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Chapter 343 Jin Wang

"Meet His Highness King Jin!"

Everyone present bowed to the young man and saluted.

King Chen Yongze of Jin and Emperor Chen Ji were half-brothers. However, when King Jin was born, Chen Ji, the elder brother of the prince, was already in his thirties.

The previous emperor Chen Wu was almost sixty.

Chen Wu was very happy to have a son at an old age, even if he was an emperor, and he loved his son very much.

Unfortunately, Chen Wu died when Chen Yongze was three years old.

Before his death, Chen Wu was afraid that Chen Ji would persecute Chen Yongze after he ascended the throne, so he made Chen Yongze the King of Jin and granted him the land of Jinzhou.

Chen Yongze's mother came from a wealthy family in Jinzhou and was very powerful in the local area. Chen Yongze became the king of Jin. Even if Chen Ji wanted to touch Chen Yongze, he had to think twice.

In fact, Chen Wu thought too much. Chen Ji had a weak personality. After he ascended the throne, apart from killing his two younger brothers who originally competed with him for the throne, he did not embarrass other princes too much.

Later, in order to win over the wealthy Jinzhou family, he made an exception and sent the mother of King Jin back to Jinzhou.

Jinzhou is located in the northwest. Not only the party members would harass them, but the Khitan people would also sometimes pass by. As a result, Jinzhou was always devastated by wars, and the folk customs became very tough as a result.

The father of King Jin, the previous emperor Chen Wu, was one of the few emperors who advocated war in the history of Dakang.

He launched two Northern Expeditions in his life, vowing to recapture the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun and wash away the shame left by his father.

Unfortunately, both Northern Expeditions failed.

War is a waste of money. The two Northern Expeditions and the huge war reparations after the war almost emptied the Dakang treasury, causing the people to pay more and more taxes.

The reason why Chen Ji is so weak in dealing with Dangxiang and Khitan issues is also due to his previous two terms.

The successive failures of his grandfather and father also left a psychological shadow on Chen Ji. Therefore, after he came to the throne, he has been very weak in dealing with the Dangxiang and Khitan issues, which also accelerated the decline of Dakang.

But King Jin was exactly the opposite of Chen Ji. Her mother was born in Jinzhou and had a strong character. In addition, she was influenced by Chen Wu. From the time King Jin could remember, her mother had always instilled in him the idea of ​​​​maintaining war.

Therefore, the King of Jin inherited the legacy of his grandfather and father, and has always made it his lifelong goal to recover the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun.

Unfortunately, ambition alone is not enough to defeat the enemy. Over the years, Jinzhou, Dangxiang, and Khitan have had dozens of frictions and conflicts, large and small, but almost every time they ended in Jinzhou's defeat.

When he learned that Jin Feng led the Tielin Army to defeat his old rival Li Jikui in Qingshui Valley, King Jin roared with joy.

This time someone rebelled in Jinzhou, and he was recalled to the capital by Chen Ji to reprimand him. He unexpectedly heard the words "A golden sword and an iron horse can travel three thousand miles, and a sword can kill sixteen states."

This sentence seemed to have touched the heart of King Jin, so he immediately sent someone to inquire.

Then I learned about the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce and Black Knife, and also learned that this sentence came from Jin Feng.

The King of Jin already had a good impression of Jin Feng, and he was very depressed after being reprimanded by Chen Ji recently, so he wanted to come to the auction to relax and buy back the black sword with the inscription "One sword lights up the sixteen states"


Unexpectedly, after he came over, he heard the words "I remember the old days, when I was strong and strong, and I could swallow thousands of miles like a tiger", which suddenly reminded him of the old emperor.

This gave King Jin a feeling that only Jin Feng in the world could understand him. Just when he was thinking about seeing what the remaining black knives were and what the carvings were, he was recognized by the Ninth Princess's maid.

"That's all, it seems that my fate with the Star-cutting Sword is limited to these two."

King Jin stood up helplessly and looked at Luo Lan on the stage: "I gave you ten thousand taels before, which is exactly the price of these two knives, right?"

"Yes." Luo Lan bowed and replied.

"Okay, you continue, I'm leaving."

King Jin waved his hand casually and led the people away.

He is Chen Ji's biological brother. These young men don't even have the courage to compete with the Ninth Princess. Who dares to compete with him?

If he continued to stay, the auction would not be able to continue. It would be better to just ask Luo Lan to give him all the remaining black knives, which would save trouble.

Just out of the pride of the royal family and respect for Jin Feng, King Jin could not do such a thing.

By the time King Jin left, these young men still hadn't recovered their senses.

Today's auction is too mysterious.

First, a maid came to help the young lady buy a knife. The identity of the two people they teased as "shills" turned out to be more terrifying than the other.

If they didn't really want to get the black knife, many young men would probably avoid him.

Luo Lan also realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and quickly asked Iron Hammer to bring up the sixth black knife.

Only then did the young master's attention return to the black knife.

But after the previous two lessons, the young masters became much more cautious in speaking and bidding this time, for fear that another big boss would show up halfway.

This also seriously affected the atmosphere and bidding of the subsequent auction.

The sixth black sword was engraved with the words "I will smile to the sky from my horizontal sword, leaving behind my liver and gallbladder." The final transaction price was 1,900 taels.

Two young masters had a big fight over this knife. If they hadn't been pulled away by Mr. Qi, they might have had a fight on the stage.

The seventh one was engraved with the words "A three-foot black blade embraces the world, a white horse rides to the north." The final transaction price was 1,800 taels.

The eighth one was engraved with the words "Brothers have been together through calamities, and they have forgotten their grudges with a smile." It was bought by Mr. Qi who remembered his comrades, and the final transaction price was 2,110 taels.

The ninth inscription is "No one has died since ancient times, and his loyalty will be remembered by history."

If it is the dream of military generals to recover the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, then leaving a name in history is the goal that many scholars pursue throughout their lives.

Several young men from civil servant families came to join in the fun. When they saw the young men from military generals arguing over a knife, they still laughed at each other's vulgarity in their hearts.

But when the engravings on the ninth black sword came out, they immediately understood the mood of the military commander.

This sentence was so close to their hearts that a few civil servants raised the price of the ninth black knife to 4,110 taels.

Later, the party who had no money was not convinced and could not argue with the other party. He even spat at the winner regardless of his image, leaving the group of military generals and young men in shock.

This black knife could be sold for 4,100 taels, which Luo Lan never expected.

While letting the veteran pull the two young men apart, he signaled the hammer to take out the tenth black knife.

"Everyone, be quiet, the finale of this auction is here!"

Luo Lan shouted loudly: "Friends in need should seize the opportunity. This is the last chance today."

Before the auction started, many young men felt that they would bring home at least one black knife today.

But there were only ten black knives in total, and the King of Jin, the Ninth Princess, the maid, and the scholar bought five of them.

Calculating this way, there are only five weapons that can be divided among dozens of generals and young masters.

Seeing that there was only the last black knife left, many people became anxious.

Many gentlemen remind themselves in their hearts that no matter who it is this time, they can't give in, and they can't watch the fun anymore. They must get the last one.

This chapter has been completed!
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