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Chapter 356 Good Name

"Brother, tell me quickly, how much does this salt cost per pound?"

The people watching cheered and asked.

"Everyone listen up!"

The waiter cleared his throat and said, "Our refined salt costs ten cents a pound!"

"Ten cents per catty, that's too expensive... What, what? How much does it cost per catty?"

Some people subconsciously wanted to criticize the black-hearted Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce, but they changed their tune before they could finish their words.

He looked at the clerk with eyes wide open as if he had seen a ghost: "Did you make a mistake?"

"Brother, is this your first time selling goods? Why can't you remember your own price? Be careful the shopkeeper slaps you!"

Some people also think that the waiter made a mistake or remembered the price incorrectly.

"I didn't say anything wrong, nor did I remember the price wrong. The salt from our Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce only costs ten cents a pound!"

The guy confirmed again.

"How can this be?"

"They're not selling mineral salt, right?"

"It shouldn't be the case. If you fail to sell mineral salt privately, you will be beheaded. The Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce makes a lot of money selling soap. There is no need to take risks to make such dirty money!"

"This salt is so white and thin, it can't be mineral salt!"

"Isn't this waiter crazy?"

The common people did not believe what the clerk said. Some people with rich imaginations had already staged a drama in their minds that the shopkeeper was embarrassing the clerk and the clerk deliberately sold the goods at a low price to take revenge.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

The waiter knocked the gong a few more times, pointed at the salt bag and said, "Hasn't anyone noticed that our salt is called Xihewan refined salt?"

"What's wrong with calling it Xihewan refined salt?" asked a hunter carrying a bow and arrow.

This time there was no need for the man to answer. The hunter's companion said: "Haven't you heard of Xihewan? Haven't you heard of Mr. Jin?"

"Of course I've heard of it... No way, this salt is sold by Mr. Jin from Xihewan?"

"This elder brother is right, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce is opened by Mr. Jin, and the salt we sell is naturally made by Mr. Jin." The clerk said, "That's why it's called Xihewan refined salt!"

Nowadays, the most famous person in Jinchuan County is not the county magistrate, but Jin Feng.

The Xihewan Bandit Suppression Team has wiped out bandits in the entire county. Farmers no longer have to pay annual grains, and hunters entering the mountains and traveling for business do not have to worry about encountering bandits again.

Almost all the people in Jinchuan County are grateful to Jin Feng.

When they heard that the salt was made by Jin Feng, no matter how unbelievable it was, most of the doubts in the people's minds disappeared.

How could a kind man like Mr. Jin use poisonous salt to poison the people?

"Everyone knows that Mr. Jin despises the suffering of the people the most. Knowing that the people cannot afford salt and have no strength to work, he feels very sad."

The waiter followed the shopkeeper's instructions and said: "For this reason, Mr. Jin asked Lord Qing for help and found our Lord Mu Shou on Xichuan Road.

Mr. Jin, who never wanted to say nice things to others, said many nice things to Mr. Mu Shou in order to let the people eat salt, and finally obtained the qualification to make salt and the right to sell salt in Guangyuan.

Then Mr. Jin immediately established the Xihewan Salt Factory, determined to make the people of Guangyuan affordable to eat safe salt!"

"Let the common people afford to eat with peace of mind. This is a great saying! Mr. Jin is really a kind man!"

"Yes, not only did he help us people suppress bandits, but he also made such cheap salt!"

"Brother, such good salt only costs ten cents a pound. Will Mr. Jin lose money?"

"You must lose money to make money, but my husband said that money is something that will never be taken away until life and death. He is not interested in money. As long as it is good for the people, he will continue to do it even if he loses money."

The clerk immediately started to stir things up: "To be honest, a lot of the money our Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce makes from selling soap goes to the salt factory."

The concept that mineral salt is poisonous has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, so Jin Feng asked not to reveal that refined salt is made of mineral salt for the time being.

It won't be too late until the people accept refined salt.

"Mr. Jin is really a great benefactor to our entire Jinchuan!"

"When I go back next time, I will definitely kowtow to Mr. Jin's tablet again!"

The people of Dakang are very simple people, and they have been tortured by salt merchants for too long. Many people were so moved that they wiped tears on the spot when they heard what the waiter said.

The first five counties where the bandit suppression team led by Qing Mulan took action were all from Guangyuan County.

The anti-bandit team fought under the banner of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and Jin Feng, so now the people in several surrounding counties are also very grateful to Jin Feng.

The same scene was staged in various county offices in Guangyuan in the next few days.

Then as the land push started, it spread to every village.

With salt, you will have the strength to work. Now people call Xihewan refined salt "Shiwen salt", and some people call it "life-saving salt".

Jin Feng's reputation has reached a new peak throughout Guangyuan.

After the initial running-in period, the salt-making plant also transitioned into a stable development mode. After Jin Feng kept an eye on it for a few more days, he handed over the salt-making plant to a workshop director trained by Tang Dongdong, and then returned to Xihewan with his personal guards.

Nowadays, Xihewan looks different every day. Jin Feng has only stayed in Shuanghump for less than a month, and there are several neat rows of brick houses on the way into the village.

The open space between Xihewan and Guanjia Village is basically connected by houses.

Just as he was about to enter the village, he met Wei Wuya and a few old people at the entrance of the village.

Before Jin Feng had time to say hello, he saw Wei Wuya bowing to him as a big salute.

The old man even knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Jin Feng.

"Mr. Wei, what are you doing?"

Jin Feng quickly jumped off his horse and helped Wei Wuya and the old man up: "You are both old people, and Mr. Wei is also a highly respected and famous doctor. If you treat me with such a great gift, won't it cost me my life?"

"Who in Guangyuan doesn't know that Mr. Jin sold refined salt at a loss and saved countless people? Many people now regard Mr. Jin as a Bodhisattva and worship him at home."

Wei Wuya said: "Don't say that I just bow or kowtow, sir, I can bear it."

Although Jin Feng heard about this, he felt quite happy. After all, his efforts were recognized.

However, I was still a little embarrassed to be praised so much in person. I waved my hands and said, "I just did my little bit. By the way, Mr. Wei, how is the disaster situation in Fengshui Town?"

Jin Feng had been worried about Fengshui Town, but he didn't know medical skills, so all he could do was tell Wei Wuya how malaria spreads, and provide some gauze tents and the like.

In fact, Jin Feng knew that there was a tree called the cinchona tree, also called the quinine tree, which was the best natural drug for treating malaria before artemisinin could be synthesized.

Unfortunately, cinchona trees, like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and other high-yielding crops, are all originated in the Americas, separated from Dakang by the vast Pacific Ocean. Even if Jin Feng knew about it, there would be nothing he could do about it.

"We still need to develop industry and build ships as soon as possible."

[The author has something to say]

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