Turn off the lights
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Chapter 467 It won't take long

Sanchi has five thousand people in Mao'er Mountain, and a few lucky ones can always escape.

After these people escaped and came back, they said that the people of Dakang had been blessed by the Great Immortal of Divine Light and had a treasure that could emit intense white light.

A white light flashed, and many of Sanchi's men became blind.

But the people of Dakang have nothing wrong with them.

Danzhu has followed Gada for many years and knows very well that the so-called Divine Light Immortal was fabricated by Gada's father to deceive the people.

This situation was very common in history, and many people would engage in some superstitious activities before going into trouble.

For example, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang hid the letter in the belly of the fish, and Liu Bang killed the white snake.

This is all to make the people believe that they are cared for by destiny and are blessed by God, and following them in revolt is in line with the way of heaven.

Senior officials such as Ga Da and Danzhu all know that there is no such thing as a divine light immortal.

Flash bombs are so far ahead of this era that people who have never seen them find it hard to believe that such a thing exists in the world.

Therefore, Danzhu thought at that time that the few Tubo soldiers who had escaped were lying to him and making excuses for his failure.

In order to prevent them from confusing the morale of the army, they were thrown into the stables and locked up.

Now that someone else said they saw white light, Danzhu couldn't help but be a little shaken.

"Did you see the white light too?"

Danzhu asked the bodyguard.

"My subordinates didn't see it, but it is said that the brothers who were in charge of night watch and patrol at that time all saw it." The guard replied.

"Go and call the two people who saw it, and also call the few people who escaped from Mao'er Mountain."

Danzhu ordered: "Invite Mr. Wu as well."

After the personal guards left, Danzhu muttered in his heart: "Does the Great Immortal Divine Light really exist?"

Otherwise there is no way to explain where the white light comes from.

The first one to arrive was Wu Zhe.

This time, he was really called out of bed by his guards. He was in a bad state, his hair was disheveled, and he looked older than usual.

Danzhu has today's status. Apart from his background, his greatest advantage is that he knows people well and is good at handling tasks.

Even though Wu Zhe made consecutive mistakes in judgment yesterday, Danzhu still respected him as before.

Taking the initiative to follow Dakang etiquette, he handed over his hands and said: "It's really inappropriate to wake up sir in the middle of the night!"

"No problem," Wu Zhe returned the gesture and asked, "But what happened?"

Danzhu quickly repeated what the bodyguard had just said.

"Someone escaped from Mao'er Mountain, why didn't I know?" Wu Zhe asked with a frown.

"I thought they were lying and I was afraid that they would confuse the morale of the army, so I locked them up."

Danzhu said truthfully: "But now that someone has seen the white light, I think maybe what they said is true."

Just as Wu Zhe was about to speak, his personal guards came in with a group of people.

"Did you really see the white light when you were on Mao'er Mountain?"

Wu Zhe first looked at a soldier who had escaped from Mao'er Mountain.

“I really saw it!”

The soldier quickly told what he had seen.

Wu Zhe then asked the soldiers who were keeping watch at night.

The response was the same.

When the guards took away the soldiers, Wu Zhe frowned and said, "There is no need for the soldiers on guard to lie to the general. It seems that the white light is real."

"How can there be such a treasure in the world?" Danzhu said: "Is Jin Feng really blessed by the Great Immortal of Divine Light?"

"It is rumored that Jin Feng is good at strange skills and cunning ways. I think it is not some kind of divine light, but some kind of weapon made by Jin Feng."

"What weapon can blind other people's eyes without hurting oneself?" Danzhu asked.

"I don't even know." Wu Zhe shook his head.

The flash bomb was not only beyond Danzhu's cognition, but also beyond Wu Zhe's cognition.

"It is said that Feng Sheng and Jinchuan came from the same place. Didn't he say that he was on good terms with the gentleman?"

"No," Wu Zhe still shook his head.

Qing Mulan and Zhang Liang both used flash bombs when they suppressed bandits. In fact, Feng Sheng had heard of it.

However, he had been ostracized in Tubo and was inevitably angry, so he only reminded Wu Zhe to be careful of Jin Feng's heavy crossbows and catapults, but did not mention anything about flash bombs.

Even if Wu Zhe asked him about it afterwards, he could just say that he didn't know.

Feng Sheng didn't say anything, besides being angry, he also had his own plans.

He hoped that Tubo and Dakang would fight, but he did not want Danzhu to win.

If Danzhu loses the battle because he doesn't understand Dakang, Tubo will take him seriously.

Although Wu Zhe is also Han, he has been away from Dakang for too long and is too old.

It's time to give up your position.

As a result, Wu Zhe was tricked by Mr. Feng.

"Sir, what should we do now?" Danzhu asked.

"I have never encountered such a thing before..."

Wu Zhe was also a little numb, thought for a while, and said: "First, let the cavalry not get too close to the big snake slope. If the Dakang people come down to destroy the campfire, drive the prisoners away and then go to make up for it. We must ensure that the Dakang people can't get close to the camp again."


"As of now, this is all we can do!" Danzhu said helplessly.

In the next few days, the Tubo camp was disturbed day and night.

Several times, Danzhu couldn't help but want to mobilize all his troops to level the big python slope, but Wu Zhe stopped him every time.

On the top of the Big Snake Slope, Meng Tianhai watched with bitterness on his face as the Tibetan soldiers drove the people away to light the bonfire again.

He had been terrified these past few days, feeling that Jin Feng was seeking death.

The Tibetan army numbered more than 10,000 people, including most of the cavalry.

As for Damang Slope, even if we include the thousand escorts brought by Jin Feng, there are still less than six thousand people.

If Danzhu really fights at all costs, he will definitely lose.

When the time comes, he will also be finished.

For this reason, he also secretly approached Jin Feng and advised him to keep a low profile.

But Jin Feng didn't listen to him at all and sent people to provoke Tibet every day.

However, the Ninth Princess didn't know what kind of evil was possessed, so she obeyed Jin Feng's advice.

Meng Tianhai had no choice but to go to Qing Mulan and ask her to help persuade Jin Feng.

As a result, Qing Mulan was even more excited than Jin Feng. Instead of trying to persuade him, she despised him.

No, when he saw the Tubo people lighting up the bonfire again, he looked at Jin Feng excitedly and asked, "Sir, do you want to continue tonight?"

"Of course we must continue," Jin Feng said: "The most important thing in the strategy of weakening the enemy is persistence, so as to achieve the goal."

"But I think Danzhu is going crazy recently. What if he really comes to beat us regardless of risk?"

Qing Mulan seemed worried when she spoke, but her face looked like she was watching the fun.

Having known Jin Feng for so long, Qing Mulan knew Jin Feng very well.

Although she didn't know why Jin Feng deliberately provoked her, she believed that Jin Feng would definitely not put herself and the Ninth Princess in danger.

"Does he dare?" Jin Feng said nonchalantly: "If he dared, he would have sent troops to surround Damang Slope."

"Then there's no way we can keep doing this," Qing Mulan said, "Yesterday I saw they sent a lot of corpses to the pit in the north."

The Ninth Princess, who originally had a calm face, had a flash of anger in her eyes when she heard these words.

To the north of the Tubo camp, there was a pit. People who died of starvation, illness or torture were thrown into the pit.

Nor bury it.

In the past few days, Princess Ninth saw wild beasts in the pit through the telescope more than once.

"It won't take long."

Jin Feng looked at the night and his voice became deeper.

It seemed like he was answering Qing Mulan, but also like he was talking to himself.

[The author has something to say]

Keep coding, there will be at least two chapters left tonight

This chapter has been completed!
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