something was wrong and sent veterans to secretly reinforce him, Qing Mulan would have suffered a big loss that time.

Afterwards, Jin Feng guessed that there might be someone behind the incident, so he sent people to investigate. However, due to his shallow foundation, he searched for a long time and found no valuable clues. In addition, Jin Feng had to be busy with other things, so he sent people to investigate.

Forgot things.

In fact, Jin Feng had suspected Zhao Xianwei before, so Jin Feng was not too surprised when Zhao Xianwei admitted this matter. What really surprised him was that the attack on Heifeng Ridge was also ordered by Zhao Xianwei.


There were too many bandits these days, and Heifeng Ridge had already left Jinchuan territory, so from the beginning to the end, Jin Feng thought they were just ordinary bandits and didn't even think about the tycoons of Jinchuan County.

Now I know that the bandits in Heifengling were also ordered by County Lieutenant Zhao.

"Jin Feng, I heard that a lot of your people died the night before yesterday. Is your concubine among the dead female soldiers?"

County Lieutenant Zhao said in a disdainful tone: "Even if you are a noble, even if you catch me, what can you do to me? Do you dare to kill me? Not yet..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Qing Mulan suddenly take a step forward, with the black knife already unsheathed.

Before Lieutenant Xiao could stop him, the black knife in Qing Mulan's hand flashed coldly and slashed across Lieutenant Zhao's neck.

Lieutenant Zhao's eyes suddenly widened, and there was fear of death on his face, but also a hint of relief.

A cancer that has been domineering in Jinchuan for many years has come to an end.

Qing Mulan shook off the blood beads on the black knife, walked up to Jin Feng without looking back, and said proudly: "I'll take care of anything!"

"You can bear it, can you bear it?!"

Jin Feng slapped Qing Mulan on the head angrily.

"Don't hit me on the head!"

Qing Mulan angrily slapped Jin Feng's palm away: "I can't afford it. If I don't have my brother, I don't believe that I just killed a dismissed county captain, and my brother can't settle the matter!"

What this guy surnamed Zhao said is so irritating, you can bear it, but I can't!"

"When will you learn to calm down?"

Jin Feng put his hand on his forehead: "Don't you see that he is afraid of being put in prison and suffering, so he wants to die?"

"Of course I can see it, but I just can't bear to see him being so arrogant. He has become a prisoner, and he still speaks harsh words in a show of force!"

Qing Mulan said unconvinced: "Sir, you just think too much. When it's time to kill, don't hesitate!"

"Okay, okay, you hate evil so much that you can't rub sand in your eyes. I'm just a coward, okay?"

Jin Feng was too lazy to talk to Qing Mulan.

But when Captain Xiao, who was standing beside him, heard Qing Mulan's words, a huge wave surged in his heart.

To be able to fulfill the position of Captain, Captain Xiao still has the sense of smell that he should have.

He had discovered before that Jin Feng and Qing Mulan had an unusual relationship, but after all, they had only met a few times, and Captain Xiao didn't think much about it.

However, Qing Mulan's words just now made Captain Xiao realize that the identity of the woman in front of him was anything but ordinary.

Suddenly, Captain Xiao remembered Qing Mulan's name.

The surname Qing is still rare, and the first person Xiao Duwei thought of was Qinghuai.

However, Qinghuai rarely interfered in the affairs of the yamen. Even if he could settle the matter of the county captain, it would not be as easy as Qing Mulan said.


Suddenly, Captain Xiao remembered someone.

He heard from the county governor that today's Nishikawa Mu also has the surname Qing!

Thinking of this, Captain Xiao looked at Qing Mulan differently, and his understanding of Jin Feng also improved.

Jin Feng didn't know that Lieutenant Xiao had thought of so many things in such a short period of time, so he pointed at Lieutenant Zhao and said:

"Brother Liang, take his body to Heishuigou and show it to the bandits. Their backer is gone! And the two squires, take him to Hutoushan and Shuangtuofeng as well."


Zhang Liang agreed, called two bodyguards, and put County Lieutenant Zhao on his horse.

There is a stream among the mountains. Mr. Feng is sitting by the stream, carefully roasting a hare and sprinkling some spices on it from time to time.

"Mr. Feng, just as you said, Jin Feng indeed led people to hunt down County Lieutenant Zhao and others."

A subordinate came forward and reported.

"When did you set off?"

Mr. Feng didn't even raise his eyelids, he still turned over the hare carefully.

"We set out before dawn. We should have caught up with County Lieutenant Zhao by now. We will definitely not be able to come back for a while," the subordinate replied.

"Oh, we can finally take action!"

Mr. Feng threw the hare directly into the fire, stood up and stretched.

The valley behind him was full of people, almost filling the valley.

[The author has something to say]

I have reorganized the plot and updated one chapter first.

This chapter has been completed!
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