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Chapter 331

Because of Jin Feng, the Qing family has gained a lot in the past few months, both on the battlefield and in the court. Except for Qing Huai's two brothers and Qing Guogong's eldest wife, everyone else in the Qing family has a good impression of Jin Feng.

Including the concubine Qing in the palace.

Jin Feng asked Qing Mulan to deliver the soap to the palace, just to make the soap famous in the capital.

As a result, Concubine Qing overfulfilled the task.

"Just come to me!"

With this sentence, Jin Feng is equivalent to having Shang Fang's sword.

That night, Concubine Qing sent someone to pass the message to Duke Qing, who then informed Iron Hammer.

"Great, with His Majesty's words, we no longer have to worry in the capital."

Luo Lan clapped her hands excitedly: "Brother Iron Hammer, the shop we looked at today is close to Xing'anfang and has a lot of traffic. Let's take it down?"

"That shop costs nine thousand taels of silver. Shouldn't we ask Mr. and Mrs. Xiaobei for permission first?"

Iron Hammer hesitated.

In the past few days, Luo Lan, Tie Zhui, and Han Feng had been taking people around the capital, looking for suitable shops and houses.

The three of them were very satisfied with the shop Luo Lan said. The only drawback was that it was too expensive.

County Lieutenant Zhao plundered half of his life savings and mortgaged his house, but he only got nine thousand taels of silver.

Even in Bianjing, a city full of wealthy families, this is not a small sum of money.

"Concubine Qing's words have been conveyed. It is estimated that the reputation of the soap will spread in the capital soon. Even if we travel day and night, it will take more than half a month to go back and forth to Xihewan. There is no time to ask sir for instructions."

Luo Lan made a decision immediately: "Mr. Laishi and Mrs. Xiaobei said in the letter to me that if this happens, I can make the decision first.

Just do as I say and go and clean up the shop tomorrow. If something goes wrong in the future, I will be responsible for the punishment of Mr. and Mrs. Xiaobei!"

"Okay then." Tie Zhui and Han Feng looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

Before leaving, Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei did tell them that they should listen to Luo Lan regarding matters such as shop selection.

Seeing that the two of them still looked worried, Luo Lan explained with a smile: "Brother Iron Hammer, Brother Han, although this shop is expensive, it is reasonably expensive.

First of all, this shop used to be an inn. Not only does it have a shop facing the street, but there is also a yard of more than two acres and many guest rooms behind it. We don’t need to find another place for the escort agency, we can just settle in the yard. The safety of the chamber of commerce is also guaranteed.

Second, it is closest to Xing'anfang, where high-ranking officials and wealthy families gather. Ladies like to go there to buy things, and they are the main customers of soap. It is also not far from Wudefang, where families of military generals gather. They are the main customers of black knives.


In fact, if we wait a little longer, we should be able to push the price down further, but we don't have time to wait that long.

If Concubine Qing makes the soap famous, but we don't open the shop, then this visit to the capital will be a complete failure, and it will be difficult to find such a good opportunity in the future!"

Hearing this, Tie Zhui and Han Feng both nodded slightly.

"My husband said time is money, I think it makes sense!"

Luo Lan continued: "If we open a shop here, I guarantee that I can make back the money I paid to buy the shop in half a year at most!"

"Earn nine thousand taels of silver in half a year?!"

Tie Zhui and Han Feng both looked questioning.

"Whether it's soap or black knives, it's Dakang's only business. As long as it's famous, there's no need to worry about selling!"

Luo Lan said confidently: "The most indispensable thing in the capital is rich masters. It can take up to half a year. If the situation develops well, maybe three or four months will be enough!"

"I, Tie Hammer, am a rough man and don't know how to do business. Since you said so, sister Luo Lan, I will listen to you!"

Tie Shui took out a small cloth bag from his arms and took out a stack of silver notes: "This is what my husband gave me when I left. A total of 10,000 taels of silver notes are given to you!"

"Okay!" Luo Lan nodded, took the banknote, and quickly began to plan how to use the money.

The cost of a shop under the CD is 9,000 taels, plus the renovation and decoration, etc., 10,000 taels is indeed a bit tight.

Luo Lan was also a resolute woman. She made a decision that night and found the owner of the inn early the next morning.

In fact, she knew that this would put her at a disadvantage in the negotiation, but she no longer cared about it.

Because Han Feng had already inquired all night, the innkeeper was in an emergency, so the price he gave was not high, and he could lower the price by a few hundred taels at most.

If you miss the opportunity to open a store and delay the normal sale of soap, the loss will not be compensated by a few hundred taels.

It happened that the owner of the inn was also eager to take off his gloves and show up. The two hit it off and went to the government office to complete the formalities that morning.

In the afternoon of that day, Luo Lan hired a group of craftsmen at a high price and began to renovate the inn according to the template of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce in Guangyuan County.

Luo Lan was very busy here, and Concubine Qing was not idle either.

The soaps brought to the palace were all specially made by Wan Niang and Guan Xiaorou. The fragrance was rich and long-lasting, and the entire Changping Palace was filled with the faint fragrance of plum blossoms.

Chen Ji not only liked the smell, but also liked the poems on the soap boxes. However, as an emperor, he could not directly ask a noble concubine for something.

In fact, Concubine Qing saw the emperor's thoughts, but deliberately pretended not to know, and did not mention the soap as a gift to the emperor.

Then in the next few days, Chen Ji came every day and stayed overnight every day.

Except for a few particularly favored concubines, this kind of situation is very rare in the harem.

Especially the concubines who were married, most of them did not have the opportunity to sleep with them several times a year, and they did not even see the emperor many times.

Concubine Qing, who was usually unknown in the harem, suddenly became a celebrity in the harem.

Many concubines came to visit her every day, firstly hoping to "encounter" the emperor, and secondly wanting to know the secret of Concubine Qing's sudden favor.

Even the queen came once on the pretext of passing by.

Paper cannot cover fire, and Concubine Qing also knew that it was impossible to really win the emperor's heart with just a few pieces of soap, so she felt that the time was almost right, so when the queen came, she presented a set of soap to win over the queen.


Then he gave some to other concubines with whom he had good relations or who were favored.

The emperor's harem has always been a popular trend among the ladies of the capital. After the concubines got the soap, they would naturally send one or two pieces back to their parents' families to show off.

In Dakang, where spices were scarce, things like soap were already popular with women, so there was no need to deliberately promote the soap, and the reputation of the soap spread smoothly in the capital.

What Luo Lan didn't expect was that because Chen Ji had mentioned Jin Feng's poems several times in court in the past few days, the soap was not only popular among noble ladies, but also became very popular among aristocratic circles.

If Dakang had a hot search list, it would definitely be top 1 now.

Not only wealthy ladies were asking where to buy soap, but scholars were also collecting soap boxes everywhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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