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Chapter 372 Water Bandits

Tubo is too close to Jinchuan, so Jin Feng once knew the history of Tubo in this world.

Dangxiang and Tubo also share a border, and there have been constant conflicts in history.

Most of the time it is the party members who suffer.

It's not that the Dangxiang people can't fight, it's that Tubo is located on a plateau, and the Dangxiang people's cavalry and horses will suffer from altitude sickness once they hit them.

This destined the Tubo people to always be in an offensive position. When the Dangxiang people were not paying attention, they went down to plunder and then ran away. The Dangxiang people could not pursue them even if they wanted to.

Of course, Tubo not only plundered party items, but also plundered the wealthy.

That's why when Dakang was founded, the founding emperor set the capital of Xichuan in Xichuan City.

In the past few years, Tubo has been trapped in a melee between kings, and the number of plunderings of Dangxiang and Dakang has also decreased.

But now the melee among the kings has basically ended. A Zanpu named Gada has occupied most of the Tubo area. Only two or three small kings are left. They are still hiding in the corners of the plateau and lingering. It is only a matter of time before they are wiped out by Gada.

The marriage partner of the Ninth Princess was this Gada Zampu.

If the Ninth Princess has enough means to impress Gada Zampu, she may become the Princess Wencheng of this world and contain the party by marrying Tibet.

It's just that Princess Wencheng has the powerful Tang Dynasty as her backing, and she has the confidence to speak in Tubo, while Dakang's national power is weak, and she is on the weak side facing Tubo.

When the Ninth Princess arrives in Tubo, she will definitely not be treated like Princess Wencheng.

It is also extremely difficult to control Gada Zampu, and it may even cost your life if you fail to do so.

It was precisely because of this that Jin Feng had a hint of admiration for this princess whom he had not yet met.

Qing Mulan looked at Jin Feng, hesitated, and asked, "Sir, can you come with me to pick up Wuyang?"

"The person Wuyang admired most before was brother Qinghuai. Now he is sir. If you can go, she will be very happy."

Qing Mulan bent down and saluted Jin Feng: "Wuyang is going to marry in Tibet. As a cousin, I can't do anything for her. Please sir, please make it happen!"

"I would have gone even if you didn't tell me."

The Ninth Princess took great care of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce in the capital, and her letter to Qing Mulan clearly stated that she was going to Xihewan. Jin Feng, as Lord Dakang, should go and greet her both emotionally and rationally.

What's more, he has never met the princess in his two lifetimes, and he is also a little curious about the ninth princess.

"Thank you, sir!"

Qing Mulan, who had been depressed for several days, finally showed a smile.

"I'm going to see Her Highness the Princess and go take a shower, otherwise Her Highness the Princess will think I've abused you."

Jin Feng smiled and pointed at Qing Mulan's muddy clothes: "I asked Da Liu to prepare the carriage."

It took more than a day to ride a carriage from Wulang Mountain to the ferry. In the morning of that day, Jin Feng and Qing Mulan set off.

Qing Mulan didn't sleep well for several days. Last night, he spent the whole night keeping vigil for the bodyguard who died in the battle. Now that the war is over, everything is a foregone conclusion. After Qing Mulan accepted his punishment, he felt a lot of relief.

He fell asleep not long after getting into the carriage.

Fortunately, the mountain paths were mostly made of rocks and not too muddy. The carriage only moved slowly but fairly smoothly.

In another carriage, Jin Feng looked at Da Liu and others riding on the horse, wondering whether he should get out his raincoat.

Although Da Liu was wearing a raincoat, his clothes were still soaked by the rain.

Even though he is a strong veteran, he still shivers from time to time.

At noon, the rain suddenly became heavier, and Da Liu had to slow down and wait until dark before reaching Guangyuan County.

The heavy rain continued all night and did not stop until the next morning, but the Ninth Princess might arrive at the ferry today, so Jin Feng and Qing Mulan had to brave the rain.

"Sir, it's been raining for almost a day and a night, right?"

While eating at a passing inn at noon, Qing Mulan said worriedly: "Although the autumn rain is good, if it rains too much, it will cause disaster. I have seen two flash floods just now. The fields in the valley must have been washed away. I don't know.

How is the village down there?"

"Villages are generally built on higher ground, so it shouldn't be a big problem. It's just that many people may have to re-sow seeds."

Jin Feng frowned and said: "If the heavy rain lasts longer and delays the planting time, next year will be a disaster year."

Although autumn rains last longer, they are generally not heavy.

But in the past two days, it was as if someone had poked a hole in God. It rained heavily all day and all night.

The people had just planted wheat, and almost all the low-lying fields were flooded.

"Many of the seeds for common people's farming are borrowed from wealthy gentry at high interest rates. If they re-sow seeds, they will have to borrow it again. In addition, the court has increased taxes. I really don't know how the common people will survive next year."

Qing Mulanchou couldn't even eat any more food.

The so-called usury is similar to loan sharking. When you sow, you borrow a bushel, and when you harvest, you have to pay back several times to the wealthy gentry.

"I hope this rain won't last long."

Jin Feng sighed helplessly.

At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away, the Ninth Princess was also standing in the cabin, looking at the heavy rain outside and sighing.

It's just that Jin Feng and Qing Mulan are only worried about Xichuan, while the Ninth Princess is worried about Dakang as a whole.

The water level of the Jialing River has risen a lot since she boarded the boat yesterday, and it is still rising.

At that time, the people along the Yangtze River will inevitably be affected.

The most terrifying thing is the Yellow River.

The Yellow River flows through the soft Loess Plateau, carrying a huge amount of sediment. Over the years, the Yellow River is lifted above the ground and becomes an above-ground river.

Once the water flows too much, the Yellow River may burst at any time.

Every time the Yellow River bursts, it is a catastrophe.

In the previous life, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, a major renovation was carried out. All the places prone to breaches along the way were converted into concrete embankments to solve this problem.

But in Dakang today, only Xihewan has cement, and it was only built this year. There is definitely no concrete embankment.

"Your Highness, please close the window, your clothes are soaked."

Qin'er didn't know when she appeared behind the Ninth Princess and said softly.

"Close it," Ninth Princess nodded and asked, "How long until we can reach Jinchuan Ferry?"

"If it were normal times, we would have arrived almost at this time, but the boatman said that the water is too heavy now and he dare not go fast, so it is estimated that it will take two or three hours to arrive."

Qin'er answered and reached out to close the window.

Just when the window was halfway closed, it suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Ninth Princess asked.

"Your Highness, look at those ships behind you, they are so fast!"

Qin'er pointed out the window and said.

The Ninth Princess looked along her finger and saw five or six thin and long wooden boats approaching quickly along the current.

Just as Qin'er was about to speak, she heard the rapid sound of gongs and the roar of the boatman coming from outside.

"Everyone cheer up, the water bandits are coming! Protect Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

This chapter has been completed!
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