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Chapter 393 Where did such a beautiful girl come from?


Jin Feng grabbed the horse's reins.

The girl was also frightened by the war horse. Her legs softened and she fell to the ground with a thud.

"Little bitch, if I catch you, I will break your legs!"

A shirtless man chased him out of the alley, cursing.

He also held a branch as thick as a finger in his hand.

Jin Feng looked down and saw that the red marks on the girl's face and exposed arms were particularly dazzling.

"Ah, sir, are you back?"

When the man saw Jin Feng, he quickly smiled and said hello.

Jin Feng usually always looked smiling when he was in the village, but now he had a gloomy face and looked at the man coldly without answering.

"He's finished!"

In the carriage, Qing Mulan whispered.

"What's wrong?" Princess Ninth asked curiously.

"Nowadays, things are getting better in Xihewan. Some time ago, many girls who couldn't get married came to Xihewan to be concubines. This girl is one of them."

Qing Mulan said: "In order to establish authority, men in the countryside usually beat their wives a few times when they come in, especially concubines. This man must be teaching his concubines a lesson.

My husband hates such rules the most. Look at his face, it’s almost dripping with water, he must be very angry.”

The Ninth Princess nodded slightly and looked outside with interest.

Jin Feng was indeed very angry.

But before the man realized it, when Jin Feng ignored him, he raised his leg and kicked the girl:

"You little bitch, you didn't wink at all. Didn't you see that you almost hit your husband? Hurry up and admit your mistake to your husband!"

The girl trembled in fright, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Jin Feng: "Sir, it's Hong Hong who doesn't have eyes..."

"Go home and see how I deal with you!"

The man reached out and grabbed the girl's hair, smiled and said to Jin Feng: "Sir, I went to the mountain yesterday to hunt two pheasants, and I will deliver them to you tonight for your distinguished guests to try!"

After saying that, he was about to drag the girl away, but the next second, he saw Jin Feng raising his riding crop and whipping him.


There was a bloody mark directly on the man's face.

"Sir, you..."

The man covered his face and looked at Jin Feng with confusion.

"What, Xu Laosan, do you still want to have an affair with your husband?"

Da Liu glared and said, "If you try staring again, I will dig out your eyes and feed them to the dogs!"

"The third child doesn't dare!"

The man lowered his head unconvinced.

"Do you know why I hit you?"

Jin Feng put away his riding whip and asked coldly.

"Because this little bitch bumped into the gentleman and made him lose face in front of the distinguished guests..."

Xu Laosan lowered his head and replied.

He has been delivering goods with the Chamber of Commerce in the past few months, and he has seen a bit of the world.

As soon as he came out of the alley, he saw the Ninth Princess.

Although the identity of the Ninth Princess is not known, it can be judged from the Ninth Princess's hair accessories and clothes, as well as the surrounding guards, that this beautiful girl riding in the same carriage as Qing Mulan must have a good background.


Jin Feng discovered that until now, Xu Laosan was still holding the girl's hair and not letting go.

The girl's face was full of pain, but she didn't dare to struggle.

Jin Feng waved his hand and gave Xu Laosan another whip: "Let go!"

Xu Laosan quickly let go of the girl's hair.

"Who is she?" Jin Feng pointed at the girl and asked.

"She is my newly married concubine."

"Why did you hit her? What did she do wrong?"

"It's okay to be wrong, but my mother said that when a new wife comes home, she must beat her a few times and establish some rules..." Xu Laosan replied in a low voice.

"Absurd! How many times has this been done?"

"She only hit her twice..."

"How many concubines have you married in total?"

"Six...she is the youngest."

"Have all other rules been established?" Jin Feng asked, squinting his eyes.

"I've... I've done it." Xu Laosan finally realized something was wrong.

Jin Feng left Xihewan this time to rescue Qing Mulan.

Guan Xiaorou, Tang Xiaobei and others were all very worried. Before Jin Feng arrived at the entrance of the village, Tang Xiaobei, who was checking the chamber of commerce accounts in the study, received a notice from the bodyguard on duty.

Tang Xiaobei immediately dragged Guan Xiaorou to the entrance of the village to meet Jin Feng.

When we arrived at the entrance of the village, we happened to see this scene.

"Ms. sir, you are finally back!"

When Tang Xiaobei saw that Jin Feng could still ride a horse, he knew that he was not injured. He pointed at Xu Laosan and the girl and asked, "What's going on?"

"Xiaorou, go and call out all the other concubines of Xu Laosan."

Jin Feng said with a cold face.


Guan Xiaorou always obeyed Jin Feng's words. When she saw Jin Feng's expression was wrong, she quickly ran over to call someone.

Xu Laosan's house was not far from the entrance of the village. Soon, Guan Xiaorou walked out of the alley with three girls, followed by an old woman on crutches.

"The head of the family has two concubines who have gone to work in the textile factory."

Guan Xiaorou said: "Are you still going to call me over?"

"Call us together." Jin Feng said with a gloomy face: "Da Liu, go!"

"Okay!" Da Liu shook the horse's reins and rode towards the village.

Soon, the two girls rushed to the entrance of the village out of breath.

Behind them were Tang Dongdong, the village chief, Xiaoyu and others who came after hearing the news.

"Xiaoyu, Dongdong, you came just in time."

Jin Feng pointed to several concubines and said, "Take them into the house to check and see how many injuries they have in total and what they were hit with."

Recently, many girls have been married to Xihewan as concubines. Although Jin Feng has told the village more than once that beating concubines is not allowed, there are still many men who beat them when they should in order to establish rules.

Many of the newly recruited female workers in textile factories go to work with injuries.

Tang Dongdong had long been dissatisfied with this, but since Jin Feng wasn't at home, she couldn't say anything.

Realizing that Jin Feng was going to operate on Xu Laosan, Tang Dongdong and Xiaoyu immediately brought several of Xu Laosan's concubines home to check their injuries.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

The total number of large and small blood stains on the six concubines' bodies totaled more than a hundred, all of which were extracted with wooden strips.

"Dongdong, village chief, I want to inform everyone to put their work at hand aside and come to the village square for a meeting!"

Jin Feng said with a dark face: "By the way, there are also the second group and Guanjiacun. Village chief, you should also send someone to inform them."


Tang Dongdong and the village chief also saw that Jin Feng was really angry, so they quickly returned to the village to inform him.

"Ms. sir, who is that girl?"

Tang Xiaobei secretly glanced at the Ninth Princess and asked in a low voice: "You don't look like an ordinary girl in her dress and temperament. Where did you abduct her from?"

"Don't talk nonsense," Jin Feng stretched out his hand and knocked Tang Xiaobei on the head: "She is Qinghou and Mu Lan's cousin, and she is also the ninth princess of His Majesty."

"Nine...nine princesses?"

Tang Xiaobei and Guan Xiaorou stared at the same time.

They couldn't understand why Jin Feng suddenly came back with a princess when he went to rescue Qing Mulan?

Oh my god, that's a princess!

Ordinary people's legs would tremble with fear when they saw the county magistrate, let alone the princes and princesses.

Even Tang Xiaobei, who was mentally stronger, his breathing suddenly stagnated.

This chapter has been completed!
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