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Chapter 320 Suspension Bridge

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Although Guan Xiaorou felt a little distressed, she never refuted what Jin Feng said.

He obediently bowed to Wei Wuya, turned around and left quickly to make arrangements.

"Xiao Bei, you go to the warehouse and get two hundred taels of cash, and then bring over three hundred taels of silver notes, and give them to Mr. Wei together."

Jin Feng continued.


Tang Xiaobei agreed and left quickly.

"Mr. Jin..."

Wei Wuya put down the steamed bun in his hand, stood up and saluted Jin Feng again: "On behalf of the people of Fengshui Town, I would like to thank you for your great kindness!"

He didn't have a good feeling towards Jin Feng before. He always felt that the smell of copper on Jin Feng's body was too strong.

Even if I later heard a few poems written by Jin Feng to express sympathy for the peasants, my opinion of Jin Feng did not change. Instead, I felt that Jin Feng was even more hypocritical.

While writing poems about pity for farmers, he was making a lot of money with soap.

If it weren't for the fact that he had no other choice, he wouldn't come to Jin Feng to raise money this time.

But it was this trip to Jinchuan that completely changed his view of Jin Feng.

Along the way, whether they were fellow traders, hunters, or woodcutter whom they met by chance during a break, they all praised Jin Feng.

Wei Wuya couldn't help but be curious, so he asked about Jin Feng.

Then I learned about the various things Jin Feng has been doing in the past few months.

Now Jin Feng generously donated all the clothes and cloth in the village to him to save people, which made Wei Wuya feel ashamed for his previous misunderstanding.

"Mr. Wei, you are ridiculous," Jin Feng helped Wei Wuya up: "If you need anything in the future, sir, just come to me. I will never refuse if I can do it."

Although Jin Feng loves money, he is never stingy, especially in matters where human life is at stake.

After Wei Wuya had eaten, Guan Xiaorou had already asked people to put clothes on the cart.

The escorts and men pushing the carts arranged by Liu were also ready.

"Brother Tiezi, yesterday you said that the suspension bridge over Heifeng Ridge has been completed and is it open to traffic?"

Jin Feng turned to look at Liu Tie.

Jin Feng wanted to build a bridge here before, but the cost was too high, so he thought of using a cableway.

However, the cableway requires bearings, which cannot be implemented in a short time, and the safety factor is also low. Jin Feng thought of a compromise method and built a suspension bridge.

During this period, he conducted many calculations and simulations in the laboratory and finally determined the plan.

After more than half a month of busy work, Liu Tie came over yesterday to report that the suspension bridge was finally built.

"That's all right. Yesterday afternoon I had someone pull a carriage up there to try it out. As long as there's no strong wind, it's very stable."

Liu Tie replied: "My father told me this morning that he asked me to take my husband to see it today."

"Now that the suspension bridge is ready, why doesn't the hammer go through the suspension bridge?" Qing Mulan asked.

"Tie Hammer has to go to Bazhou to pick up Miss Luo Lan first. If we go from Heifeng Ridge, we will take a long detour." Liu Tie replied.

"Mr. Wei, I built a bridge over Ma Tou Mountain, which can quickly reach Heifeng Ridge. If you are in a hurry, you can walk over there."

Jin Feng looked at Wei Wuya again.

Wei Wuya couldn't wait to rush back to Fengshui Town immediately, so he would naturally not object.

The men pushed the carts and headed straight for Ma Tou Mountain along the mountain road.

If you want to get rich, you need to build roads first. The mountain road between Xihewan and Ma Tou Mountain was originally very narrow and there was no way to use a horse-drawn carriage.

But this road will be the only way to Guangyuan in the future, so the village chief led people to tidy it up. Now it has been expanded to more than two feet wide, and there is no problem for two carriages to drive side by side.

When we arrived at the foot of Matou Mountain, we saw a brand new suspension bridge in the distance.

The suspension bridge uses four arm-thick ropes as the main body, and the two lower ropes are fixed to wooden boards, which is the bridge deck.

The top two are handrails and also the safety ropes of the suspension bridge.

If the hemp rope below breaks, pedestrians or carriages walking on the suspension bridge will not fall.

For these four ropes, Jin Feng spent a lot of effort.

Not only should we consider load-bearing issues, but we must also consider many other issues such as insect and fire prevention.

Just the few strands of wire rope mixed inside kept Mancang's two groups of female apprentices busy for more than half a month.

How to send such a thick rope to the other side in the end also cost the village chief a lot of thought.

First, use a crossbow arrow to shoot to the opposite mountain with a thin rope, then tie a thumb-thick rope on the opposite side and pull it back, and then use this rope to drag the thickest hemp rope over.

It seems very simple to say, but just fiddling with these four ropes took the village chief and more than a dozen people a full four days to complete.

Moreover, the location of the rope binding is also very particular. Jin Feng led people to conduct on-site inspections several times before finally confirming the location.

But all the hard work was worth it, and the suspension bridge was finally built.

Since then, the distance from Xihewan to Guangyuan has been shortened by more than half, making it closer than going to Jinchuan County.

In order to protect the suspension bridge, Zhang Liang also had a fortress built at both ends.

When we arrived at the bridge, a team of scooters returning from Guangyuan was crossing the bridge.

At first everything was normal and the suspension bridge was stable. But when the trolley reached the middle of the bridge, the suspension bridge suddenly started to sway.

It was just like the internet celebrity swinging bridge that Jin Feng had seen in his previous life.

The men pushing the carts were all walking on a suspension bridge for the first time and had little experience, so several of them were knocked down immediately.

Fortunately, there was a grid between the bridge deck and the handrail, otherwise the men would have fallen.

Even so, these men were so frightened that they screamed and clung to the armrest next to them.

"Is this what you call stability?"

Jin Feng looked at Liu Tie with a dark face.

"It's very stable when there's no wind. Isn't it the wind?"

Liu Tie scratched his head and explained.

"Why is Heifeng Ridge called Heifeng Ridge? It's because it's so windy!"

Jin Feng said: "Isn't the suspension bridge twenty-two feet long? Let people pull a fixed rope on both sides at seven feet and fourteen feet, and tie it to the trees on the shore to fix the bridge deck!"

"Hey, brother Feng, you still have more ideas, why didn't I think of it?"

Liu Tie slapped his head and immediately ran over to make arrangements.

There was a lot of rope left when building the bridge, and the four fixed ropes were quickly tied up.

At this time, the wind in the valley was stronger than before, but the suspension bridge remained motionless, much more stable than before, and the scooter team also passed smoothly.

However, in order to test the stability of the suspension bridge, Liu Tie kicked and kicked the bridge, causing the team to go back and forth again.

Only after confirming that there was no problem with the suspension bridge's load-bearing capacity and stability did Liu Tie agree to let Jin Feng and Wei Wuya get on the bridge.

"As the old saying goes, building bridges and roads has immeasurable merit. Sir, this bridge is well built!"

Wei Wuya sighed: "With this bridge, it will be much more convenient to come to Xihewan in the future."

"When Mr. Wei is fine, you can come over and take a look."

Jin Feng said with a smile.

"On my way here, Lao Chen, all my ears were filled with merchants discussing Xihewan. It's a pity that I didn't have time to visit it properly this time. I will definitely come here in the future."

“Mr. is always welcome in Xihewan.”

Jin Feng kept sending Wei Wuya out of Black Wind Ridge before he stopped.

Jin Feng did everything he could do. As for whether Wei Wuya could contain malaria, it all depends on his ability.

[The author has something to say]

I didn't come back until almost eight o'clock today, so I'm sorry for the late update. I will write two more chapters, and I guess I won't be able to catch up with the review. You can read it tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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