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Chapter 480 The Army Raids the Camp

A hint of fish belly white appears in the east.

There is a thin morning mist in the mountains and forests.

The birds poked their heads out of their nests and looked down suspiciously.

Their little minds really couldn't figure out why these humans down there didn't sleep in the middle of the night and were so noisy that they couldn't sleep either.

On the open ground at the foot of the hillside, there is a triangular black battle array, surrounded by thousands of Tibetan soldiers.

The Tibetan soldiers were greatly weakened by the initial flash bomb.

Not only were a third of the force killed or injured, but many people's eyes were still blurry and they still can't see clearly.

But the two thousand people from the north gate had already arrived, and the number of Tibetan soldiers increased instead of decreasing.

Before coming, Danzhu gave the leader of the team a death order. Even if they wipe out all five thousand people, they must kill the black-armored team, otherwise everyone will be hanged when they return.

Under this cruel order, the banner leader drove the Tibetan soldiers like a tide, madly attacking the battle formation of the black armored team.

But the black-armored team was as solid as a rock, with male soldiers outside and female soldiers inside, blocking one wave after another of attacks.

More and more corpses were piled up outside the triangular battle formation.

These corpses became shields for the bodyguards, making it more difficult for the Tibetan soldiers to attack. The flag leader in charge had to order the Tibetan soldiers to take the time to drag out the corpses.

Outside Xichuan City.

Soldiers continued to rush back to the Tubo camp from all directions, and then followed the instructions and entered the school grounds to assemble.

When the sun shed its first golden light, the guards ran to the observation tower to report.

"General, everyone has assembled!"

"How many people are there in total?" Danzhu asked.

"There are still 6,832 people!" the guard replied.

"Are there even seven thousand people gone..."

Danzhu's heart was full of bitterness.

When he came, he brought 20,000 people with him, and he was very high-spirited, thinking that he would plunder severely, then surround Xichuan City, and force the Dakang court to pay tribute to Tubo.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

First, three thousand people were swept away by a wave of floods from Jin Feng in Jinma River, and then almost all two thousand people in Mao'er Mountain were wiped out.

Then Jin Feng began to continuously harass. Although there was no large-scale battle, Jin Feng had flash bombs and heavy crossbows. Soldiers patrolling at night would always be attacked by surprise.

Added up these days, there are also losses.

There is also the east gate. The scouts who just went to investigate the news have returned, saying that the two thousand soldiers who blocked the east gate were held back by the Qingyuan army. Then Qingxinyao sent people to fight out of the city and the entire army was wiped out.

As well as Baoershan and the soldiers who occupied the moat gate, none of them have returned now, and they are all probably dead.

He also sent 3,000 people and 2,000 people from the North City Gate to besiege the Black Armored Team and Iron Tiger Camp.

Plus some other minor casualties.

Even if all the men guarding various dangerous areas were withdrawn, they could barely manage to gather less than 7,000 men.

How could Danzhu feel comfortable?

"General, there are not many of us, and the same goes for Damanang Slope!"

Wu Zhe realized that Danzhu's condition was not right, and quickly persuaded him: "As long as we catch Chen Wen'er and Qing Mulan, everything will be worth it."

"Yes, we have no one, and there is no one at Damanangpo. Moreover, the most powerful Black Armored Team and Tiehu Camp were sent out by Jin Feng!"

Danzhu felt that he was doing well again, clenched his fists and said: "Now there is only Meng Tianhai's mighty army on Damanang Slope, definitely not more than 5,000 people, and the terrain is not dangerous. Seven thousand of us are more than enough to take down Damanang Slope!"

"But Jin Feng has many tricks, and the general must not underestimate his enemy."

Seeing that Danzhu was a little too excited, Wu Zhe quickly poured another ladle of cold water: "Be careful of Qing Xinyao coming out from behind."

If Danzhu can become Gada's most trusted general, he will naturally not be a reckless man.

Realizing that he was indeed a little too excited, he quickly forced himself to calm down and went over the plan with Wu Zhe again to confirm that there were no loopholes.

"General, we are now in the territory of Dakang. Chen Wen'er's reinforcements may arrive at any time, so this battle must be fought quickly to avoid unexpected changes!"

Under the observation deck, Wu Zhe reminded again.

"Sir, I know the stakes." Danzhu said, "I will leave it to you later. I told Dachi that everything will be obeyed by your command."

"General, don't worry, even if I die, I will still hold Qing Xinyao back!"

After Wu Zhe finished speaking, he bowed to Danzhu and said, "I wish the general victory and invincibility!"

"Thank you for your good wishes!"

Danzhu returned the gift, turned around and walked towards the school grounds.

Boom, boom, boom!

The dull sound of drums spread throughout the Tibetan camp.

Nearly seven thousand soldiers looked at the flag and divided into two parts.

Six thousand of them, under the command of Danzhu, rushed out of the camp as quickly as possible and headed straight to the Big Snake Slope.

The remaining nearly a thousand people followed Wu Zhe and ran towards the east.

On the top of Damangpo Mountain, Qing Mulan was looking north with a telescope.

The scouts of the Black Armored Team sent out a signal, and Damanang Slope also saw it.

Jin Feng and others are very concerned about the war in the north.

"Sir, it's already dawn, but I still can't see anything!"

Qing Mulan kept adjusting the focus of the telescope and asked anxiously.

"Judging from the light from the arrow last night, Brother Liang and the others have gone very far. This is just the simplest monocular telescope. Do you think it is clairvoyance?"

Jin Feng said: "Besides, there is still fog in the morning, so you can see that Brother Liang and the others are ghosts."

"Sir, Wuyang, aren't you in a hurry?"

Qing Mulan put down the telescope and asked: "The scouts have just found out that Danzhu sent 3,000 people out of the east gate last night, and also transferred 2,000 people who blocked the north gate. In total, there are enough

There are five thousand people, but Brother Liang only has five hundred people!"

In order to prevent being discovered by Jin Feng, Wu Zhe sent out three thousand men to attack the Black Armored Team last night. They all left through the east gate of the Tubo Camp, then followed the moat all the way north, and walked several miles before turning to the official road.

Jin Feng also found out about this situation when he saw the sounding arrow signal from the north and sent people to investigate.

Qing Mulan is almost dying of panic, but Jin Feng and Ninth Princess still look calm.

"What's the use of being anxious and unable to help?" Jin Feng said helplessly.

"Why is it useless?" Qing Mulan asked, "We can send people to reinforce Brother Liang!"

"We only have less than 5,000 people in our hands now. If we send people out again, what if Danzhu brings people to fight?" Jin Feng asked in return.

"Didn't you say that Danzhu is cautious and suspicious and won't attack us easily?" Qing Mulan said: "If you want to beat him, why don't you do it sooner?"

"Now and then," Jin Feng shook his head and said, "Danzhu had the upper hand before, but now we have captured Damang Slope, Bao'er Mountain, and the East City Gate, which means we have surrounded him in this area.

Rabbits bite when they are anxious. No matter how cautious a person is, once they reach the end of the road, no one knows what they will do."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the dull sound of drums coming from the Tibetan camp in the east.

Turning around, I saw countless Tubo soldiers rushing out of the camp, waving their machetes and running towards the Big Snake Slope.

"The Tibetan army is coming to attack the camp!"

Jin Feng jumped up from the stone with a roar: "Bang the drum! Let off the smoke!"

This chapter has been completed!
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