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Chapter 39 Old Knowledge

what to do?

Countless thoughts flashed through Jin Feng's mind in an instant.

In his previous life, he had heard of businessmen being blackmailed by some dudes, but that was just hearsay. After all, he had never been a boss in his previous life and was not worthy of being blackmailed.

Well, just a few days after arriving in Dakang, he was targeted by a marquis.

After all, the previous life was a civilized society. Even if you were blackmailed by a dandy, you would only be troubled and suppressed at most. But Dakang is different.

Killing a civilian is no different from killing a chicken.

If you don't do it right, you will lose your life.

These thoughts flashed through Jin Feng's mind. After Qinghuai asked, Jin Feng smiled and replied: "These spinning wheels are just gadgets made by the young man for my wife. If the Marquis doesn't dislike it, he can take them away when he leaves."

That’s fine.”

Although he said that the spinning wheel was made casually by himself and was not worth much, being blackmailed like this made Jin Feng feel very uncomfortable, so he decided to test the Marquis.

If the other party still has a bottom line, they will hear that Jin Feng does not want to sell his spinning technology.

If the other party is determined to demand it, Jin Feng can only admit defeat.

It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. At worst, after finding a bigger backer, he can bring out a more advanced spinning wheel and squeeze this guy to death.

Hearing that Jin Feng wanted to give away the spinning wheel, Xiao'e was reluctant before Qinghuai responded.

"Brother, my brother-in-law made this for my sister. All the grandmothers, aunts and sisters in our village depend on spinning threads for food. If you take away the spinning wheel, they will have nothing to eat, and Xiao'e will also be hungry.


Jin Feng silently praised Xiao'e in his heart.

Unless Qinghuai is really shameless, he can do things like grab things with children.

"It turns out that Madam's favorite thing is me, Meng Lang."

As a marquis, Qinghuai was not short of money, so he just asked casually with the intention of picking up the slack.

Hearing the rejection in Jin Feng's words, he gave up the thought of picking up the leaks, and just took advantage of Xiao'e's words to go down a level: "Little girl, don't worry, I won't let you go hungry, I won't spin the spinning wheel."

Got it.”

"Thank you, big brother."

Xiao'e immediately became happy.

Qinghuai touched Xiao'e's head, pointed to the smoke column in the distance and asked: "Why is there so much smoke over there? Is it a fire?"

"No, that's the brick kiln built by my brother-in-law."

Xiao'e said proudly.

"Does your village still have a brick kiln?"

Qinghuai asked with a smile.

"My brother-in-law said that the children in the village always didn't have enough to eat. It was so pitiful, so he built a brick kiln so that the uncles in the village could have work when they were not farming."

"Sir, you are righteous."

When Qinghuai heard this, he couldn't help but admire Jin Feng in his heart.

Jin Feng waved his hand and said modestly: "If you are poor, you can be good for yourself. If you are rich, you can help the world. If you are a humble person and have no talent, you can't help the world. You can only find a way to survive for the people in the village."

Just as Qinghuai was about to speak, a man came in with a hoe broken in half and said with a distressed look on his face:

"Brother Feng, the hoe broke while working on the kiln. Please help me repair it when you have time."

Ironware is a valuable item in Dakang, and many people’s kitchen knives are treasures that can be passed down to family members.

This hoe was passed down from his grandfather to his father, and then his father passed it on to him.

"The blacksmithing furnace has been completely dismantled and has not been repaired. It will take a few days."

Jin Feng glanced at the broken part of the hoe: "You take the things to Mancang, and when the new stove is ready, I will repair it for you, and then I will make some new shovels for you, which are better than the hoe."

"A shovel is useful for digging soil, but it breaks too easily. You'd better not waste iron."

In fact, shovels appeared a long time ago, but due to the backward smelting process, shovels are easy to break, so not many farmers choose shovels.

Everyone prefers a thick hoe, which can dig, plan and weed.

Where shovels must be used, farmers also use wooden shovels.

"Don't worry, the shovel I made is guaranteed to last for you."

Jin Feng said confidently.

"I believe in Brother Feng's craftsmanship,"

The man smiled and said: "Mancang told me that you want to find a new way to make iron, so that the iron you make will be stronger and more durable."

"Damn it, the warehouse is full and you talk too much."

Jin Feng sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, Qinghuai was obviously more interested in iron tools than spinning wheels and brick kilns. As soon as the man left, he asked: "Sir, do you want to improve the method of making iron?"

"It's not an improvement, just some small discoveries. I haven't tried it yet."

It was the first time that he and Qinghuai met, and Jin Feng didn't want to reveal too much before he got to know each other well.

Qinghuai heard the perfunctoriness in Jin Feng's words, but this time he did not give up easily. Instead, he asked: "Sir, what have you discovered? Can you give me some advice?"

After saying that, he solemnly clasped his fists at Jin Feng.

For a nobleman and a commoner, this is already a very high level of etiquette.

If Qinghuai bowed to Jin Feng, the officials of the Ministry of Rites would spray him into a sieve.

Iron weapons are closely related to the military. Jin Feng knew that Qinghuai might not give up unless he asked Qinghuai clearly, so he had to say:

"It's not a big discovery. I discovered when my father was forging iron that the air flow in the furnace was smooth and the more vigorously the charcoal burned, the less impurities the steel produced and its toughness improved.

Therefore, I plan to change the stove to make it easier to ventilate, which should improve the quality of the ironware."


Qinghuai's eyes suddenly became bright and bright.

The weapons currently used by Dakang are mainly made of pig iron. The craftsmanship is very rough, but the hardness is high, but it is extremely crisp. It is okay for making farm tools. Farmers value iron tools and use them carefully, but as weapons

No more.

When fighting on the battlefield, you must try your best, otherwise your life will be lost.

Therefore, the damage rate of weapons is very high. After a life-and-death battle, many soldiers' machetes are half-cut.

This also caused many soldiers who could have survived to die on the battlefield.

As a general, Qinghuai was naturally concerned about this.

"These are just conjectures of mine at the moment. The results will not be known until the furnace is built."

Jin Feng didn't dare to speak too fully.

"I wonder how long it will take?"

"It will probably take another five or six days."

Jin Feng thought for a moment and replied.

"Zhong Wu, go to the village and ask who has a spare house and rent it for a month."

Qinghuai said directly: "Remember, have a good discussion with others and don't use your power to bully them."


Zhong Wu agreed, turned around and left.

As soon as he left the hospital, he met Zhang Liang who was coming back from outside.

"Lao Zhang, why are you here?"

Zhong Wu looked at Zhang Liang and was stunned for a moment, then asked with red eyes: "What's wrong with your arm?"

"Old clock?!"

Zhang Liang was also stunned and said excitedly: "I live here, but you, why are you here?"

"The Marquis and I are here to visit the tiger-fighting hero."

Zhong Wu replied and asked again: "What's wrong with your arm?"

"Master Hou is here too?"

Zhang Liang was so happy that he turned around and ran into the yard without answering Zhong Wu's words.

This chapter has been completed!
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