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Chapter 339 The Chain of Contempt

"Mr. Liu, I'm sorry, we are in a hurry and we are not prepared enough."

Since we are a chamber of commerce, we should pay attention to being friendly and making money. Luo Lan said with a smile: "I have wronged everyone this time. We will definitely make things right next time."

"You are so negligent, do you think we will come again next time?"

The young master said aggressively.

"Liu Xiuyuan, if you think Miss Luo Lan is neglecting you, just leave. Who's holding you back? You're spouting slanderous words like a girl!"

A young man who had a good relationship with Qinghuai immediately helped Luo Lan: "The Star-cutting Sword is for martial arts practitioners to kill enemies in battle. For someone like you, if you buy it back, the sword will be covered in dust."

All young masters know that there are only ten black knives, and they hope that there will be fewer and fewer competitors.

As soon as Young Master finished speaking, someone immediately echoed behind him: "Young Master Qi is right. I heard that Liu Xiuyuan was embroidering at home last time and pricked his finger with an embroidery needle. He screamed in pain for several days. Such a person

Why did you buy a black knife? Are you going back to cut embroidery thread?"

The other young masters all laughed in agreement.

Liu Xiuyuan's face turned red with anger and he clenched his fist several times, but finally let go.

In the circle of young masters in the capital, there is a chain of contempt.

Scholars from the families of civil servants and ministers looked down upon those who practiced martial arts, thinking that martial artists who wielded swords and spears were too vulgar.

The descendants of military generals also looked down on scholars who devoted themselves to studying, thinking that they were too bitter and as weak as women.

Even if they are both descendants of military commanders, the chain of contempt still exists.

People like Qing Huai, who had experienced real battles with the enemy, looked down upon dandy generals like Zhang Qiwei.

And a dandy general like Zhang Qiwei looked down upon the rookies who had just joined the military camp for training.

Then the rookies look down on those idle young men who have not even had a chance to gain experience and have been staying in the capital.

Most of those who came to the auction today were of the last type, but there were also a few who had been on the battlefield.

For example, the person who spoke to Luo Lan just now was someone who, like Qinghuai, had fought with the Khitans with real swords and guns in Northern Xinjiang.

It's just that he didn't have Qinghuai's ability, so he was defeated miserably by the Khitan people several times, so he was called back to the capital by his family to reflect.

But he is at the top of the contempt chain, while Liu Xiuyuan is at the bottom, the type who has never even been to the military camp a few times.

Being laughed at, I could only endure it.

In fact, he wanted to turn around and leave, but he also wanted to buy a black knife and give it to his uncle who was in power. He hoped that his uncle would give him a chance to gain experience in the military camp.

He gritted his teeth, snorted coldly and led the maid guard to the corner, found a chair and sat down, and stopped mentioning the table to Luo Lan.

"Thank you, Mr. Qi!"

Luo Lan saluted the young master who helped her out.

"Although I have never met Baron Qingshui, Qinghuai and I are good brothers. Baron Qingshui and Qinghuai are brothers, so they are my brothers!"

Mr. Qi patted his chest and said, "You are from Baron Qingshui. If someone bullies you, I will naturally help you to stand up. From now on, if you have anything to do in the capital, just go to Pei Guogong's Mansion to find me!"


Luo Lan bowed again and saluted Mr. Qi.

With Mr. Qi's words, if something really happens in the future, she can go to Mr. Qi for help.

After all, Qing Huai was away, and the only person she could count on in the capital was Duke Qing Guo.

But she couldn't go to Duke Qing for help when she was in trouble, as that would be overkill.

With Mr. Qi's help, it will be much more convenient.

In some matters, this kind of young master is even more effective than Qing Guo Gong.

Qing Guogong's rank is too high, and he needs to consider too many things when doing things.

But Mr. Qi has no such worries. Being domineering and domineering is their specialty. They are best at dealing with characters like government servants.

With Mr. Qi, a figure at the top of the contempt chain, controlling the situation, the venue finally managed to calm down.

The young masters each found chairs and sat down around the wooden platform.

Luo Lan let out a long sigh of relief, and then came on stage with a smile on his face.

"First of all, thank you for your support. Now let me tell you the rules of the auction."

Luo Lan bowed to the audience, and then said loudly: "The starting price of each Star Sword in this auction is one thousand taels. If you want, you can freely increase the price, but each increase must not be lower.

At fifty taels, the highest bidder in the end got the star-cutting knife that was auctioned on the spot!

I introduce it this way, do you understand?"

"I understand, let's start quickly!"

A young man urged impatiently.

Luo Lan was not angry either. He smiled and nodded to the back. Tie Hui came forward holding a black knife on a tray.

"The box of this black knife is made of golden nanmu from our Sichuan region. It has been carbonized to prevent insects, moisture and rot, and the carving is exquisite..."

Luo Lan pretended not to notice the impatience on the faces of some young masters in the audience, and carefully introduced the knife box, then introduced the scabbard, handle, and handguard, and finally took out the long knife.

"This Star-cutting Sword is one of the three previously exhibited. The inscription on the sword is "A golden sword and an iron horse will travel three thousand miles, and one sword will light up the sixteen states."

Luo Lan said with a smile: "The starting price is one thousand taels. If you want it, you can increase the price now."

In fact, this black knife has cut too many copper coins, and it is strictly a sample. Under normal circumstances, the price will be greatly discounted.

But the words on the black sword have now spread throughout the circle of military commanders in the capital, and even reached Chen Ji's ears.

This also gives the black sword another value besides itself. Before many young masters came, they were determined to get this sword.

So as soon as Luo Lan finished speaking, the bidding sounds started one after another.

"I'll pay one thousand one hundred taels!"

"One thousand three hundred taels!"

"One thousand five hundred taels!"

"Two thousand taels!"

"Three thousand taels!"

In just a few seconds, the price of this black knife, which had been used as a sample, quickly reached three times the starting price.

But this is not the end, at most it is a small breather in the middle.

Before Luo Lan could ask if anyone would continue to increase the price, a new quote came from the audience: "Five thousand taels!"

The whole place fell silent.

This is the largest price increase so far, an increase of two thousand taels!

Everyone turned to look at the young man who made the offer.

But none of the young masters knew this person, so they all asked people around them.

It turned out that not one of the young masters present knew the bidder.

The most indispensable thing in the capital is officials, and what is more important than officials is their sons.

No matter how popular he is, no one dares to say that he knows all the young masters in the capital.

After all, everyone's social circle is different.

But there were dozens of young masters present, and their social circle covered at least 90% of the entire capital, if not all.

If no one knows the bidder, it’s worth pondering.

"This brother is very unfamiliar. I don't know what to call him?"

Mr. Qi stood up and asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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