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Chapter 324 Mu Lan, you continue

"Mu Lan, with the current strength of the Tielin Army, Qinghou is just going to quell the rebellion. There will be no danger."

Jin Feng shook his head and said.

Because I have been poor, I am compassionate.

Jin Feng also suffered hardships in his previous life, and he can more easily empathize with the difficulties of the people at the bottom.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he sympathized with the refugees. They were all poor people who had no choice but to rise up.

Jin Feng could kill many people on the frontier and dare to fight in hand-to-hand combat with bandits who were robbing their homes and homes, but it was impossible for him to raise a butcher's knife at ordinary people who were just looking for a way to survive without caring about everything.

Not even to help Qinghuai.

"Sir, it's not brother Qinghuai, but brother Xichuan." Qing Mulan corrected.

"Your brother?" Jin Feng asked in surprise: "Your brother is Xichuan Mu, I am just a mountain man, how can I help him?"

"Sir, you are not a mountaineer, you are a noble!" Qing Mulan said.

"Okay, even if I am a noble, I am still a powerless Baron Qingshui hiding in the mountains!" Jin Feng laughed at himself.

"Who said that sir is powerless? Sir, he has Zhenyuan Escort Agency!"

Qing Mulan said: "Brother Qinghuai wrote a letter saying that the current combat effectiveness of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is definitely not weaker than the Tielin Army..."

"Mu Lan, I have also led the Tielin Army. I know the difference between the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Tielin Army very well."

Jin Feng interrupted Qing Mulan's flattery: "We are so familiar, you should understand my character, you don't need to flatter me nicely, just tell me if you have anything."

"Then I'll be honest," Qing Mulan said, "I want to use Mr. Zhenyuan Escort Agency."

"What do you mean?" Jin Feng was even more confused.

"Due to the rebellion of the refugees in the territory, Jinzhou Mu has been reprimanded by His Majesty and his title has been reduced by one level."

Qing Mulan said: "Xichuan is not much richer than Jinzhou. I am afraid that there will be rebellion in Xichuan too, and your Majesty will blame my brother."

According to the laws of Dakang, if someone rebels within the territory, everyone from the county magistrate to the governor to the state pastor will be held accountable.

If this county is the fiefdom of a certain nobleman, this nobleman will also be implicated.

"I think the reason why the people rebelled was that, in addition to the court's increase in taxes, the other reason was bandits."

Qing Mulan said: "I asked someone to inquire a few days ago. In many places, bandits levy annual grain taxes, which are even heavier than the court's taxes. If the bandits can be eliminated, the people's lives will be much easier and they will not rebel.

,Jinchuan is the best example.”

"It makes sense," Jin Feng nodded: "Then just tell your brother and ask him to order soldiers from all over the country to suppress the bandits. Why do you want to use the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau?"

"If giving orders to the soldiers is useful, I won't come to see you sir."

Qing Mulan said helplessly: "Almost all the bandits who collect grain are inextricably related to the local government soldiers. Many of them are even like Jinchuan before, and are personally supported by the county captain. How can they suppress them on their own?"

What about yourself?

As my brother's orders were issued, the county captains from various places would simply reply that they had not found the bandits, which would leave my brother speechless.

Not only will it be impossible to annihilate the bandits, but it will also give the soldiers from various places a reason to ask for military rations from the people. Isn't it even worse for the people?

Therefore, I would like to ask you, sir, to send the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to suppress the bandits!"

"Mu Lan, it's not like you don't know the situation at Zhenyuan Escort Bureau?"

Jin Feng smiled bitterly and said: "Not to mention that many escorts are on missions now. Even if all the escorts are gathered for you, there will only be a few hundred people. For such a big Xichuan, do you think there are hundreds of people?

Is it enough for what?”

"Of course I know what sir said."

Qing Mulan said: "I have already told my brother that the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau does not need to send people directly. My brother will transfer two troops from Dashanguan and Bazhou."

"What you mean is that we don't need Zhenyuan Escort Agency to hire anyone, but just borrow the name of Zhenyuan Escort Agency?"

Jin Feng understood what Qing Mulan meant, but he didn't understand why Qing Mulan and her brother did what they did.

"Yes." Qing Mulan nodded.

"Why?" Jin Feng asked: "Since Mr. Zhou Mu wants to suppress the bandits and he has an army, can't we just do it directly? Why do we have to go through such a roundabout way?"

"Aren't you afraid that someone in the court will gossip and say that my brother is buying people's hearts and your Majesty will be suspicious of you?"

Qing Mulan said helplessly.

"Am I not afraid of being suspected by His Majesty?"

Jin Feng said angrily.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that I was waiting here.

"Sir, firstly, he has not become an official, and secondly, he has no fiefdom or army. Your Majesty will not be suspicious of you."

"You're not His Majesty, how do you know he doesn't know how to do it?"

Jin Feng didn't want to be fooled: "Mu Lan, I misjudged you. Fortunately, I considered you a friend before, but you are planning to make me take the blame!"

"Sir, how could you say that about me?"

Qing Mulan stamped her feet and said, "Listen to what I have to say!"

"Go on."

Jin Feng motioned to Qing Mulan to continue.

"Sir, my brother said that I won't let him do it in vain."

Qing Mulan said: "Haven't you been looking for various mineral deposits? As long as you agree to help, if you discover any mineral deposits in the future, as long as they are in Xichuan, my brother can make the decision to sell them to you, and you can also allow him to sell them to you in Guangyuan."

Make salt and sell salt!”


Jin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Dakang's salt-making technology was also very backward, and the salt produced was bitter and astringent. Jin Feng couldn't get used to it, so he secretly processed it again to remove impurities and harmful substances.

Regardless of the quality or taste, it can surpass Dakang Guan Salt by several blocks.

The reason for being secretive is that it is illegal in Dakang to make salt privately.

Salt is one of the essential elements for the human body, and it is also a necessary consumable for every household. The market demand is very large, and the profits are also huge.

Since ancient times, salt merchants have been almost synonymous with wealth.

With such a huge profit, the nobles would naturally not let it go. Many of the so-called salt merchants were the white gloves of the noble gentry.

Most of the money earned by the salt merchants was taken away by the backers behind them.

In order to protect their own interests, the nobles formulated a law that salt was sold exclusively by the government. People who were not designated by the government were not allowed to manufacture and sell salt.

If Jin Feng can obtain the qualification to make and sell salt, even if it is just a county, he can have a large amount of fixed income.

Compared with making and selling salt, Jin Feng was actually more concerned about the first condition mentioned by Qing Mulan.

He now mines tungsten ore and coal mines in a secretive way. He is very reluctant to use his hands and feet, and there is a hidden danger of being caught.

If it can be contracted openly, he can manufacture equipment and bring it to the site, and the mining efficiency will be doubled immediately.

It can play a great role in promoting the development of iron smelting workshops.

Although he knew that the Qing family was taking advantage of him, Jin Feng still couldn't help but feel moved.

Qing Mulan was right. He was not an official and had no land. He had no respect for the emperor and was not worried about the emperor's suspicion.

However, there are not many opportunities to knock Qing's bamboo pole, let alone negotiation. If you can ask for more, you will naturally want more.

So although Jin Feng was moved, he didn't show it. Instead, he pondered for a moment and asked as if he was thinking about it: "What else?"

[The author has something to say]

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