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Chapter 32 Children from Poor Families Head Home Early

The small courtyard of Jin Feng was crowded with women, vying to sign up.

Anyway, the carpenter will bring another spinning wheel, and by then all the women in the village may not be enough.

Tang Dongdong didn't choose, and just followed the first-come, first-served principle and kept the twenty people who signed up first.

Although the women who came behind were reluctant, no one said anything.

Who allowed himself to be late?

Tang Dongdong called the twenty selected people to the yard and started scheduling.

Ten people work during the day and ten people work at night, changing shifts every ten days.

This is what Jin Feng taught her.

After the classes were divided, the ten women on the day shift got into the hut and started working.

The women who were not selected and those who were assigned to the night shift did not leave either, and gathered around to watch curiously.

In front of the spinning wheel near the corner, there is a little girl named Xiaobei sitting. She is only ten years old this year. She may not have spun much before, so her movements are relatively unfamiliar and she always makes mistakes.

She was already very anxious, but the women watching around her kept teasing and ridiculing her, which made the little girl break into a sweat.

"Brother Feng, Xiaobei doesn't know how to spin yet, so why don't you do it with me? I promise to spin faster than Xiaobei."

A village woman in her twenties saw Jin Feng coming in and asked with a smile.

When Xiaobei heard this, he cried anxiously: "Brother Feng, don't drive Xiaobei away. Xiaobei has to earn money to buy medicine for his mother. Believe me in Xiaobei, I will definitely learn it... I... I don't need to be in your house

Have a meal……"

"Okay Xiaobei, the third sister-in-law is teasing you."

Jin Feng said: "When you should eat, just go and eat. As long as you cook well, I won't drive you away."

He also knew the situation of Xiaobei's family. His father died on the battlefield a few years ago, and although his mother was not very old, she was always sick.

Children from poor families will take charge of their own affairs early. In later generations, ten-year-old children are still in elementary school and will be considered diligent children if they occasionally do housework.

But Xiaobei has been going to the mountains to collect firewood and working in the fields since he was seven or eight years old.

More than once, Jin Feng saw her carrying a bundle of firewood that was larger than his own body, moving down the back hill step by step.

Spinning is a skilled trade with no technical difficulty. Jin Feng is willing to give Xiaobei a chance to support himself and his mother.

"Thank you, Brother Feng! Don't worry, I won't be lazy."

Xiaobei wiped his tears and started working immediately.

"Third sister-in-law, stop hanging around here and go back quickly. The new spinning wheel will be ready in a few days and everyone can come."

Jin Feng found that the women who were watching still wanted to talk, so he started to chase them away.

After all, they would have to find work under Jin Feng in the future. The women became a little angry when they saw Jin Feng, and all of them left with expectations.

Guan Xiaorou is in charge of the day shift, Tang Dongdong is in charge of the night shift, and Runniang and Xiao'e are in charge of cooking.

This was agreed upon.

Runniang was very satisfied with this arrangement. She started working from early in the morning and stewed a pheasant until it was very delicious. She did not use other spices to season it, but just sprinkled some salt to make it fragrant.

The rich aroma of pheasant is also mixed with the fragrance of millet rice.

The women in the shed cherished this opportunity to work. Smelling the aroma wafting from the kitchen, they all worked more energetically.

They thought it would be good to have wild vegetable porridge for lunch, but who knew there was even meat.

Naturally, one pheasant was not enough to feed a dozen people, so the chicken legs were left to the youngest Xiao'e and Xiaobei. The others poured a spoonful of broth on them and divided them into one or two pieces of chicken. This group of women was very moved.


When Jin Feng saw Xiaobei secretly wrapping the chicken legs in leaves and stuffing them into his arms, he didn't criticize them. He just scooped up an extra piece of chicken wings for her when she was serving the second bowl.

Zhang Liang only brought a few pheasants in total, so naturally he couldn't eat them all, so he had wheat porridge and wild vegetables for dinner.

This has already made the women who were not chosen jealous, and they all urged Jin Feng to make new spinning wheels quickly.

When it got dark, Jin Feng moved the ladder and lit the oil lamps on the pillars one by one.

The shed is made of thatch, and it is full of flammable materials such as twine. Once a fire breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

So Jin Feng nailed the oil lamp to a high position on the pillar to prevent others from accidentally knocking it over.

Although he had to climb a ladder every time he refueled and turned on and off the lights, Jin Feng was willing to go through more trouble than leave any safety hazards.

Before leaving, he did not forget to explain to Tang Dongdong: "If there is a fire accidentally, we must take everyone out as soon as possible and leave the things inside alone, you know?"

"Don't worry, I know."

Tang Dongdong pushed Jin Feng out of the shed: "Go back to sleep, sister Xiaorou is still waiting for you."

The women who were working all laughed ambiguously.

If he goes back to sleep with his wife, who can say anything wrong?

Laughter is also in vain.

According to Tang Dongdong's plan, he planned to use this ten-frame spinning wheel as a basis and slowly add more after making money.

But Jin Feng still had more than a dozen taels of silver in his hand. Firewood was cheap in the mountains, and carpenters' wages were also cheap. Jin Feng was too lazy to waste time, so he ordered the carpenters to continue working.

In the next few days, carpenters successively delivered more than a dozen spinning wheel parts, and the village women who were not selected the first time also began to work.

Jin Feng's small yard has become the liveliest place in the village, with the sound of the spinning wheel squeaking and spinning, all day long and all night long.

In the first few days after Zhang Liang got the crossbow, he had a lot of harvest every day. The most he shot in one day was nine hares and seven pheasants, which made the villagers envious.

But starting from the past two or three days, I can get less and less things every day.

When I came back today, I only caught one pheasant.

Orion Chen Laoliu was even more unlucky, returning empty-handed for three consecutive days.

Jin Feng knew that Zhang Liang hunted too frequently. The hares and pheasants in the old forest near the back mountain must have sensed the danger and escaped.

If we want to hunt again, we have to go deeper into the woods.

Zhang Liang also planned this, but was dissuaded by Jin Feng.

"Brother Liang, it doesn't matter if you go to the old forest on the back mountain. Going further inside is the primeval forest. Not only are there ferocious beasts everywhere, but there is also miasma. This thing is a hundred times more powerful than tigers. Once trapped by miasma,

, ten deaths and no life.”

Jin Feng advised: "Don't go anymore. What if something happens to you and the whole family will do?"

He is not a saint. In addition to Guan Xiaorou's relationship with the Zhang family, he also has the intention to recruit helpers for himself deep down.

Jin Feng has made several plans for the future, and Zhang Liang has a place in any of them.

The purpose of making a crossbow for Zhang Liang was to help him improve his family life so that he would not be constrained by anything he could do.

But Jin Feng didn't want him to remain a hunter, let alone risk his life to go to the virgin forest.

In those deep mountains and old forests, the fallen leaves accumulated over the years are thicker than people. After being corroded by rainwater, miasma will form over time.

This kind of miasma usually covers a large area. Once trapped, no one can save it.

"Of course I understand the truth. If you go into the forest, you won't be able to get out for ten days and a half. If you can't go in, I don't want to go."

Zhang Liang sighed: "But besides hunting, what else can I do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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